Student Creative Works Competition «Through creativity to spiritual revival»

Student Creative Works Competition «Through creativity to spiritual revival»

The KЕUK Department of «Social Work and the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan»in the university library held an exhibition of students' creative works on the theme «Through сreativity for spiritual revival» as part of the program «RuhaniZhangyru». The students presented drawings on the topics: «Motherland», «100 New Faces», «Latin», «Sacred Geography», «Modern Kazakhstan Culture» and «100 New Textbooks».
The aim of the competition was to create conditions conducive to the creative realization of students 'ideas, to form students' feelings of patriotism, a tolerant world view and spiritual enlightenment.
For active participation in the creative contest, students are nominated with diplomas and letters of thanks.

Implementation of the program “Ruhani zhangyru” and program articles of the leader of the nation N.A.Nazarbayev.

Implementation of the program “Ruhani zhangyru” and program articles of the leader of the nation N.A.Nazarbayev.

As part of the implementation of the program «Ruhani zhangyru», the department of «Social work and Assamley of the people of Kazakhstan» held a number of measures, including conferences, round tables, meetings, during which the following issues were discussed: problems of religious spirituality, equality of civil rights and freedoms, religious extremism and terrorism, etc.
The work carried out was aimed at the formation of a new historical thinking, the study of cultural heritage, familiarization with the objects of sacred geography; studies of the factors preventing the spread and influence of the ideology of religious extremism and terrorism and, in general, the formation of a tolerant attitude in the sphere of interethnic and interfaith relations, the formation of responsible citizenship, spirituality, involvement in volunteer and voluntary activities. Students of all specialties took an active part in holding round tables, seminars and conferences.

Master class "Basic requirements for the business plan of student innovation projects"

Master class "Basic requirements for the business plan of student innovation projects"A master class on the topic “Basic requirements for the business plan of student innovation projects” was held at the Karaganda Economic University from the Doctor of Economics, Professor A.A. Taubaev.
The meeting was organized by the Dostyk Coworking Center Technology Business Incubator and the Council of Young Scientists in the framework of the competition of ready-made business projects and start-up projects and decorated business ideas of students of KEU «SUCCESS AND CREATION».
The speaker of the meeting acquainted the students and project managers with the theoretical features of writing a project, spoke about its structure and shared step-by-step instructions for writing a correct and structured student project. Ayapbergen Aldanaevich also told how to justify the significance of the work, the problem statement and answered the questions raised during the meeting.
During the meeting, the adviser of the Enactus-KEU program, Doctor of Economics, Professor Sikhimbaeva Dinara Rakhmangazievna, spoke about the work of the program, invited the best students to the Enactus-KEU team, noted the specifics of student research projects.


CONGRATULATIONS!!! Congratulations to the head of the Department of Ecology and assessment, Professor Gulzhan Baikenova With the jubilee medal: "30th anniversary of ecology of the Republic of Kazakhstan" from the Ministry of Energy of Kazakhstan.

A visiting session on the basis of KSU «Youth Resource Center of Karaganda region»

A visiting session on the basis of KSU «Youth Resource Center of Karaganda region»Оn the basis of KSU "Youth Resource Center of Karaganda Oblast" teacher of the Department of Electronic Engineering and State Medical University Yertay Kh. Conducted an outdoor lesson on the subject "Political Leadership" on the topic of Group "SLG-31k. The session discussed topical issues of political leadership in the public service system. The session discussed topical issues of political leadership in the public service system.

Our student became the winners of the republican competition "100 best ideas of students"

Our student became the winners of the republican competition "100 best ideas of students"In the Republican contest "100 best students' ideas", which was held as part of the implementation of the nationwide project "100 Ideas" to promote the main provisions of the program article of President Nursultan Nazarbayev "Looking to the future: modernization of public consciousness" of April 12, 2017, the project " Digital University ”(mobile application for students), developed by a student of gr.GMU-31k. Zholdybai Altynay under the guidance of the master of the department of "Economic Theory and State Medical University" Ertay Khuanbek took the 2nd prize.
The competition was aimed at enhancing innovation, identifying and implementing innovative ideas and projects of practical interest and public importance. The competition is organized by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the public foundation "El-shezhіre".

International Youth Legal Forum

International Youth Legal Forum

A 2nd year student, Garifullina Assia, participated together with students from Belarus, Moldova, Ukraine, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan in the 4th International Youth Legal Forum on the theme “Human Rights and Modern Challenges to National Security” organized by the KAZGUU University. M. S. Narikbayev with the support of the OSCE Program Office in Astana and the Soros-Kazakhstan Foundation.

My legislative initiative

My legislative initiative

We congratulate the student of group Ю-31k Begaz Bekarys with the first place in the regional competition «My legislative initiative» among universities and colleges in Karaganda.

Quest «Through the chapters of history»

Quest «Through the chapters of history»On 11 December, 2018 the library of KEUK held quest «Through the chapters of history» within the framework of a new policy article of president of RK N.A. Nazarbayev «Seven facets of the Great steppe» which is the continuation of «Ruxanï jañğıru» programme. The game was carried out among students from college of Economics, Business and Law of KEU, as well as learners from school № 83 of Karaganda city, who were acquainted with the library and university. Much interest of the quest’s participants was focused on laboratory «Robot technology and 3D-printing» and «Ruxanï jañğıru» online platform. The participants had a unique opportunity to check their knowledge in History of Kazakhstan, recall the traditions and customs, the culture and language of the Kazakh people. Besides, the tasks required the ability to work with the library catalog, rules of educational material arrangement and, in general, find their way around the library.
The participants performed definite tasks in each room of the library. Guessing the puzzle, the participants demonstrated their knowledge in the Kazakh language. In order to solve crosswords the students had to recall the remarkable dates and names of the prominent people of our country. Interesting and funny for the students was a task «Guess the book by the smiley-face emoji» where the teams were to find a book encoded by emoji on the library’s shelves.
The game was challenging and exciting. All the teams were awarded diplomas and sweet presents.

Round table on the article "Seven Facets of the Great Steppe"

Round table on the article "Seven Facets of the Great Steppe"On December 13, 2018, a round table was held at the KEUK, to discuss the article "Seven Facets of the Great Steppe" of Head of State N.A. Nazarbayev. Round table was attended by students of groups IR-11k and IR-21k, as well as by teachers of the "World Economy and International Relations" chair, Kalieva G.K., Isataeva A.G., Sapar A.D. At the event, there were discussed issues of modernization of historical consciousness, the main imperatives and rethinking the role of Kazakhstan in world processes. In the ensuing discussion were also discussed the role of young generation in the promotion of history and culture at the present stage, the necessity to carry out research on the study of historical heritage with the formulation of specific tasks.

Charity fair " Magic in an envelope-2019”

Charity fair " Magic in an envelope-2019”

On the eve of the New Year holidays, volunteers visited orphanages and collected letters from children to Santa Claus. The campaign is held not for the first year, and during this time, benefactors have created a whole system.
13.12.2018 at the Karaganda economic University Kazpotrebsoyuz on the initiative of the faculty of business and law held a fair in the framework of the charity event "Magic in an envelope-2019".
The staff of the University and students took an active part, prepared for the sale of handmade products and a variety of pastries. All proceeds will be used to purchase gifts specified in letters from orphanages and children from poor families.
Also, teachers and students independently purchased gifts according to the wishes of the children in the letters. All gifts will be sent to the Lithuanian boarding school of osakarovsky district and the orphanage "KSU "Children's home "Tansholpan".

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