Senior lecturer of «Tourism and catering» Flek A.A. held a field trip to a fast food restaurant network KFC

Senior lecturer of «Tourism and catering» Flek A.A. held a field trip to a fast food restaurant network KFC25 of November 2017 at 11: 00 for students of Tur-32, Rd-24c, was organized and carried out the training at one of the restaurants of the fast food chain KFC.
The class was conducted in the framework of the discipline of «restaurant and hotel business» with the aim to consolidate their theoretical knowledge in practice.
The restaurant staff had an interesting and informative tour of restaurant kitchen, got acquainted with technological processes of cooking, storage of food products, their processing, and organization of the billet and food preparation station processes.
The students learned a lot about methods of cooking format fast food, and were able to try a delicious lunch which was provided by the employees of the company absolutely for free.


Congratulate!Chair of tourism and restaurant business congratulates students of specialty «Tourism» group Tour-12 Bogdanov Pavel and Kurganskaya Elizaveta with an honorary 1st place in the contest «Fair of business ideas» within the framework of the project «School of young entrepreneur» Unified program of support of entrepreneurship «business Road map 2020». The competition was attended by 20 projects and the project of Pavel and Elizaveta’s business plan candy store «sugar» was voted the best. The competition was held on 25 November 2017 Chamber of entrepreneurs of Karaganda region.

Interactive technologies for sustainable development of tourism

Interactive technologies for sustainable development of tourism21 November 2017, the Senior lecturer of «Tourism and catering» chair Flek A.A. took part in the Republican scientific-practical seminar «Implementation of interactive technology — factor of sustainable tourism development» with the report «Main trends in development of e-sales in tourism» (certificate). The seminar was held at the University «Turan-Astana» (Astana).
The seminar was attended by the Chairman of the Committee of tourism industry of the Ministry of culture and sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan Murzamadieva M S., rector of the University «Turan-Astana» Dzhaparova G. A., representatives of regional administrations, representatives of tourist agencies and leading tour operators of the country, teachers of Universities training specialists in sphere of tourism, undergraduate and graduate students.

Open doors day of the Department "Accounting and auditing"

Open doors day of the Department "Accounting and auditing"The Department "Accounting and auditing" held a open Day for graduates of the school-Lyceum №101, school №31 of Temirtau, Karaganda Bank College and College of Economics, business and law KEU. Students and schoolchildren took part in the quest, during which they visited the Palace of culture of students, the Museum, the library, attended the theater "Inspiration", the laboratory of chemistry Department, got acquainted with the work of structural divisions, material and technical base of the University. At each destination they waited for the volunteers, who were told about the University and student life and asked to perform various tasks. Graduates had the opportunity to meet with the Dean of the faculty of accounting and finance, candidate of Economics, assistant Professor of Serikova G. S., head of the Department "Accounting and audit", candidate of Economics, Professor Madiyeva K. S., lecturer and members of Student Council.

Presentation of educational programs of magistracy KEU

Presentation of educational programs of magistracy KEUIn order to popularize the master's preparation by the Department of postgraduate and additional education for undergraduate students, an image presentation of the magistracy educational programs implemented in the KEU was conducted with the invitation of a professional coach. Interactive for students on the topic "Self-actualization. Professional formation. Life long learning "was conducted by expert-consultant on selection and assessment of personnel, business coach Isaac Pintosevich Systems, expert in training skills Tasbulatova Balsulu Kuvandykovna. As part of her interactive, Balsulu Kuvandykovna revealed the value-semantic aspect of the process of professional development of the individual, she showed by concrete examples that education is the opportunities, resources and investments in oneself on which the success of modern man is built; She presented her graduate of the specialty "Tourism" with her coach session.

“Graduate-2018” Career Day

“Graduate-2018” Career DayOn November 24 at 10.00 in the Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz the "Career Day" Graduate-2018 "for graduate students took place. Leaders and leading specialists of state institutions, banking, insurance companies, travel companies, etc. took part in the seminar. (95 potential employers). Annually no less than 80% of KEU graduates work for the most popular specialties.
Within the framework of the "Career day" a joint action was also held with the regional branch of the party "Nur Otan" "Justice advises", during which all interested persons, were given the opportunity to get professional advice on legal issues. Representatives of the Justice Department of the Karaganda region, Notary's Office, Association of Lawyers, RACS took part in the action.

