Career choice is the choice of the future.

Career choice is the choice of the future.One of the main directions of the KEU, along with the organization of the educational process, is vocational guidance work among students in schools and colleges. Today, the right choice of profession is fundamental for achieving the set goals; adaptation of the graduate to the complex economic, social processes occurring in society. In many respects, the choice of the future specialty is influenced by university professors who conduct vocational guidance work in fixed educational institutions.
So, the teachers of the department "Marketing and Logistics" practice holding meetings of scientists of the KEU with schoolchildren. Such a meeting of Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor Borbasova Z.D. and Master of Economics Lesov D.D. passed in school №5. Schoolchildren have received all the information they are interested in regarding the rules for admission to universities; material and technical equipment; student life; learned about promising specialties, the most in demand on the labor market. The scientists answered many questions posed by the students, including the practical application of the acquired knowledge, the possibility of internships in other cities and countries, etc

Career guidance in schools v. Topar, Abay district

Career guidance in schools v. Topar, Abay districtFebruary 9, 2018 master of the Department "Banking management and financial markets" Isanov Arman Sheikhaliev, associate Professor of "Ecology and assessment" Norway N. M. and senior lecturer PREO Amantay A. A. in multidisciplinary College of Abay, Abay, SCDO them.Kornienko and SOSH im.B. Momyshuly p. Topar, Abay district, conducted a career guidance for school leavers.
During the events, a video about the University was shown, talked about the benefits of studying in KEUK, about the rules of admission to the UNIVERSITY and distributed booklets
In General, the work with graduates was held at a high level. Was given sufficient information about KEUK and CABP. Similar meetings are planned in the future.

Regional subject biology Olympiad "Biology expert - 2018"

Regional subject biology Olympiad "Biology expert - 2018"January 17, 2018 on the basis of the Karaganda Economic University, the Department of Ecology and Evaluation held a Biology Olympiad "Biology Expert 2018", in which 165 students from secondary schools in Karaganda and satellite towns took part.
According to the results of the Olympics, the following students are recognized as winners with the highest scores:
1 place - Zhumahanova Kamila 11 cells - KSU Grammar school №38
2 place - Glushkovskaya Natalya 11 кл - KSU ОШ №1, Saran
2 place - Zharylgapova Balausa 11th grade - United States of America named after Zhambyl
3 place - Вервай Анна 11кл - СОШ №25
3 place - Nursultan Aydana 11 cells - KSU Grammar school №92
The solemn awarding ceremony will take place on February 16, 2018 at the Department of Ecology and Evaluation.

Meeting with representatives of LLP «Burabai Damu»

Meeting with representatives of LLP «Burabai Damu»The President of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev in his annual state-of-the-nation address pointed out the importance of development of inbound and domestic tourism in regions of the country. One of the most effective projects in the sphere of tourism of the Republic of Kazakhstan is the Schuchinsk-Borovskaya resort area, representing a territory favorable for development of science, government and business. This project will help to Kazakh tourism and increase results for inbound and domestic tourism.
02 February 2017 for students of specialty «Tourism», «Restaurant business and hotel business» in walls of KEUK was organized a meeting with representatives of LLP «Burabai Damu» of Department for Presidential Affairs of RK. The organization aims to promote formation of attractive tourist image of Shchuchinsk-Borovoye resort zone. The meeting was very practical in terms of further mutually beneficial cooperation.
During the meeting students asked issues concerning further development of tourism at regional level and staffing services.

Winter school- 2018

Winter  school- 2018Within the framework of the implementation of the agreement on internal academic mobility, from January 10 to January 20, 2018, the students of the following higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan took part in the winter school of the Karaganda Economic University KazPotrebsoyuz: Kostanay State University. A. Baytursynov and Innovative University of Eurasia Pavlodar. In the framework of the winter school students of the specialties "Jurisprudence", "Finances", "State and local administration", "Management", "Translation business", "Accounting and audit", "Psychology" attended a course of lectures on the subjects "Non-judicial ways to protect civil rights "Lecturer - Associate Professor of Legal Regulation of Economic Relations Yeremin Y.N.," Anti-Corruption. Legal and Economic Aspects, lecturer Ph.D., Associate Professor Seythozhin B.U.
The Youth Affairs Committees of the faculties of the University organized an excursion to the Museum of the Remembrance of the Victims of Political Repressions - Karlag. Our quests have deep impression after this excursion. It made us think about values of peace and stability in our country.

