SCIENTIFIC SEMINAR "RATIONAL USE OF WATER RESOURCES FOR INCREASING THE LEVEL OF ECOLOGICAL CULTURE OF THE POPULATION"March 15, 2018 at the department "Ecology and Assessment" was a scientific seminar on the topic: "Rational use of water resources to improve the level of environmental culture of the population." Presentations were made by students: Simbirtseva Ekaterina, Eco-12 group, Amantai Ayymbek, Eco-11k group, Amanzhanova Sayagul, Beisembaeva Aigerim group, reports and presentations on the topic: "Rational use of water resources in Kazakhstan", "Zhasyl Economy", "Su-Resource-based TIIMDY paidalanu MOSELERERI" Eco11k.

Musical evenings in the hostels

Musical evenings in the hostelsOn 15 March 2018 year teachers chair of high mathematics was organized musical evenings in the hostels №1 and №3. During the events students of the guitar in performances of works of various genres.
Students living in the hostels, took an active part in the musical evenings, which is reflected in the collective performance of popular songs.

“Five Social initiatives of the President” Round table Talk

“Five Social initiatives of the President” Round table TalkOn March 13, 2018 the Department of Social work and the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan conducted a Round table Talk on “Five Social initiatives of the President”.
The speakers Abdakimova, M.Sh., Klishina, M.V., Seifullina, G.R., Malkin, M.P. took active part in the Round table discussion.
The Round table Talk caused great concern among the students who also participated in the discussion and asked the questions that were interesting for them.

Career guidance work

Career guidance workOn March 3, 2018 the Faculty of Economics and Management held an open day for students of 10-11 grades of secondary schools and colleges of Karaganda in the format of the quest «Harry Potter» on the basis of Karaganda Economic University Kazpotrebsoyuz.

Open day of Faculty of Accounting and Finance

Open day of Faculty of Accounting and FinanceTeachears and volunteers of Accounting and Finance Faculty held an «Open Door» in the form of a quest-game on 28th of February, 2018. 211 school and college students of Karaganda city and Karaganda region took part in the game.
Dean of Accounting and Finance Faculty, c.e.s., docent Serikova G.S., chief specialist of the DSD Ivadilinova L.Kh., Chairman of Student Council Mukhametzhanova Zh., Deputy director of KB JSC «BCC» Dyusenov R.K. were in front of the quests, the organizers proposed a small concert program in the PSC.
Quest-game was organized in the form of a route from 10 stations that were lacated at the University, at each station students had to do some tasks for which they received points. Children competed for efficiency, agility and accuracy. At the end of the game, the prize places were:
1 place – school №76, №58;
2 place – KTTC, KHPK, school №6;
3 place – school №5, №83, grammar school №5.
All participants were awarded with certificates for active participation, and the winner and prize-winners – with diplomas and prizes.

Charitable event "Give good"

Charitable event "Give good" On the eve of Thanksgiving Day, the Student Council of Accounting and Finance Faculty held a charity fair "Give Good". The main purpose of the fair was to raise money to help the children's community. Guests of the fair could purchase handmade crafts and taste homemade cakes cooked by members of the student council. At the end of the fair, the collected amount was sent for the purchase of gifts to the Children's Home for children with disabilities in the development process. On March 5, 2018, the Student Council of the AFF visited an orphanage, where it held an entertainment program and presented gifts to students. The children received us warmly and lovingly, like family and friends. We talked, played, laughed, sang songs and danced. Our attention and care for these children will add to them self-confidence, and later they will grow self-sufficient personalities who will take their rightful place in our society. I would like to express my deep gratitude to all those who took part in this charity fair. Do good, and it will return to you ...!

