"My ideal job interview" master class

"My ideal job interview" master classEach year in aid of graduates before meeting with potential employers in the annual autumn fair "Career Day", master classes took place for students to present interesting information: how to write a resume, popular behavior mistakes in the interview, how to present yourself to a future employer and many other useful trainings.
November 20, 2017 by the Department of Strategic Development with teacher Markataeva G.M. from «Finance, taxation and insurance» chair was organized a master class “My ideal job interview” for graduate students has taken place at Karaganda Economic University Kazpotrebsous. The event was attended by graduates of all faculties of our university.
The master class "My ideal job interview" was conducted the training how to present yourself to the employer. Also was conducted 2 very interesting HR-tests:
- Max Luscher’s psychological test;
- 12 logical tasks on stress resistance.
Analogical tests the employer can offer to an applicant during the interview in the selection of the staff.
The HR-tests mastered by all graduates, it is proof of how students of the Karaganda Economic University Kazpotrebsoyuz prepared, know how to think logically and find the right solutions.

Platinum lecture on the topic «Spiritual and moral education of the individual and the formation of religious immunity among young people»

Platinum lecture on the topic «Spiritual and moral education of the individual and the formation of religious immunity among young people»November 17, 2017 in KEUK platinum lecture was held on the topic: «Spiritual and moral education of the individual and the formation of religious immunity among young people» with the participation of specialists of the rehabilitation center for the victims of the destructive religious movements of the "Victoria" center, religious scholar Zhanabayev Karshyga Baibekovich and psychologist Vladimir Alexandrovich Romashkov, the representative of the newspaper "Industrial Karaganda". The lecture was read by the teachers and students of the specialties of the Department of Social Work and the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan.
During the meeting, the following issues were discussed: the exploitation of unrealized psychological needs for non-traditional currents, the issues of religion in a secular state, the prevention of the influence of religious radicalism and extremism, as well as issues of youth policy, in particular those related to spiritual, moral education, civil positions of young Kazakhstanis.
A training game was organized for the participants: «Creation of a Religious Organization of Unconventional Persuasio».

ECO - Cooking

ECO - CookingThe team of the department "Commodity and Certification" received a diploma for the victory in the category "Healthy Nutrition" and a letter of thanks in the XVII International Student Festival of Culinary Arts and Serving "ECO-Cooking", held at the Belgorod University of Cooperation, Economics and Law ".
The team consisted of:
Students of the group TPP-24s
1. Music Julia
2. Pruchaev Bagdan
3. Dzhankeev Tolegen,
Team leaders:
1. Head of the department. Chair of Ph.D., Professor Esenbaeva G.A.
2. Senior teacher Mukhametzhanov Т.V.



A meeting of the "Enactus-KEU" club members and the «Enactus-Lingua» team was held at co-working center "Dostyk" of the University in the 16th of November, 2017.
The meeting was attended by adviser of the international program "Enactus-KEU", doctor of Economics, Professor Sikhimbaeva D. R., leaders and representatives of the KEU and Lingua teams.
Representatives of the "Enactus-Lingua" team talked about the fact that their team is involved in this program since 2004, has repeatedly come out in the semifinals, and they were the winner of the competition at the national level in 2010. The leader and activists of the club have shared the experience of their participation in competitions of the "Enactus" international program.




INTELLECTUAL GAME "LEADER APPRAISER"The Chair "Ecology and Assessment" conducted an intellectual game "Leader Appraiser - 2017" among students of colleges and students of the University of KEUK. The students took part in interesting competitions and quizzes of the Intellectual Game "Leader Appraiser - 2017" with pleasure.
As a result of the competitions held, the winners were determined:
1st place - O-31KEUK;
2nd place - O-21 CEPE KEUK;
2rd place - O-42 KEUK.

Participation in the work of the round table"All professions are good" in Temirtau

Participation in the work of the round table"All professions are good"  in Temirtau

November 11 this year. at 11.00-13.00 in the career guidance work, the lecturer of the Department of Economic Theory and SLG Yertai Kh. and representatives of the College of Economics, Business and Law Kurmanbekova G.S., Tokmagambetova A.A. took part in the round table "All professions are good", organized by SNS №8 in Temirtau. The round table was attended by representatives of the KSU, KSTU, KSIU, CKA.
In the process of holding the round table students of 11 classes presented their future professions. Representatives of universities and CEBL spoke about the system of higher education of their universities and specialties.
Teachers of the department of ET and SLG KEUK and CEBL Yertai Kh., Kurmanbekova G.S., Tokmagambetova A.A. full information about the image of KEUK and CEBL in the system of higher education in Kazakhstan, about the specialties, about the material and technical base, about student academic mobility in the near and far abroad, about the opportunities for participation in student start-ups and scientific projects.
As a result of the round table, all participants were distributed flyers KEUK.The lecturer of the department of ET and SLG Yertay Kh. is given full information on the image of KEUK in the system of higher education in Kazakhstan, about the specialties, the material and technical base, the student academic mobility in the near and far abroad, the opportunities for participation in student start-ups and scientific projects.
As a result of the round table, all participants were distributed flyers KEUK.


The international forum within "Cooperation" network university

The international forum within "Cooperation" network university

On November 9 within "Cooperation" network university on initiative of Belarusian trade and economic university of consumer cooperation and with assistance of Karaganda economic university of Kazpotrebsoyuz, Poltava university of economy and trade, Siberian university of consumer cooperation and Tajik state university of commerce in online format the "Problems of Electronic Business" international scientific and practical conference and the third Pisarenko readings "Efficiency of the sphere of the commodity address and work" have been held.
Welcome speech to KEU guests and conferees was addressed by vice rector Dr.Econ.Sci., professor G.E. Nakipova. Within the "Problem of electronic business" section meeting with the report "Feature of the educational information environment of training of specialists of the IT-market and market of electronic commerce on the basis of technology of distance learning" director of the Center of distance learning Cand.Econ.Sci. N.M. Tazhbayev has acted. In work of the section devoted to the third Pisarenko readings with the report "Development of a food retail in the Republic of Kazakhstan: problems and prospects" Cand.Econ.Sci., professor S.N. Ulakov has taken part.
Researchers and teachers of Karaganda economic university of Kazpotrebsoyuz, Belarusian trade and economic university of consumer cooperation, Poltava university of economy and trade, Siberian university of consumer cooperation and Tajik state university have taken part in work of a forum.
Holding these forums became a real contribution to integration of interuniversity science, to establishment of fruitful and long-term contacts between participating higher education institutions of "Cooperation" network university and also in expansion of process of a scientific economic research and in formation of incentives for further joint productive work.


to Marat Alibek (group RB-22) with the GRAND PRIX
in the republic languages olympiad
«Tildaryn-2017» !!!
November 10, 2017

A solemn presentation of certificates

A solemn presentation of certificatesOn the 2nd of November in 2017 was a solemn presentation of certificates of rector's Cup winners and certificates to participants of the autumn track and field athletics cross-country "Golden autumn", which was attended by over 100 students of the University and College.

Congratulations to the winners of the competition

Congratulations to the winners of the competitionCongratulations!!!
The team of the University and College of Economics, Business and Law took the second place in the open championship of Karaganda State University named after E.A.Buketov on mini-football among women's teams (schools, colleges), consisting of:

Электронный университет
3D тур КЭУ