Student Creative Works Competition «Through creativity to spiritual revival»

Student Creative Works Competition «Through creativity to spiritual revival»

The KЕUK Department of «Social Work and the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan»in the university library held an exhibition of students' creative works on the theme «Through сreativity for spiritual revival» as part of the program «RuhaniZhangyru». The students presented drawings on the topics: «Motherland», «100 New Faces», «Latin», «Sacred Geography», «Modern Kazakhstan Culture» and «100 New Textbooks».
The aim of the competition was to create conditions conducive to the creative realization of students 'ideas, to form students' feelings of patriotism, a tolerant world view and spiritual enlightenment.
For active participation in the creative contest, students are nominated with diplomas and letters of thanks.


Student Creative Works Competition «Through creativity to spiritual revival» Student Creative Works Competition «Through creativity to spiritual revival» Student Creative Works Competition «Through creativity to spiritual revival»
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