The authority of the name

The authority of the name March 3, 2018 the library of Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz held a meeting with Sergei An, the finalist of the project "100 new faces of Kazakhstan" representing the Karaganda region. The meeting was held within the framework of the explanatory work on the article of the Head of State "Course towards the future: modernization of Kazakhstan’s identity" in order to popularize, especially among young people, our fellow countrymen who made a significant contribution to the development of the Republic for the years of its independence, those who with their own mind, hands and talent creates modern Kazakhstan.
Sergei Valentinovich An is a deputy of the city maslikhat of three convocations, the founder of his own style of mixed martial arts Nomad MMA. His whole life is devoted to the upbringing of the younger generation through sport. The participant of the national project told the youth about patriotism, about the contribution that he makes to the development of independent Kazakhstan.

“A thousand of fates – one nation” Round Table Talk

“A thousand of fates – one nation” Round Table TalkOn 28th of February, 2018 the Department of Social work and the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan organized “A thousand fates – one nation” Round Table Talk devoted to the Thanksgiving Day which is observed in Kazakhstan.
The Round Table Talk was marked with active participation of Malayev, D.B. – the chief of the bureau of scientific-expertise maintenance and methodical provision of “Qogamdy kelisim” public institution of the Karagandinskaya region Akim’s staff; Khmelevskij V.A. – the chairman of “Polonius” Karaganda region community of Poles, a member of the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan; Galutskaya L.A. – a moderator of social projects, “Wiedergeburg” Culture and Education Center.
Moreover, the KEU students Nazym Sakhatayeva, Tatyana Tsay, Makpal Erzhan, Veronika Tokareva presented their reports and original poems.

Lecture on the basics of entrepreneurship

Lecture on the basics of entrepreneurship

Karaganda Economic University holds seminars, lectures for students and undergraduates on the basics of the development of innovative projects. Our university is focused on the search, selection and development of start-up projects.

As part of the implementation of the start-up projects, Kurmanseit A. Director of the Youth Resource Center of Karaganda region, Office of Youth Policy of the Karaganda Region, Kurmanseit Akzhol Akhatuly conducted a lecture on the topic: "Using scientific methods from the idea to implementing start-up projects." Like any other project, a startup starts with an idea. In his speech, A.M. told how to realize the idea and create a product that attracts the consumer and investors.

On the part of the university lecturers, employees, students and undergraduates took part in the lecture. During the meeting, the participants were acquainted with the terms of the start-up projects, as well as existing programs for supporting start-up projects in Kazakhstan.

In addition to these startup lectures, students annually take part in Olympiads and competitions of Kazakhstan on the development of innovative projects.

Entrepreneurship Forum and the Republican Training "Strategy and Planning of the Enactus Team"

Entrepreneurship Forum and the Republican Training "Strategy and Planning of the Enactus Team"The Enactus KEUK team took part in the Youth Entrepreneurship Forum and the Republican Training "Strategy and Planning of the Enactus Team" on February 23-24 of 2018 in Astana. They listened to interesting trainings, met with successful entrepreneurs and businessmen. 28 universities from Kazakhstan participated in this forum. Team Enactus KEUK got experience in entrepreneurship and teambuilding, as well as a lot of emotions and enthusiasm from other Enactus teams. There were interesting conversations and discussions with the speakers, also advices and instructions were given to the team for successful development. We want to express our gratitude to the rector of KEUK for such opportunity to participate in this forum.

Intellectual game «The Language Experts»

Intellectual game «The Language Experts»Departments of the “Russian and Foreign languages” and “World Economy and International relations” of Karaganda Economic University hold an intellectual game “The Language Experts ” among pupils 11 classes of secondary general schools of Karaganda
Intellectual game began with a presentation about the University. The game was held in three rounds.
I round – Team presentation (in Kazakh, Russian, English languages)
II round - Jeopardy ( questions of the subjects History of Kazakhstan, world history, geography, literature)
III round – The staging of fairy tale (in Kazakh, Russian, English languages).
The intellectual game was very informative and essential. The students also got great impressions. According to the results of the game, participants were awarded with diplomas and certificates.

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