Online training seminar

Online training seminar

On the online platform «Ruhani zhangyru» held a training online a training seminar on «Planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of social projects». Work with the media and promotion of projects in social networks for students of educational programs «Social work» and «Fundamentals of law and economic». The seminar was held by a Member of the ANC Council, a Member of the expert Council of the ANC NES, Chairman of the special monitoring group of the anti-corruption Agency for Nur-Sultan SH.A. Ismailov.
During the training, students updated their knowledge and formed practical competencies for planning and implementing social projects, working with the media.



On November, 2019 was passed the Olympiad on subjects among puppies of schools of the city, organized by the Department of kazakh language and culture of Kazakhstan.
The competition was attended by above 250 pupils from 9-11 classes from 33 schools of Karaganda and Saran. The participants were tested in two rounds.



Partner of KEUK- company Efes Kazakhstan IP JSC invites students of all specialties (2, 3, 4 courses) to the two-day interactive EFES WEEK, which will be held on December 5-6 at 16.00 in the Coworking Center.
In the program of the meeting: Presentation about the company, Training; A draw of fashionable prizes among students who will visit about the day.
Students will also be selected to undergo paid practice at the enterprise.

Advanced mathematics Olympiad for students of economic specialties

Advanced mathematics Olympiad for students of economic specialties

26 November, 2019 teachers of the chair of Advanced Mathematics held an Olympiad among students of economic specialties of universities and colleges in Karaganda.
Olympiad results:
The first place was taken by a student Anastasia Krikunova (KEUK, the head: Rakisheva N.K.);
2nd place was taken by the student Maria Scheifel (KEUK, the head: Igilik S.I.) ;
The 3rd place was taken by the student Kairatova Diana (KarSU of the name academician E.A. Buketov, the head: Sitenko D.A.).

Open curatorial hour on the topic: “We are against corruption”

Open curatorial hour on the topic: “We are against corruption”

Senior Lecturer, Iskalieva M.S. together with the student club «Sanaly Urpaq» held an open curatorial hour in the groups TD-42, TD-18-5 on the topic: "We are against corruption." Students made reports on the topics: "Actual problems in the fight against corruption", "Live without corruption", "Fight against corruption of Kazakhstan" , etc.

ТД-42, ТД-21к топтары Қарағанды облысы бойынша Мемлекеттік кірістер департаментінде сабақ өтті (2)

ТД-42, ТД-21к топтары Қарағанды облысы бойынша Мемлекеттік кірістер департаментінде сабақ өтті (2)

Senior lecturer, Iskalieva M.S. held a field lesson with groups TD-42, TD-21k, the educational program "Customs" in the Department of State Revenues of the Karaganda Region. Students got acquainted with the heads and specialists of departments of the Department of customs control, got acquainted with the legislation of electronic Declaration.

REPORT on the organization and carrying out intellectual game «Leader appraiser - 2019» of the Department of Ecology and assessment

REPORT on the organization and carrying out intellectual game «Leader appraiser - 2019» of the Department of Ecology and assessment

The Department of «Ecology and assessment» held an intellectual game «Leader appraiser - 2019».
The event was attended by students:
- Karaganda state technical University;
- Karaganda state University. E.A. Buketov;
- Karaganda economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz.
College student:
- Karaganda banking College.
According to the results of the four competitions the places were distributed as follows:
1st place-Banking College.
2nd place-KarSTU.
3rd place-KarGU.
All participants of the intellectual game were awarded certificates for participation. The winners were awarded diplomas and prizes.

Job fair-2019

Job fair-2019

On November 14, 2019 Karaganda economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz held together with social partners, the employment center of Karaganda the action "job Fair".
At the job fair, graduates met with representatives of 65 organizations and enterprises of Karaganda, passed an Express interview.
Some companies, and there were a majority of them, were invited as potential employers with vacancies; there were companies ready to take students for professional practice. Other companies came to recruit among the graduates of the University talent pool. Representatives of the civil service conducted awareness-raising work in order to be accepted into the civil service in the future: they advised on testing, interviews and competitions.


Congratulations We congratulate the student of the group Yu-19-1k of the faculty of business and law – Yermek Alisher on being awarded the title laureate of the Youth Prize “Nur Qadam” of the akim of the Karaganda city in the nomination “Young volunteer of the year”.
The Youth Prize of the akim of Karaganda city “Nur Qadam” is the additional measure of supporting for young citizens with high rates in the professional sphere and in public activities.
We wish to Alisher not to rest on his achievements, to turn into reality the most brave and daring ideas and plans, to keep active life attitude, consistent achieve new success in public activities.

"School of young criminalist"

"School of young criminalist"On 22.11.2019, an introductory lesson of the profile University school "School of young criminalist"was held. At the beginning of the academic year, teachers of the Department "General Legal and special disciplines" have developed promotional brochures, regulations and work plan of the school. All these materials were sent to educational institutions. The school was attended by students from six schools in the city.
Thus, we suggested that adolescents who are prone to expert and analytical work, to try yourself in the role of the forensic expert. It is not necessary that in the future a person will work in law enforcement. The skills of working in the laboratory, the ability to restore the picture of events on the left traces, are necessary for a scientist, a teacher and an analyst in any field of activity.
Currently, the work of the laboratory is connected with providing all kinds of classes in criminology, special courses "Forensic examination", "Fundamentals of forensic technology"; special practice in criminology for students of prosecutorial and investigative specialization. The activity of the laboratory is carried out through the effective use of modern scientific and technical means, which are" armed " with criminologists, various multimedia training programs. The laboratories in which practical classes are held are a training darkroom, an office of forensic equipment, an office of forensic tactics and techniques, premises with the appropriate situation of the crime scene, a place equipped in the yard of the University to work with footprints and vehicles.

Olympiad on "Fundamentals of state and law"

Olympiad on "Fundamentals of state and law"

On November 22, 2019 in the Karaganda economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz was held the Olympiad on "Fundamentals of state and law" among pupils of 10-11 classes of schools of the city of Karaganda organized by the Department of "General Legal and special disciplines". The event was held in order to attract and support talented young people interested in state and legal problems. Teams of KSU №63, KSU "Gymnasium №9", №85, "Murager",№62"participated the Olympiad. The participants of the schools applied their knowledge to perform a variety of individual and team tasks, gained invaluable experience for further professional orientation.
Following the Olympics, the diploma of I degree awarded team "Zheti Zhargy" specialized boarding school "Murager", the diploma of the SECOND degree team "Algyrlar" gymnasium №38, a diploma of the THIRD degree team of school №85. All participants were awarded letters of thanks and valuable gifts.

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