«Afghan war: causes, outcomes, consequences»

«Afghan war: causes, outcomes, consequences»February 15, 2019 marks the 30th anniversary of the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan
Battles end, but the story is eternal. The Afghan war also went down in history. But in the memory of man it to live for a long time, because her story is written with the blood of soldiers and tears of mothers.
This date was devoted to the round table on "Afghan war: causes, results, consequences", prepared by the departments of" General And special disciplines "and"Legal regulation of economic relations".
The round table was attended by the warrior-an Afghan police Colonel Toktobekova Sergali Zhumagulovich
Those present observed a minute of silence in memory of the soldiers who did not return from the Afghan war.
Toktabekov Sergali Zhumagulovich told the guests about his friends with whom he served, showed photos from the army album, awards.
The meeting was held on a high emotional level. Students with interest learned one of the difficult pages of our history.

Regional subject Olympiad in Biology "Biology expert - 2019"

Regional subject Olympiad in Biology "Biology expert - 2019"

On February 9, 2019 on the basis of the Karaganda Economic University, the Department of Ecology and Evaluation held a biology Olympiad "Biology Expert 2018", in which 246 students from secondary schools of Karaganda and satellite cities took part. Within the framework of professional orientation work with future graduates, the department organized an interesting excursion around the university.
Solemn rewarding of winners will take place on February 16, 2019.
According to the results of the Olympiad the following participants received prizes:

1. Russian school
1 place high school No. 3. A. (9) -52 points
2nd place gymnasium № 38-Victor Feofilov (10th grade) -45 points
2nd place school № 61-Daniel Gusenko (grade 11) -45 points
3rd place school № 30-Semenov Ivan (grade 9) -45 points
3 place School them.Kornienko p. Topar-Nazarova Christina (grade 11) -45 points
2. Kazakh school
1 place gymnasium № 5 them. A. Kunanbaeva – Dairbekova Makpal (11) -53 points
2 place boarding school.Dzhambul-Zekenova Tolganay (10th grade) -50 points
2nd place high school No. 92 t - Nogerbek Bekmukhammad (class 10) – 47 points
The 3rd place school№ 76 of them.Bokeikhan – Nadirova Diana (grade 11) -46 points
3rd place school № 36-seytzhan araylym (9th grade) - 44 points


30th anniversary of the Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan

30th anniversary of the Soviet withdrawal from AfghanistanFebruary 13, 2019 KEUK library together with the Department of «SW and APK» organized a meeting with soldiers-internationalists, participants of the Afghan war, in the framework of the 30th anniversary of the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan. The meeting was attended by Moutov Ermek, Dildabekov Jake, Akhmetov Talgat, Smagulov Nurlan, students and teachers are invited. The meeting began with the screening of the documentary «Kara-major» (about the participation of Kazakhstan In the Afghan war). The participants of the meeting told the students about the military events that took place in Afghanistan, the heroism of veterans of the Afghan war, as well as the strength of the Patriotic spirit, got acquainted with the exhibition of books «Afghanistan — my pain». The meeting ended with the performance with the participation of students.

Chinese New 2019 Year! Chunjie!

Chinese New 2019 Year! Chunjie!Teacher of Chair Foreign Languages and Russian Badelhan M.B. organized and held "Chinese New Year" with the participation of 1-3 year students of "International Relationships" and "The World Economy" specialities.
During the event, students showed their excellent knowledge of the Chinese language and creative talents. Invited guests were able to get acquainted with the peculiarities of the Chinese New Year and traditional cuisine. At the event, the representative of the Chinese Cultural Centre of Friendship House Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan Muradova Lyudmila Igorevna was invited.
Xin niabhao!!!

A curatorial hour on the celebration of the 30th anniversary of the withdrawal of the Soviet Army from Afghanistan was held

A curatorial hour on the celebration of the 30th anniversary of the withdrawal of the Soviet Army from Afghanistan was held

On February 6, 2019, members of the Chair “Finance” of the Accounting and Finance Faculty, such as, a teacher Husayin Farhat, a senior teacher Maikenova Aliya Eginbaevna and a senior teacher Iglikova Dinara Dakenovna held an open curatorial hour dedicated to the celebration of the 30th anniversary of the withdrawal of Soviet Army from Afghanistan. The organizers of the meeting were Galym Tulubaevich Zhakupov and Musatayev Toleugazy Abylkasovich.
The purpose of this meeting is to cultivate students' citizenship and patriotism, sense of duty, responsibility, courage on the personal examples of soldiers-internationalists, expand the circle of students' knowledge about the Afghan War, form an idea of military duty and loyalty to the Motherland, honor, courage, self-sacrifice, instill a sense of respect for the participants of the Afghan War, as well as spiritual enrichment of students with the poetic and song heritage of the internationalist warriors.

