Express-interview with representatives of «ArcelorMittal Temirtau» JSC

Express-interview with representatives of «ArcelorMittal Temirtau» JSC

On March 19, 2019, a graduate meeting was held with representatives of the “ArcelorMittal Temirtau” JSC corporation organized by the Resource Center of the Strategic Development Department.
Representatives of a large production company Komarnitsky N. (deputy finance director) and Rogovoy S. (head of the Information Center) arrived to inform students about the possibility of further employment. The meeting was held in the format of the conversation and express interview. Graduates had a good opportunity to reveal themselves, to show their knowledge and skills.
The main result of the meeting: about half of the students are invited for an in-depth interview at “ArcelorMittal Temirtau” JSC. We wish our graduates success in the interview.



CONGRATULATIONS TO THE STUDENTS OF THE FACULTY OF BUSINESS AND LAW WITH THE SECOND PLACE AND CATEGORY IN THE REGIONAL BEAUTY CONTEST AMONG STUDENTS "KOKTEM ARUY -2019"On March 19, 2019 in the Palace of culture of miners of Karaganda was held a regional beauty contest among students, dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the city of Karaganda "Koktem Aruy -2019". Students of the faculty of business and law Rakhmetollina Diana group Ju-32K and Serikbol Balzhan group RD-21K represented Karaganda economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz. Among the 20 participants in the contest Serikbol Balzhan took an honorable 2nd place, Rahmetollina Diana awarded the title of «Audience award ". Congratulations to our students and wish them further success!

Event on the development of environmental literacy of schoolchildren

Event on the development of environmental literacy of schoolchildren

In the Lyceum-boarding school №1 "Bilim-Innovation" of Karaganda in the framework of the Republican ecological grant "ECOCHALLENGE" was held an event on the development of environmental literacy of students, which was attended by the head of the Department, doctor of science, Professor G. G. Baykenova, Ph. D., associate Professor G. K. Ospanova

Career Guidance at the CEBL

Career Guidance at the CEBL

March 13, 2019 on the basis of the College of Economics, Business and Law of the Karaganda economic university of Kazpotrebsoyuz Associate Professor of the Department of Economic Theories and State Medical University Baygurenova Mariam Akhmetzhanovna conducted career guidance in the group «MN-31». She told students about the EP «State and local government», the benefits of admission and its relevance.

Master class on cooking pancakes

Master class on cooking pancakes

The tradition of celebrating Maslenitsa at the Department of "Tourism and restaurant business" is not the first year. March 4-5, 2019 students of groups R-12, R-15C, R-24 C, RD-32, took part in a master class on cooking pancakes, organized by associate Professor T. N. Aleksenko.
During the master class Tatyana Nikolaevna told the students about the traditions of celebrating Maslenitsa and introduced them to the recipes for different types of pancakes. All students with great pleasure baked pancakes. The master class ended with a joint tea party.


Master class on the topic: “Startup: from idea to business” from MOST Business Incubator

Master class on the topic: “Startup: from idea to business” from MOST Business Incubator

On March 5, 2019 TBI "Coworking Center Dostyk" organized a workshop on the topic: "Startup: from idea to business" from Business Incubator "MOST".
The Startup: From Idea to Business course from MOST Business Incubator is an intensive blended learning program that will allow any future entrepreneur to build their business, get ready to apply for investments, understand how investors evaluate projects, and identify the weaknesses of their startups. .
The speakers were the senior teacher of the department "Economics and Entrepreneurship" Ibraeva A.R. and 2nd year students Romanov G. and N. Iristaev who completed the online course.
The meeting was very informative and exciting. Students were able to ask questions, share their knowledge, and, of course, get new ones.

«Seven faces of the great steppe: memory for the future»

«Seven faces of the great steppe: memory for the future»February 28, 2019 Department «SW and APK» on the basis of the online platform «Rukhani Zhangyru» held a regional interuniversity student online forum «Seven faces of the great steppe: memory for the future», dedicated to the day of gratitude. Participants of the meeting-students and teachers of KSTU, MSI «Kogamdyk kelisim», representatives of ethno-cultural associations: Galutskaya L. A., Kim L. M., Malaev D. B.
The students made presentations, and finally exchanged views. It was noted that this day is becoming increasingly popular, has become a bright holiday of mercy, friendship and gratitude.

