Online - round table «The 75th anniversary of the complete liberation of Leningrad from the Nazi blockade».

Online - round table «The 75th anniversary of the complete liberation of Leningrad from the Nazi blockade».On February 26 2019, Department members and students of the KEUK, of the department of «World Economy and International Relations» took part in an international online - round table organized by the University «Turan-Almaty» on the theme «The 75th anniversary of the complete liberation of Leningrad from the Nazi blockade». Students of the specialty "International Relations" Kaskanov Aydin, of a group of MO-11k, Esekeeva Annet, of a group of MO-12 approached creatively to the preparation of articles. They conducted analytical work in the archive of Karaganda. The conference was attended by universities of Astana, Russia and Almaty..



In honor of the 30th anniversary of the movement "Nevada-Semipalatinsk" in Karaganda economic University Kazpotrebsoyuz library together with the Department of "Ecology and assessment" organized a meeting of students and teachers with representatives of the anti-nuclear movement "Nevada-Semipalatinsk" artist, activist, honorary Ambassador of the international project "Atom", knight of the order "Kurmet" Karipbek Kuyukov and Chairman of the Karaganda branch of the society "Nevada-Semipalatinsk", honorary ecologist of the Republic of Kazakhstan Khamiev Margulan Khamievich.
KEU guests told about the history of the anti-nuclear movement, the results of the Nevada- Semipalatinsk movement, achieved after 30 years. The issues of cooperation between the Department of Ecology and assessment and the public Association "Youth alyas" with the anti-nuclear movement "Nevada-Semipalatinsk" are also considered.



The chair of Russian and Foreign languages in collaboration with the Chair of Global Economy and Foreign Relations held the annual intellectual game “Experts of languages” among school – graduates of 11 grade city schools and the students of the College of Economics, Business and Law.
Winners were given certificates of discount in studying in our university:
1st place – Balgabekov Aydyn Zhenisuly (Innovation lyceum “Bilim” №1)
2nd place – Nurtaev Dinmukhammed Asylkhanuly (Innovation lyceum “Bilim” №1)
3rd place – Kolmagorova Mariya Artemovna (Complex school-kindergarten № 33)

All the participants were awarded with diplomas.
We thank all the pupils for active participation!



Annual language Contest among of 1st year students

Annual language Contest among of 1st year students

Chair of Russian and Foreign languages held annual language contest among 1st and 2nd year students.

The winners by the English language (among the students of all specialities):
1st place – Rahimova Tolkyn ME-12
2nd place – Kadyr Nazym TUR-12
3rd place – Rashkyavichuite Alexia RD-12
The winners by the Chinese language:
1st place – Mominova Malika MO-22
2nd place – Shlyahtina Veronika IB-22
3rd place – Batykova Aliya MO-21k
The winners by the Russian language:
1st place – Abdykarimova Aruzhan
2nd place – Balymbetova Dana
3rd place – Sharipova Sanym
The winners by the Arabic:
1st place – Antipova Victoria
2nd place – Kostyunina Maria
3rd place – Bondarenko Alexandr

We thank all students for active participation !!!


«The Doors Open Day of KEU»

«The Doors Open Day of KEU»

On February 23, 2019, the faculty of business and law held the « The Doors Open Day of KEU". The guests of the event were about 120 students of schools and colleges of Karaganda, as well as students of Kokpekty secondary school. Graduates facing the choice of profession and University, with interest visited classrooms, the library of the University, specialized rooms of the faculty. Heads of departments and teachers gave detailed information about educational programs, demonstrated the latest equipment and tools trainings. Volunteers-students of the faculty of business and law, told about interesting student life in KEU; prepared competitions, games and organized a dance battle, which participants were students and College students. «The Doors Open Day of» is over, and ahead - new meetings with our future students!


Workshop on Applying for administrative and law enforcement service

Workshop on Applying for administrative and law enforcement service

20.02.2019 there was held a workshop on "Applying for administrative and law enforcement service". Chief specialist of SI "Department of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for civil service Affairs and anti-corruption in Karaganda region" Karsakova Gulnara Nursultanovna has explained students the procedure for admission to the civil service, informed about the innovations and changes in the Law called "Public service of the Republic of Kazakhstan", about the requirements for personal and professional qualities of candidates, which are wishing to be selected for public service. Karsakova G. N. has wished to KEUK students to develop creativity, to be mobile and independent, patriots of our Republic.

«Trilingual leader»

«Trilingual leader»On February 15, 2019 the Resource Language Center at the Authority for the Development of Languages of the Karaganda Region in conjunction with Multilingual Education Center and Chair of «Russian and Foreign Languages» held an intellectual competition “Úshtildi kóshbasshy” as part of the implementation of the State Program for the Development and Functioning of Languages in the Republic of Kazakhstan 2011-2019. The competition was held among students who speak three languages (Kazakh, Russian, and English). The competition consisted of 4 stages. Rakhimova Tolkyn, a student of the group MЭ-12 (World economy) became a winner. Each participant was given a letter of gratitude. And the winner was awarded a diploma and a souvenir.

Master class on the topic: “Startup: from idea to business” from MOST Business Incubator

Master class on the topic: “Startup: from idea to business” from MOST Business IncubatorFebruary 15, 2019 in the Technology Business Incubator "Coworking Center Dostyk" held a master class on the topic: "Startup: from idea to business" from the Business Incubator "MOST".
The course “Startup: From Idea to Business” from MOST Business Incubator is an intensive blended learning program that will allow any future entrepreneur to build their business, get ready to apply for investments, understand how investors evaluate projects, and identify the weak points of their startups. .
The course “Startup: From Idea to Business” from MOST Business Incubator is an intensive blended learning program that will allow any future entrepreneur to build their business, get ready to apply for investments, understand how investors evaluate projects, and identify the weak points of their startups.
The meeting was very informative and exciting. Students were able to ask questions, share their knowledge, and, of course, get new ones.

The mini - football tournamentdedicated to the 30thanniversary of the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan

The mini - football tournamentdedicated to the 30thanniversary of the withdrawal of Soviet troops from AfghanistanThe Faculty of Business and Lawin accordance with the Chair of physical education held the mini-football tournament on the9thof February, 2019 among maleteams of Karaganda higher educational institutionsteaching staff. Itwas dedicatedtothe 30thanniversaryofthewithdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan.The participants and spectators welcomed the veterans of the Afghan war TokanovTumarbekTokanovich and KukimovZholdasUrazbekovichin a solemn ceremony and presented them gifts from the university.
The following four Karaganda universities took part in the competition: Karaganda State Medical University, Karaganda State Technical University, Karaganda State University named after Academician E.A. Buketov,Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz.
The result of competition:
I place - KSU,
II place - KMU,
III place - KEUK,
IV place - KSTU.

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