Day of withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan

Day of withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan

February 15, 1989 - the day of the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan. This event marked the end of the Afghan war for the Soviet Union, which claimed the lives of more than 15,000 Soviet soldiers.
In this regard, for the purpose of civil and Patriotic education of young people, raising the status of defender of the Motherland, forming a moral position at the faculty of Business, law and technology, from 14 to 18 February, thematic curatorial hours were organized and held dedicated to the 31st anniversary of the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan.
The curators together with the students conducted an informational conversation about the events of the 9-year war in the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan, complementing their story with a demonstration of videos, slides and photos. In the discussion, the guys tried to reveal the causes and tragic consequences of this war. Students sang Patriotic songs, played musical instruments, and read poetry.
The events made it possible to reveal the heroic feats of fellow countrymen, participants of military operations, who were sent by the Motherland to serve and fulfilled their duty with honor.


Day of withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan Day of withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan Day of withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan
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