DAY OF OPEN DOORS OF ECONOMICS AND EVALUATION CHAIRS23. 12. 17. Department of "Ecology and Evaluation" held an Open Day among schools in Karaganda and Karaganda region: KSU Kokpektinsky School; School number 25; Lyceum number 101. With the schoolchildren, a master class was held on vocational guidance by student volunteers, a tour of the university and a quiz in which schoolchildren took part with pleasure.


CHANGE YOURSELFIn accordance with the students' scientific research plan for 2017-2018 academic year, on December 15, 2017, at 14:30, a workshop "Change Yourself" was held at the coworking center "Dostyk". The seminar was conducted by Senior Scientific Researcher of the Research Institute for ELR, c.j.s., Associate Professor B.K. Syzdyk and senior lecturer of the LRER Chair, Master of Law A. Amantai. Law students took part in the seminar.
The main topic of discussion was the modernization of consciousness, the formation and improvement of the mechanisms of correct thinking. The problems of the current economic situation, modern trends in world development, education and science were tackled. The thesis about the stages of thinking, about the problems of self-education and the use of knowledge in practice caused the discussion.

"Ar namysym, kasiretim, maktanyshym - Zheltoksan"

"Ar namysym, kasiretim, maktanyshym - Zheltoksan"Teachers of the department "Social work and APC" Minzhanov N.A., Manasova M.M. KEUK held an open cognitive lesson timed to the Independence Day. At the lesson there were songs, poems performed by students dedicated to the Independence Day; a video was shown about the participants of the December events of 1986 in Almaty K. Ryskulbekov, L. Asanova, E. Sypataeva and S. Mukhametzhanova. During the event, students noted that December 16 - Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan - is the main national holiday for the whole people. It is to this day that we are due today's successes and prosperity. Having chosen this path for ourselves, we have chosen the values of patriotism, freedom and democracy.

«Ange kostyk atyndy, Tauelsizdik!»

«Ange kostyk atyndy, Tauelsizdik!»On the eve of Independence Day celebrations, the SW and APC chairs jointly with the Center for Youth Initiatives held a creative meeting with the famous aytisker-akyn Didar Kamiev. Also at the meeting sang their zhyr, tolgau, arnau Didar Kamiev`s pupils - Nurmuhammed Baysugurov, Abakkerei Tulegenly, Mukhtar Әdіlov. Smart advice, embedded in the depths of the holes, illustrate the high spirit of humanity. At the end of the meetings, Didar and Nurmukhammed arranged aytys. This meeting gave an opportunity to arouse the students' love for the Motherland and a sense of patriotism.


CONFERENCE OF RESEARCH AND DESIGN WORKS "THE CONTRIBUTION OF YOUNG SCIENTISTS OF THE KARAGANDA REGION TO THE SCIENCE OF KAZAKHSTAN".On December 12, 2017 in Karaganda Economic University Kazpotrebsoyuz by Research Institute of Economic and Legal Research in conjunction with the Education Department of Karaganda region was held an exhibition and conference "Contribution of young scientists Karaganda region into the science of Kazakhstan "of research and design work of young scientists, students of universities, students of secondary and secondary special educational institutions.
At the exhibition-conference works on the following directions were presented: Physico-technical production processes; Ecology; Nanotechnology; Energy sources; Biotechnology; Information Technology; Innovations in the economy; Infrastructure development; Pedagogical innovations; Legal features and other related areas. The priority for increasing the rating of projects in the competition was the presence of a physical and animation (software) model.
At the end of the conference the contest committee determined the winners in various nominations which were awarded with the relevant diplomas. A collection of scientific works of participants of the Exhibition and Conference is being formed.

"Political initiatives of the first President of the Republic of Kazakhstan"

"Political initiatives of the first President of the Republic of Kazakhstan"The Department of Social work and the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan has proved a round table "Political initiatives of the first President of the Republic of Kazakhstan". On the articles of students of specialty "Restaurant business" San Abisheva, Goncharova Vlad, a gun, Angelina, Mar Alba, Suleymanbeyli and students of the specialty "International relations" Anti Victoria, Bondarenko Alexandra, a man, as highlighted the huge contribution N..Nazarbayev in the construction of Stanley and of independent Kazakhstan, the horde of the country in the number of specifications of States of the world. It was noted that the president of the new independent state Nursultan Nazarbayev – is the author of global international initiatives of Kazakhstan, recognized all the throws and the respect of the international community. Summarizing the work of the round table, associate professor Seifullina G.R.

