Open day of Faculty of Accounting and Finance

Open day of Faculty of Accounting and FinanceTeachears and volunteers of Accounting and Finance Faculty held an «Open Door» in the form of a quest-game on 28th of February, 2018. 211 school and college students of Karaganda city and Karaganda region took part in the game.
Dean of Accounting and Finance Faculty, c.e.s., docent Serikova G.S., chief specialist of the DSD Ivadilinova L.Kh., Chairman of Student Council Mukhametzhanova Zh., Deputy director of KB JSC «BCC» Dyusenov R.K. were in front of the quests, the organizers proposed a small concert program in the PSC.
Quest-game was organized in the form of a route from 10 stations that were lacated at the University, at each station students had to do some tasks for which they received points. Children competed for efficiency, agility and accuracy. At the end of the game, the prize places were:
1 place – school №76, №58;
2 place – KTTC, KHPK, school №6;
3 place – school №5, №83, grammar school №5.
All participants were awarded with certificates for active participation, and the winner and prize-winners – with diplomas and prizes.


Open day of Faculty of Accounting and Finance Open day of Faculty of Accounting and Finance
Open day of Faculty of Accounting and Finance Open day of Faculty of Accounting and Finance
Электронный университет
3D тур КЭУ