A visiting session on the basis of KSU «Youth Resource Center of Karaganda region»

A visiting session on the basis of KSU «Youth Resource Center of Karaganda region»December 6, 2016 was organized and held a visiting session on the subject "Municipal Management" on "Municipal management in unitary and federal states" among the groups' SLG-41K "on the basis of KSU" Youth Resource Center of Karaganda region "teachers of the department of ET and SLG and "SLG-42".
As part of the retreat sessions dealt with the KSU "Youth Resource Center of Karaganda region" as a subject of municipal government of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Classes are conducted in the state and in Russian.
According to the plan of retreat Lectures read Ph.D., Associate Professor Z.K. Zhanbekova, seminars conducted master, teacher Yertay Kh., On the activity of KSU "Youth Resource Center of Karaganda region", as well as topical issues of local government told Deputy Director Sadykov Aida Sayynovana. Students actively discussed local governance issues, compared with the domestic foreign experience, asked questions about the problems and prospects of the activity of the center, then they got all the answers from Aida Sayynovny and teachers from the DEs.


A visiting session on the basis of KSU «Youth Resource Center of Karaganda region» A visiting session on the basis of KSU «Youth Resource Center of Karaganda region» A visiting session on the basis of KSU «Youth Resource Center of Karaganda region»
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