Subject Olympiad on "History of Kazakhstan" among schoolchildren

Subject Olympiad on "History of Kazakhstan" among schoolchildrenDecember 9, 2017, the staff of the Department of the SW and APK KEUK within the framework of the implementation of the program article of the head of state N.A. Nazarbayev "A Look into the Future: Modernizing Public Consciousness" organized and held a subject Olympiad on "History of Kazakhstan" among pupils of 11 classes of secondary schools in Karaganda and Karaganda region. 252 students from 31 schools took part at the Olympiad.
The purpose of the Olympiad: the formation of patriotism among young people, the identification and support of talented students.

Ruhani Zhangyru. 26 years on the way of creation: "Cultural-Civilizational Context of Interethnic Relations"

Ruhani Zhangyru. 26 years on the way of creation: "Cultural-Civilizational Context of Interethnic Relations"December 8, 2017 doctor of historical sciences, professor, vice-rector of social issues of KEUK, member of the scientific-expert group Abilov K.Zh., Ph.D., Professor, member of the scientific-expert group Klishina M.V. in the scientific-expert group of the APK of the Karaganda region took part in the round table "Cultural and civilizational context of interethnic relations" within the research laboratory of the complex study of the contemporary religious situation in Kazakhstan at the KarSU named after E.A. Buketov. The round table discussed the issues of restructuring public consciousness, the psychological features of interethnic relations and the problems of the development of cultural heritage.

Ruhani Zhangyru. 26 years on the way of creation

Ruhani Zhangyru. 26 years on the way of creationDecember 6, 2017 the Department of the SW and the APK held a round table "26 years on the path of creation", dedicated to the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The round table was attended by the doctor of historical sciences, professor, pro-rector for social issues of KEUK, member of the scientific-expert group Abilov K.Zh., Ph.D., associate professor, head of the chair of the SW and APK Abdakimova M.K., Ph.D., Professor, member of the scientific-expert group Klishina M.V., Ph.D., associate professor Seifullina G.R., art. teacher Mustafin S.Sh.

Ruhani Zhangyru. 26 years on the way of creation: «OUR MOTHERLAND - KAZAKHSTAN!»

Ruhani Zhangyru. 26 years on the way of creation: «OUR MOTHERLAND - KAZAKHSTAN!»On December 7 of the current year in the House of Friendship there was a contest-festival on the theme: "OUR MOTHERLAND-KAZAKHSTAN!" Dedicated to the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan dedicated to the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan. It was attended by doctor of historical sciences, professor, vice-rector for social affairs of KEUK, member of the scientific-expert group Abilov K.Zh., Ph.D., Associate Professor, Head of the Chair of the SW and APC Abdakimova M.K., Ph.D., Professor, member of the scientific-expert group Klishina M.V. for their active and fruitful work in organizing, holding conferences and preparing collections of materials for publication, were awarded on the basis of with letters of thanks.

Meeting of students with the representatives of "Technopark Sary-ARKA"

Meeting of students with the representatives of "Technopark Sary-ARKA"In connection with the intensification of scientific-research work of students and undergraduates on December 8-th 2017 at 16.00 h in the lecture hall 103 the meeting was held with the representatives of the "Technopark Sary-ARKA" The topic was: "Instruments of state support of industrial innovations". At the informal business communication the main project Manager of "Technopark Sary-ARKA" Karymov Dastan has answered numerous students ' questions and gave an advices: how to apply; how to promote innovative projects; where is it possible, obtain fi-nancing, etc.
This site was made by the captain of the team "Brainstorm" Kim Konstantin, who has shared with his experience of participation in such events, gave to begin-ners some tips and revealed some secrets of his success. We remind you that the team "Brainstorm" has won the third prize in the competition Fintechstars in the amount of 100 thousand KZT.

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