Contest "Dad, Mom, and I - a sports friendly family "

Contest  "Dad, Mom, and I - a sports friendly family "March 16, 2016 in the КЕUK was a competition, "Dad, Mom, and I - a sports friendly family " program dedicated to the celebration of the event "Nauryz". Event organizers Accounting - Finance Department.
Competition Objectives:
- Organization of a healthy family holiday.
- Encouraging children to systematic physical culture and sports.
- To develop agility, strength, mobility, activity, wit, attentiveness.
- Foster a sense of community, benevolence.
- Creating emotionally positive attitude in the process of joint activity.
The sports event was attended by three teams.
1. Family of the Chinese Center: Yang Dae-Sea and Chernetskaya Olga, - granddaughter Michelle Liu
2. Family of the Polish Centre: Henry and Lubov Soroka, daughter Gabriela
3. The family of the Ukrainian Center: Vitvitskiy Alexander Stepanovich, Vitvitskaya Anastasia - son Stepan Vitvitskiy
4. Family of the Department of Civil Service of the Karaganda region: Ruslan and Asel Belyalov son Arslan.
As a result of 7 rounds and counted points won Belyalov family from the Department of Civil Service of the Karaganda region.


Contest  "Dad, Mom, and I - a sports friendly family " Contest  "Dad, Mom, and I - a sports friendly family "
Contest  "Dad, Mom, and I - a sports friendly family " Contest  "Dad, Mom, and I - a sports friendly family "
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