«Day of gratitude: Kazakh land»

«Day of gratitude: Kazakh land»26.02.2009 Department "SW and APK" together with the library held a round table dedicated to the day of gratitude in the library of KEUK (scientific and educational center). Invited representatives of ethnocultural associations of the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan: S. V. Rakov - the representative of «Union of Cossacks», Z. Krasivsky - the representative of the Ukrainian ethno-cultural center «the Ridnyi words» I. V. Ploski is the representative of the Romanian ethno-cultural center «Dacia», said it was grateful to the Kazakh people for tolerance and hospitality in the years when many people were deported into the country.



March 1, 2019 in Astana head.the Department of ecology and assessment Вaykenova G. G. took part in the Republican conference "Support of women's entrepreneurship as a resource for improving the quality of life in rural areas", where the deputies of the Majilis, representatives of various ministries and departments, public and non-governmental organizations, as well as business representatives discussed the best practices for creating jobs and improving the quality of life in rural areas. The conference is organized By the Association of Legal Entities "Coalition for" green" economy and development of G-Global "and the Public Fund"Social dynamics". This year's 10 winners of the contest for the best business idea "Coca-Cola Blaster" will receive grants from the Coca-Cola Foundation on the opening of your business. The contest is available for all women of Kazakhstan online.

Startup Weekend

Startup WeekendFebruary 22-24, 2019 Startup Weekend (Astana), organized by Club of Young Entrepreneurs LLP in the framework of the Year of Youth in Kazakhstan, was held at the Astana Hub site. Students of the CCI-31k group Sakenova Indira, W-12 Slanbek Azamat, IS-12 Kadyrova Diana, Pim-18-2 Kairatkyzy Diana, W-32s Ptitsyn Nikita participated in the competition “Startupweekend”, who joined together and presented the team “Fruit qurt” (KEUK). The main objective of the competition was to teach students young people how to create and run a business, to find opportunities to enter local and international markets.
The event was attended by 170 participants from Kazakhstan's higher education institutions, which were formed into 20 teams. The number of student teams that reached the final was 13, among which was the team of our university.
During the competition, a mentor session was held for each team, where such speakers as: “Sergey Sovetkin (founder and manager of the company, acted as a“ mentor ”; Yerzhan Ryskaliyev (Co-founder, Clockster); Alim Khamitov (Director, Most Business Incubator); Aigerim Abisheva (Development Director, Management Company Mobil Reality Management Group); Taras Volobuev (Chief Startup Officer, Fintech Hub MFCA); Daulet Ermekov (Director, Senim); Iman Rakhmetullin (Co-founder and Director of Marketing, Clockster); Arsen Akhatov (Director of the Center for Incentive of Innovative Activity, NATTR); Aizhan Zhekeeva (President, KazRobotiks).
According to the results of the semi-final performances, the team “Fruit qurt” (KEUK) reached the final.
The winners of the “Startupweekend” competition (the first 5 places) won such prizes as:
1. Participation in the three-month acceleration program, which will be conducted under the “Jastar business” program in May
2. Place in the Beir Tech Coworking for two months (Astana)
3. Place in MOST Coworking (if located in Almaty)
Our team became the owner of the certificate for participation in the acceleration program for 3 months in the framework of the program "Jastar business" (certificate attached).
The student team is grateful to the university management for the opportunity to take part in the Startupweekend competition.

And again returned with a victory!!!

And again returned with a victory!!!

Once again, students of the specialty "Finance" showed a brilliant result. Students Bordi E., Kataeva K., Lisienko N.V., Bapiev R. M. under the guidance of the teacher, master of the Department "Banking management and financial markets" Idirisova A. T. took 1st place in The interuniversity subject Olympiad, held at the University "Turan Astana" Astana.
In the acute intellectual struggle among the Universities of Astana and Almaty, our students showed excellent knowledge in the field of Finance and the economy as a whole. From the bottom of my heart, congratulations! Well done!

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