Startup Weekend

Startup WeekendFebruary 22-24, 2019 Startup Weekend (Astana), organized by Club of Young Entrepreneurs LLP in the framework of the Year of Youth in Kazakhstan, was held at the Astana Hub site. Students of the CCI-31k group Sakenova Indira, W-12 Slanbek Azamat, IS-12 Kadyrova Diana, Pim-18-2 Kairatkyzy Diana, W-32s Ptitsyn Nikita participated in the competition “Startupweekend”, who joined together and presented the team “Fruit qurt” (KEUK). The main objective of the competition was to teach students young people how to create and run a business, to find opportunities to enter local and international markets.
The event was attended by 170 participants from Kazakhstan's higher education institutions, which were formed into 20 teams. The number of student teams that reached the final was 13, among which was the team of our university.
During the competition, a mentor session was held for each team, where such speakers as: “Sergey Sovetkin (founder and manager of the company, acted as a“ mentor ”; Yerzhan Ryskaliyev (Co-founder, Clockster); Alim Khamitov (Director, Most Business Incubator); Aigerim Abisheva (Development Director, Management Company Mobil Reality Management Group); Taras Volobuev (Chief Startup Officer, Fintech Hub MFCA); Daulet Ermekov (Director, Senim); Iman Rakhmetullin (Co-founder and Director of Marketing, Clockster); Arsen Akhatov (Director of the Center for Incentive of Innovative Activity, NATTR); Aizhan Zhekeeva (President, KazRobotiks).
According to the results of the semi-final performances, the team “Fruit qurt” (KEUK) reached the final.
The winners of the “Startupweekend” competition (the first 5 places) won such prizes as:
1. Participation in the three-month acceleration program, which will be conducted under the “Jastar business” program in May
2. Place in the Beir Tech Coworking for two months (Astana)
3. Place in MOST Coworking (if located in Almaty)
Our team became the owner of the certificate for participation in the acceleration program for 3 months in the framework of the program "Jastar business" (certificate attached).
The student team is grateful to the university management for the opportunity to take part in the Startupweekend competition.


Startup Weekend Startup Weekend
Электронный университет
3D тур КЭУ