Meeting with the pupils of the final classes of schools No. 1, 3, 7 of the city of Karazhal

Meeting with the pupils of the final classes of schools No. 1, 3, 7 of the city of KarazhalDepartment of Information and Computing Systems KEU, in addition to educational and scientific activities, conducts an active career guidance work. Teachers of the department go to schools and colleges of the city and the region to talk about our university, to introduce graduates to educational programs.
So, the teacher, the master of the department of IVS KEU Tsitsin A.S. in November, she conducted career guidance among students of schools in the city of Karazhal.
The guys are very interested in our university, they have received answers to all the questions concerning the conditions of admission and training in the KEU.

Concert dedicated to the Day of the financier

Concert dedicated to the Day of the financierNovember 22, 2017 the Department of Finance, Taxation and Insurance, with the support of the Center for Youth Initiatives of KEU held a concert dedicated to the Day of the Financier, conducted as part of career guidance work.
At the concert, a contest was held for the best video congratulation on the topic "The financier is the profession of the present and the future", according to the results of which they took 1st place - Gymnasium No. 92, 2nd place - School No. 39, 3rd place - School No. 68, other participants received thank-you letters and incentive prizes for participating in various competitions for knowledge of the history of the domestic currency.



From 10 to 19 November 2017 the Final Stage of Futsal National League took place, in the Ice Palace «Almaty Arena». The National Team of our university won the silver of the championship. Team consists of :
1. Knaub Arnold - gr. IR21c
2. Chernomordov Vladislav – gr. Log12c
3. Bolbakov Ali - gr. Log22c
4. Karimov Amir – gr. Tour-31c
5. Alin Meirzhan – gr. IR41
6. Alin Asylzhan – gr. A42
7. Madiyarov Agedil – gr. Law41k
8. Barashev Chingiz – gr. Law42
9. Baizakhov Alshyn – gr. WE12
10. Akymzhan Askar – gr. Law22k
11. Talasbaev Abuniyaz – gr. E23c\k
12. Kyrykbaev Serikbolsyn – gr. Law32
13. Rakishev Marat – gr. Law23c
14. Khabibulin Timur – gr. F11SP

Unfortunately in the finals our guys lost to the Caspion (Almaty) , with a score of 4-6.
Thus, the futbal team of KEU became for the second time the silver winner of a competition in the history of the NSL.
We congratulate our team with remarkable success and wish them the next year to become Champions of NSL!

""Start Up" opportunity for small business in the Republic of Kazakhstan"

""Start Up" opportunity for small business in the Republic of Kazakhstan"Last Friday on the basis of the Karaganda Youth resource center with assistance of Karaganda region Chamber of businessmen the round table ""Start Up" opportunity for small business in the Republic of Kazakhstan" has been carried out.
During the meeting the participants were acquainted with the positive foreign and domestic experience and perspective developments in the field of creation and promotion of start-ups, and the owner of the ENTAPP application shared its own successful experience in doing business.
The round table was attended by students and teachers of Karaganda universities.

The Republican Olympiad in the discipline "Money. Credit.Bank"

The Republican Olympiad in the discipline "Money. Credit.Bank"As part of the celebration of the 60th anniversary of the S.Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical University in Astana and the Day of the financier 2nd and 3rd course students Kulmagambetova A. (F-22), Kaliaskarova Z. (F22), Blyalova A. ( F21k), Seydrazimov A. (F-33), Kim K. (MN-31) took part in the Republican Olympiad in the discipline "Money. Credit.Bank". The Olympiad was attended by 5 teams from leading universities of the country. According to the results of 5 rounds, as a result of intense struggle the team of KEUK won 2nd place.
The team was headed by the teachers of the Department of Banking and Financial Markets, Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor Rakhmetova A.M., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Gusmanova Zh.A., Master Idirissova A.T.

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