Online round table: «Youth is a key factor in the competitiveness of our country in the modern world»

Online round table: «Youth is a key factor in the competitiveness of our country in the modern world»
Department of «Social work and Assembly of people of Kazakhstan» on February 6, 2019 on the basis of the online platform «rukhani Zhangyru» together with specialists of KGU «Kogamdyk kelisim» of akim apparatus of Karaganda region organized and held a round table on «Youth-a key factor of competitiveness of our country in the modern world», which was attended by teachers and students . The goals, tasks and problems of youth policy at the present stage, ways of implementation of the tasks set by the President of Kazakhstan Were discussed N.A.Nazarbayev at the opening ceremony of the year of youth.

Project presentation at the regional student youth forum

Project presentation at the regional student youth forum

On January 28, 2019, the Karaganda State Medical University, together with the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan of the Karaganda Region, held the regional student forum “Saryarka-zhastary”.
Within the framework of the forum, an exhibition of student start-up projects “Zhakyru Zholy” took place, where our student gr. "SLG-32k" Zholdybai Altynay with the supervisor of the master, teacher of the Department of Electronic Engineering and State Medical University Yertay Khuanbek presented the project "Digital University".



On January 28, 2019, a student of the U-24 group of the Faculty of "Business and law" of Karaganda economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz Isina Zhuldyz took part in the Forum of student youth, which was held on the basis of Karaganda state medical University and United more than 500 active and creative representatives of universities of the region.
The Forum organized by the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan, KSU "Kogamdyk kelisim" of akim of Karaganda region, Coordination Council of youth of the ANK of Karaganda region.
The Forum attended by the Chairman of the Republican youth organization "Gerasim" ANK of Juarbe Timur Gabdulovich, Deputy Chairman of the regional ANC, Chairman of the Board of public consent Karaganda region Bekzat Altynbekov Komarovich, founder of the charitable Fund "ASYL ADAM" Conisby Chukanov, President of the student Parliament of the University them.After E. A. Buketov of Jorabekov Arman, head of the Regional headquarters of the Republican youth movement of the ANK "Zhangyry Zholy" Urmashov Alexander.
During the Forum, the opening of the student club "Zharasym" KSMU, the solemn transfer of the flag of KSM ANK KO.
The best students awarded with letters of gratitude of the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan and among them a student of KEU Kazpotrebsoyuz Zhuldyz Isina.



The Chair of Foreign and Russian languages held a competition "Multilingual Teacher" among teachers of non-language disciplines who speak Kazakh, Russian and English; the competition was held to motivate teachers of the university to learn languages.
According to the results of the competition following teams were awarded with certificates:
I place - Karaganda State Medical University;
II place - Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz;
III place - Karaganda State Technical University
Members of the competent jury noted the high level of preparation of creative teams which once again proved that the multilingual teacher is a reality!

Basketball Tournament for Rector's Cup

Basketball Tournament for Rector's Cup Karaganda University of Economics held a basketball tournament among boys and girls born in 2001 and younger for the rector's cup among students of secondary schools of the Karaganda region.
This tournament has already become traditional and is held in the hospitable walls of the University’s sports and recreation center for the eleventh time since 2008. During this period about 2,000 boys and girls from Karaganda, Zhezkazgan, Temirtau, Abay, Shakhtinsk, Balkhash, Saran, Osakarovsk and Bukhar-Zhyrau districts took part in it.
Sports hall of KEU is famous for its equipment and comfort, including modern technologies (electronic scoreboards, information center, comfortable stands): all the conditions for conducting this kind of competitions and sports are created.
Competitors were happy to get acquainted with the educational material base, the history of the university, leading scientists and teachers in their free time.
The results of the tournament revealed the champions and winners, they were:
Among the boys:
1st place – Jezkazgan
2nd place – Shakhtinsk
3rd place - Balkhash
Among the girls:
1st place – Saran
2nd place – Temirtau
3rd place - Jezkazgan
Awarding of the winning teams and prize-winners, which were awarded cups, medals, diplomas and diplomas, took place in an official solemn ceremony.

TEAM ENACTUS KEUK IN YOUTH BUSINESS CAMP Enactus Kazakhstan Winter Camp 2019

TEAM ENACTUS KEUK IN YOUTH BUSINESS CAMP Enactus Kazakhstan Winter Camp 2019

From January 11 to January 16, 2019, students of the ENACTUS KEUK team of 10 people participated in the Winter School of Leadership and Entrepreneurship - Enactus Kazakhstan Winter Camp 2019 in the educational and recreational complex TAU TURAN. ENACTUS KEUK students got the opportunity to study in the field of entrepreneurship, financial literacy, project management, business innovation in the framework of Enactus Kazakhstan Winter Camp 2019

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