Multilingual Teacher

Multilingual TeacherOn January 24, 2018 at the Department of Foreign and Russian languages was held a competition " Multilingual Teacher." Each faculty of KEUK presented a team of 5 teachers who speak Kazakh, Russian and English.

Futsal tournament for the "Rector's Cup" among the high school students of Karaganda secondary schools

Futsal tournament for the "Rector's Cup" among the high school students of Karaganda secondary schoolsA good tradition in the Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz is the holding of various sports events in the first month of this year. The first month of 2018 was not an exception. On January 11, a Futsal tournament for the Rector's Cup was organized and held among the senior pupils of schools and students of the Karaganda region colleges. To participate in the tournament, seven teams came to the hospitable walls of the university (School-lyceum № 101, School № 63, School № 68, School № 6, specialized boarding-school of the name of N.Nurmakov, Saran Humanitarian-Technical College of the name of Abay Kunanbayev).
Our guests have prepared properly for the tournament. The students showed substantial football, good technique and tactics, which indicate that in their educational organizations they also pay great attention to this kind of sport.
As a result of the exciting fights, the first, the second and the third places took the respective teams of pupils of the school-lyceum №101, specialized boarding-school of the name of N.Nurmakov, Saran Humanitarian-Technical College of the name of Abay Kunanbayev.
The teachers of the physical education department held this tournament at a high organizational level. Winners-prize-winners of competitions were awarded with Cups, letters of commendation, gifts, and all participants with certificates for the participation. Teachers-trainers, all without exception, were awarded with gratitude letters.

The rector's basketball Cup among young men and girls of 2000 and younger

The rector's basketball Cup among young men and girls of 2000 and youngerOn the school holidays at the sport complex of the University were held basketball competitions among the students of graduation classes of Karaganda region.
These competitions are traditionally held in KEU every year, and every year it becomes more and more popular. Thus, this year the tournament was attended by 20 teams (240 students) from 10 regions of the Karaganda area: Zhezkazgan; Balkhash; Saran; Shakhtinsk; Temirtau, Karaganda; Abay, Nura, Bukhar-Zhyrau, Оsakarovka regions.
The results of the competition determined the team of winners who are awarded with cups and diplomas, and each player received a certificate.
Among young men:
1st place – Zhezkazgan;
2nd place – Shakhtinsk;
3rd place – Balkhash.
Among girls:
1st place – Temirtau;
2nd place – Saran;
3 place – Abay region.
Also 3 people were awarded certificates with 10% discount for education at our University:
- Bolysbekov Elhan (Zhezkazgan, gymnasium № 8),
- Soldatov Alexander (Osakarovka, school № 12),
- Derenko Valeria (Osakarovka, school № 12).

Regional subject Olympiad in Biology "Biology expert - 2018"

Regional subject Olympiad in Biology "Biology expert - 2018"January 17, 2018 on the basis of the Karaganda Economic University, the Department of Ecology and Evaluation held a biology Olympiad "Biology Expert 2018", in which 165 students from secondary schools of Karaganda and satellite cities took part. Within the framework of professional orientation work with future graduates, the department organized an interesting excursion around the university.
Solemn rewarding of winners will take place on February 16, 2018.


BUSINESS-FORUM ENACTUS KAZAKHSTAN  "TOP TO FUTURE TOP FORUM"Business-forum "TOP TO FUTURE TOP FORUM" was held in Almaty, which was attended by students of the team "Enactus-KEU" Statsyuk Anastasia, Makatov Serikjan, Khudoiev Amin, who submitted the application for participation in the "National Cup of student entrepreneurship, start-UP and innovation" in the framework of the international program "Enactus Kazakhstan".
Students KEU took part in the Republican seminar-training and summarizing the results of the special contest "How to feed Kazakhstan – 3" from the company "RAIMBEK GROUP", the results of which entered the top ten contestants.


The staff of the Department of Economic Theory and State and Local Government congratulates doctor of economics, professor Taubayev Ayapbergen Aldanayevich with the awarding of the title «Person of the Year-2017» of Karaganda economic university Kazpotrebsoyuz and wishes creative success, good health and family happiness !!!
The staff of the department of ET and SLG.

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