• Speciality Code:


    Speciality Name:

    Social operation-«Social administration»


    Faculty of Business and Law

    Field of study:


    Degree program: Bachelor of specialty services 5В090500 «Social Work» Educational program «Social administration»
    degree and term Single degree ( one university ) (ECTS 279 credits/ 160 kaz. credits)
    institution Karaganda Economic University
    Accreditation Independent Kazakh Agency for Quality Assurance of Education (IKAQAE) http://nkaoko.kz/
    Term actions This program was approved by the University for a period of 4 years for those receiving a degree at the University from 2016
    Level QF for ЕHEA (Qualifications Framework for the European Higher Education Area): First cycle ; ЕКР (European qualifications framework): cycle 6; НРК (National Qualifications Framework): cycle 6
  • A) The purpose
    • The purpose of the educational program - training of highly qualified specialists with the ideological position that is adequate to the current level of social life, skills and abilities of analysis and modeling of social , socio-educational and psycho-correction work on the use of the knowledge, competence to regulate the behavior of citizens and social groups, that contribute to the realization of personal interests, maintaining social stability and promoting social harmony in the society.
  • B) Characteristics
    • 1.Discipline / subject area
    • The main disciplines:
    • Theory of social work
    • Organization, management and administration in social work Fundamentals of social medicine
    • Legislature support of social work
    • General and social psychology
    • Economic foundations of social work
    • Methods and technologies of social work
    • Ethical foundations of social work
    • Social services in social work
    • Social work with family and children
    • Social work with youth
    • Social work with women
    • Social work in organizations of penitentiary system
    • Social gerontology
    • The basics of anti-corruption
    • Conflictology
    • Religious studies and social work wilt religion
    • Regulation of social sphere
    • Social management
    • 2.general information/Specialization
    • «Bachelor in the field of services»
    • 3.Direction
    • services
    • 4.features
    • magistracy
  • C) Employment and further training
    • 1.Employment
    • Agencies, organizations of different legal forms in the system of social protection, education, health and culture; the penitentiary system, social-pedagogical, social and psychological services of specialized organizations (family children's homes, nursing homes, social shelters, special correctional institutions); Children and youth clubs; youth organizations and associations; medical and other health care organizations; rehabilitation centers for the various categories of the population; social services in the social and industrial sector; non-profit non-governmental organizations.
    • 2.Further training
    • magistracy
  • D) Style education
    • 1.Approaches to learning and teaching
    • Credit education technology , information and communication technology training , within which are implemented following groups of teaching methods :
    • Active methods ;
    • Interactive methods ;
    • Practice - oriented methods .
    • 2.assessment methods
    • As part of the block- ranking control technology following groups control methods are applied :
      • Oral methods of control ;
      • Written methods of control ;
      • Practical methods of control ;
      • Test methods of control
    • Control forms :
      • Individual ;
      • Group ;
      • Collective .
  • E) Software competence
    • 1.General competence
    • The program complies with the requirements of the State educational standards "Higher Education . Undergraduate . " to ensure the quality of academic programs in the first cycle level.
    • This includes the general competence ( also known as key skills ) expected of graduates of the first cycle (see . On the website http://adilet.zan.kz/rus/docs/P1200001080 ).
    • Listed below are a summary of competence and the competence of the most characteristic for this program:
      • have a basic knowledge in the field of natural sciences ( social, humanitarian, economic ) disciplines that contribute to the formation of a highly educated person with a broad outlook and a culture of thinking
      • be skilled in the acquisition of new knowledge necessary for daily professional activity and continuing education in the magistracy- know the social and ethical values based on public opinion , traditions, customs , social norms and navigate to them in their professional activity
      • know the basics of the legal system and legislation of Kazakhstan ; abide by business ethics , own ethical and legal standards of conduct
      • to know the traditions and culture of the peoples of Kazakhstan ; to be tolerant to the traditions and culture of other peoples of the world
      • to know the trends of social development ; to be able to adequately guided in different social situations
      • be able to work in a team , properly to defend their point of view, to offer new solutions ; be able to find compromises , to relate their views to the collective opinion : to strive for professional and personal growth
      • be able to analyze socially significant problems and processes , and to practice the methods of the humanities , social and economic sciences in a variety of social and professional activities
    • 2.- be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding in the professional sphere
      • be able to communicate information, ideas , problems and solutions in the field of social work
      • be able to critically rethink the experience , modify if necessary, the profile of their professional activities , be aware of the social importance of their future profession , have a high motivation to carry out professional activitie
      • to be able to synthesize, analyze , the perception of information , setting goals and choosing the ways of achieving it : can formulate arguments and solve problems in the field of social work
      • know the classification , arrangement methods and technology in social work and be able to analyze the efficiency of use in practice
      • possess knowledge of organizational structure , governance and management , performance criteria in relation to social work
      • to be able to master the knowledge , skills and competences in the field of social work ( ability to conduct social dialogue )
      • possess knowledge, skills and competencies for the effective implementation of the action on the provision of social services- be able to master the principles of social dialogue- possess basic knowledge of the physiology of labor and life safety , the ability to competently operate in emergency and emergency situations
      • be able to analyze the best scientific and technical expertise and trends in social work techniques
      • be able to carry out theoretical and experimental research on the provision of social services
      • to be able to self-improvement and professional growth of the individual with diverse humanitarian and natural science knowledge and interests
  • F) A complete list of results for this training program
    • In the context of student professional practice in work organization as well as with clients , graduates can demonstrate the ability of the following :
      • demonstrate basic knowledge of the social and legal system and the legislation of Kazakhstan, history, theory , practice of social work, social psychology ; social pedagogy ; to learn general and particular methods and techniques of social work;
      • apply this knowledge to practical solutions to the challenges facing the social work , use of information and communication technologies in the sphere of professional activity, to successfully research and production activities ;
      • the collection and interpretation of information for all types of professional activity in the field of social services .
      • communicate information , ideas, problems and solutions in the field of social services , both specialists and non-specialists.
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