Intellectual game dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Intellectual game dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan.November 21, 2016 a senior lecturer Kopbulov R.A., and teacher Sarbassov B.A., Department of legal regulation of economic relations of the Faculty of Business and Law for 1st year students of the University of specialties was organized intellectual game of the Constitutional Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan devoted to the 25-th anniversary RK Independence and the 21 th anniversary of the Constitution.
Kazakhstan's Constitution - the Basic Law of our country. Proclaiming the fundamental principles of a unified people of Kazakhstan, the Chief Justice Act our country withstood the test of time and proved its viability. This Kazakhstan today occupies a worthy place in the international community. Every citizen is deeply aware of the importance of the Constitution, not only for the state and society, but also for himself and his family.
The aim of the game were the consideration of the basic norms of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan and raise citizen and patriot of his country, education of love, respect and pride for their country and raise law-abiding citizen.
The game took place in a friendly atmosphere, the students showed great interest in the game and answered correctly to all questions. 5 most active participants in the first-year were awarded prizes and certificates.
Dear students, dear teachers! Congratulations on the Independence Day! We wish you health, optimism and inspiration, creativity and labor activity in university.

Republican briefing and blitz-tournament

Republican briefing and blitz-tournamentОn November, 28, 2016 departments are "banking" and «FPS» conducts the Republican briefing and blitz-tournament between the representatives of financially-bank sector, PNE and students of institutions of higher learning of Kazakhstan that will take place in HSC.
An event is conducted in honour 25year of Independence of Republic of Kazakhstan and day of "Financier". Departments accepted active voice in this event. During realization of event a turn was conducted with an audience.
On results cups, medals, deeds and valuable gifts, are handed blitz-tournament participants. In the end all participants took a common picture on memory.

Сareer-oriented work in the regions

Сareer-oriented work in the regions18-19 November 2016, in the framework of career-oriented work, the senior teachers of "World Economy and International Relations" department Talimova G.U. and Nazarov E.Zh. visited the secondary schools of Zhezkazgan and Satpayev.

Regional scientific-practical conference "Regulation of social and labor relations"

November 23, 2016. Regional scientific-practical conference “Regulation of social and labor relations” was held in the building of the People's Democratic Party “Nur Otan”. The organizers of the conference – the regional akimat in cooperation with the PI “Center for Conflict Resolution – Dialogue”. participants from our university: the director of HR Department Yu.N. Eremin; Doctor of Pedagogic Sciences, Professor N.A. Minzhanov; Candidate of Historical Sciences, Docent E.Zh. Esengaraev; Candidate of Economic Sciences, Docent V.I. Berezyuk; Candidate of Juridical Sciences, Docent, Senior Researcher of Research Institute of Economic and Legal Studies KEUK B.K. Syzdyk; Docent V.B. Dubrova; Candidate of Juridical Sciences, Senior Lecturer N.A. Saulebek; Senior Lecturer S. Hauiya; Senior Lecturer A.S. Orynbekov; PhD E.D. Orynbasarova; Master A.R. Ibraeva and others.
Docent E.Zh. Esengaraev and Docent B.K. Syzdyk made statements to theplenary. Also, Docent, Senior Researcher of Research Institute of Economic and Legal Studies KEUK B.K. Syzdyk was elected as a moderator for the first section.

"State symbols – is the foundation of Independent Kazakhstan"

"State symbols – is the foundation of Independent Kazakhstan"On 23 November 2016 the Faculty of Business and Law on the basis of secondary school №59 held a patriotic action, dedicated to the celebration of the 25th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan "State symbols – is the foundation of Independent Kazakhstan"! Promoting patriotism and citizenship of young people, encouraging the study, promotion of the state symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan – are the objectives of this event. The pupils and the graduates of this school - students of our university were attended in the joint event. In the program of the patriotic action was included - video presentations about the history and significance of national symbols, interactive quiz, the poems about the Emblem, the Anthem and the Flag of our country and patriotic songs about the Motherland. The event ended with the national Anthem of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

"100 years of the uprising in 1916"

"100 years of the uprising in 1916"On 17 November 2016 in KEU, the groups BT-12, BT-14, IS-14C Log-12 Log-13c, MK-11, MK-13c, the V-12, UA-14C, F-12, F-13c at 14.10 professors and lecturers of the Department of SW and SPD, assistant professor Adambekova S.M. and Mustafin S.Sh., Tusupova G.N. organized and conducted the open lesson on the theme of "100 years of the uprising in 1916". The purpose of the open class: show the inevitability of the national liberation movement of 1916 in view of the prevailing socio-economic conditions and the colonial policy of Russian tsarism.
The students were presented for review a video of the national liberation uprising in 1916. The next stage was the hearing of the reports prepared in advance by a group of students F-12: Aytzhanova Camilla "National Liberation Movement 1916: premise excuse historical significance"; Zhaliyev Aida "The movement of the kazakhs under the leadership of Amangeldy Imanov in the light of new thinking"; Urmaev Karina “Revolt in 1916 in the Seven Rivers”; Zhunusova Assem "The participation of the national intelligention in the national liberation movement of the Kazakh people in 1916".

Our student was among the winners of the regional student festival

Our student was among the winners of the regional student festivalFrom 15 to 17 November this year, the Karaganda regional branch of the Youth Wing "Zhas Otan" Party "Nur Otan" held a regional student festival with the management on "Bolashak" Karaganda area of youth policy and Karaganda Academy "Youth - the future of Kazakhstan" dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Independence Republic of Kazakhstan. As part of the student festival held Mushayra on "Tauelsizdik tugyrym" among students of higher and secondary - special education field, where student of ET and SLG Қydyrbay Ernar Merekeuly c. "SLG-32k" won an honorable 2nd place. Closing regional student festival was held on November 17 in the Concert Hall "Shalқyma".
On behalf of our team of faculty members and students of the department Merekeuly Yernar congratulate and wish him every success in their studies and work!

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