Contest "My University"

Contest "My University"On the 17 ͭ ͭͪ of Маrch, 2016 Department of Russian and Foreign Languages in cooperation with Department of the Kazakh language and culture of Kazakhstan was organized the contest "My University" among the students of all specialties, dedicated to the 50 ͭ anniversary date of the Karaganda Economic University. In the contest were presented the following nominations:
- the best essay about KEUK (in Kazakh, Russian and English languages);
-the best presentation about KEUK (in Kazakh, Russian and English languages);
- the best creative work (in Kazakh, Russian and English languages).
The best works were awarded with certificates. In this contest, students not only expressed their love for the university, but also demonstrated their creative talent and excellent knowledge of three languages !!!


Contest "My University" Contest "My University" Contest "My University"
Электронный университет
3D тур КЭУ