Round table “The unity of the people of the country as a key to successful development of modern Kazakhstan”

November 28, 2016. Round table to the 25th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, on “The unity of the people of the country as a key to successful development of modern Kazakhstan” was held.
Organizer of the round table – the Research Institute of Economics and Legal Studies and the Research Institute of New Economics and Systems Analysis.
The moderator of the round table: Dmitriy Nikolaevich Ulybyshev – acting vice-rector for research, strategic and Innovative development KEU
The presentations at the round table was made by:
Alexander Urmashev – head of department on work with the structures of the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan KSU “Khogamdykh kelisim”
Omirzakh khazy Khazkenuly Bekkhozha – Commissioner Imam of Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Kazakhstan in Karaganda region, the imam of Karaganda region
Archpriest Vladimir (Freigang) – Secretary of Karaganda and Shakhtinsk diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church
Marina Vasilevna Klishina – Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Professor, Chairman of the Socio-Political Council of KEU.

Foreign scientific internship of PhD students of the Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz in Spain.

Foreign scientific internship of PhD students of the Karaganda Economic University of   Kazpotrebsoyuz in Spain.From November 21 to November 30, 2016 doctoral candidates of the Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz passed a foreign scientific training to Spain (Santiago De Compostela)
The scientific training had consulting and concord character and has been constructed at close work of doctoral candidates and the foreign scientific consultant - the doctor of PHD Manuel Fernandeza of Grella: results of the research work which is carried out by doctoral candidates were presented, questions on dissertation researches were discussed, purposes and recommendations about carrying out further works have been received.
Together with the foreign scientific consultant on a constant basis consultations on subjects of scientific research of doctoral candidates were held. Works on scientific research Santiago de Compostela was carried out on the basis of library stock of University. In parallel doctoral candidates of university conducted work with foreign scientific literature in libraries and scientific centers of Spain.
By results of a scientific training doctoral candidates have been given positive reviews of the scientific consultant M. Grella

Trilingual education as a ticket to the world

Trilingual education as a ticket to the worldNovember 25, 2016 the senior teacher, Master of the chair “World Economy and International Relations” Musaeva E.A. and teacher, Master Atabaeva D.T. organized intellectual game “BATTLE OF MINDS” among the 1st course students of “International Relations” dedicated to the development of trilingualism.

Complex Intellectual Olympiad

Complex Intellectual OlympiadNovember 26, 2016 on the basis of the Karaganda University of Economics, "World Economy and International Relations" department held a comprehensive intellectual Olympiads (World History, Geography, English), dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan among the 11th classes of secondary schools in Karaganda.

Safety of border guarantee of stable development

Safety of border guarantee of stable developmentOn November 28, 2016 department common legal and express disciplines department held an intellectual game devoted on the subject "Safety of Border Guarantee of Stable Development". This event was held according to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan of March 28, 2016 No. 220 "About the celebration of the 25 anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan". Teams the game shared to them E. A. Buketova, KEUK, KU of Bolashak and College of economy, business and the right shared in a game

Exit occupation of specialty "customs affairs" department of state revenues of the Karaganda region

Exit occupation of specialty "customs affairs" department of state revenues of the Karaganda regionthe senior lecturer, the master Iskaliyeva M. S. of department common legal and express disciplines gave on November 22, 2016 exit classes with students of specialty "customs affairs" in department of state revenues in the Karaganda region.
The excursion on department of state revenues of the Karaganda region was organized. Students were told about additions and changes of the legislation of customs affairs republic of Kazakhstan, showed to students several departments of activity of customs authorities of RK, customs posts, customs procedures, etc.

"Social and labor relations"

"Social and labor relations"In November 23, 2016 was held in Karaganda Nur-Otanthe Conference "Social and labor relations". Participated in this Conferencesenior teacher Head of the chair of general legal and special diciplinesCand.Jur.Sci.N.А.Saulebek.

In the Karaganda Economic University an online discussion was held together with the Southern Ural State University and the Foundation for Socio-Economic Development "Eurasian community"

In the Karaganda Economic University an online discussion was held together with the Southern Ural State University and the Foundation for Socio-Economic Development "Eurasian community"November 25, 2016 in the framework of the celebrations dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan on-line discussion (round table) "25 years of CIS: results of the interaction of the participating countries and prospects of cooperation" was held with the participation of partners from the Southern Ural State University (SUSU) and the Foundation for socio-economic development "Eurasian community."
Event was organized by the Research Institute of the New Economy System Analysis and the Research Institute of Economic and Legal Studies of the Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz.
In the online discussion 8 scientists took part:
1. Julia Kuzmenko, SUSU professor, expert of "Eurasian community" foundation, Doctor of Economics (Chelyabinsk)
2. Kuandyk Ainabek, Director of the Research Institute of the New Economy System Analysis, Doctor of Economics, professor (Karaganda)
3. Dmitry Glukharev, expert of "Eurasian community" foundation, c.h.s., associate professor (Chelyabinsk)
4. Elena Petrenko, Chairman of the Committee on the development of human capital at Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Karaganda region, Doctor of Economics (Karaganda)
5. Irina Okolnishnikova, SUSU professor, vice-president of the "Eurasian community" foundation, Doctor of Economics (Chelyabinsk)
6. Dmitriy Ulybyshev, vice-rector on scientific work, strategic and innovative development of KEU of Kazpotrebsoyuz, c.e.s., associate professor (Karaganda)
7. Ziyada Borbassova, deputy. director of the Research Institute of the New Economy System Analysis, Doctor of Economics, professor (Karaganda)
8. Alikzhan Fetkulov, leading researcher for the Research Institute of Economic and Legal Studies, c.l.s., associate professor (Karaganda)
Following the discussion, it was decided to conduct joint researches and forums devoted to the discussion of the history of the business and the implementation of new industrial plans for the post-Soviet space.

"State symbols – is the foundation of Independent Kazakhstan"

"State symbols – is the foundation of Independent Kazakhstan"On November 22, 2016 at Karaganda Economic University was held patriotic action, dedicated to the celebration of the 25th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan "State symbols – is the foundation of Independent Kazakhstan"! Promoting patriotism and citizenship of young people, encouraging the study, promotion of the state symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan – are the objectives of this event. In the program of the patriotic action was included - video presentations about the history and significance of national symbols, interactive quiz, the poems about the Emblem, the Anthem and the Flag of our country and patriotic songs about the Motherland. The event ended with the national Anthem of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Civil society and the state of law: problems and prospects

November 26, 2016. Round table to the 25th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, on “Civil society and the state of law: problems and prospects” was held.
Organizer of the round table – the Research Institute of Economics and Legal Studies.
Head of the Department of Justice of Karaganda region A.N. Zhusupov, Director of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Karaganda region M.T. Bozhbanov; Chairman of the Eurasian Association of Entrepreneurs Z.T. Aldangarov; Executive Director of the PO “Association of entrepreneurs of the Karaganda region” S.M. Sanaubaev; President of PF "Illumination", the director of PI “Center for conflict resolution – Dialogue” T.I. Savitskaya; President of PI “MediaLive” O.A. Volkova was invited. The round table was attended by Director of the Research Institute of New economy and Systems analysis, Doctor of Economic Science, Professor K.S. Ainabek; Leading researcher of Research Institute of Economic and Legal Studies KEUK, Candidate of Juridical Sciences, Docent, M.T. Kakimzhanov, Senior Researcher of Research Institute of Economic and Legal Studies KEUK B.K. Syzdyk; Sociologist PI “MediaLive” S.P. Frolov; researchers, professors and lecturers, undergraduate and graduate students. As a result, participants were given certificates.

Round table on the theme “HIV is the realities of our time”

Round table on the theme “HIV is the realities of our time”Within a framework of the World campaign to the fight against AIDS “I am for! HIV prevention” on the 27-nd of November teachers of the Higher mathematics department Aytenova M.S. and Kozlova N.G. held a round table on the theme “HIV is the realities of our time” with the participation of the specialist of the Karaganda center of the AIDS prevention and fight Balgembekova D.M. There were watched videos and discussed questions related to HIV prevention and ways of its transmission. Students took part in the discussion of questions about HIV transmission fight.

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