Members of the scientific expert group of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan of the Karaganda region, associate professor of the department "Social work and the ANC" Abdakimova M.K and professor Klishina M.V. took part in the discussion of the new norms of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan and the implementation of the project of the ANC "Kazakhstan"
At the meeting, the winners were awarded for the best research project dedicated to the Kazakhstan model of social harmony. Professor Klishina M.V. was also a member of the competition commission among the awardees.


Fieldwork for students of the specialty "Social Work" and "Fundamentals of Law and Economics"

Fieldwork for students of the specialty "Social Work" and "Fundamentals of Law and Economics"
September 25, 2018 as part of the development of the curriculum in the courses was organized and held field exercise art. teacher Alpysbaeva M.B. Department of Social Work and ANC in "Consultative Center" Credo "(Temirtau) with students of the specialty" Social Work "and" Fundamentals of Law and Economics ". During the lesson the students got acquainted with the main directions of the work of the Consultative Center; with the structure of psychosocial individual work with elderly people and children of the Central Electoral Commission; with the main directions of the social worker's consultative work with the patients of the Center; with forms of social assistance and leisure activities with the elderly and children.
The mission of the Consultative Center "Credo" is the social support of people who have fallen into a difficult life situation.
Today, the Center works within the framework of the social project "Provision of special services for disabled 1-2 groups and elderly at home. The aim and objectives of the project are to use the potential of an elderly person in the upbringing of a new generation through means of psychosocial work and by working together in a needlework circle with children residing in the CAS.

Platinum Lecture "Modern Trends in Internet Marketing"

Platinum Lecture "Modern Trends in Internet Marketing"

26 September 2018 at the invitation of the chair "Marketing and logistics" at Karaganda economic University of Kazpotrebsouz the head of the marketing Department of the online store "" , the graduates of KEUK Abramova Natalia Yuriivna was held a platinum lecture for students of EP "Marketing" and "logistics".
Online shop it is one of the leading online retailers with its own logistics system not only in Kazakhstan, but also around the world.
Natalia spoke about modern trends in online trading, methods of evaluating the effectiveness of Internet resources. Particular interest among students was shown in the promotion of goods through Internet resources, the work of marketing departments and employment opportunities in the company.
Following the meeting, a Memorandum of Cooperation was signed between KEUK and the online store "", the student received an invitation to practice, and the teachers - internships.

Olympiad at mathematics among pupils of 9-11 grades of comprehensive secondary schools

The Department of Higher Mathematics invites pupils from grades 9-11 to the Mathematics Olympiad, which will be held on 3 November, 2018 at 10:00. At the Olympiad the school program tasks of increased difficulty will be offered to participants. The winners will be awarded prizes.
All those who want to take part should to submit an application until October 22 to fax: 441632 or to mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. With a note "for the department of higher mathematics." The application form is attached.

Presentation of the program " Trainee»

Presentation of the program " Trainee»

On September 27, 2018, the company "Eurasia Copper PLC "held a presentation of the program" Trainee " for graduates and graduate students.
The company "Eurasia Copper PLC" is the leader of mining, metallurgical and construction industries of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The number of employees is 1 300 people. The average monthly salary per employee is 200 000 tenge.
The duration of the internship:
- for graduates who have received a diploma - from 1 to 3 months;
- for graduate students - from 3 to 6 months;
- for third-year students - up to 18 months before graduation.
Criteria for successful completion of the internship:
- implementation of the work plan with a positive average assessment of the criteria (not less than 4.0 on a five-point scale);
- the characteristic-the recommendation of the Mentor;
- positive feedback from HR service;
- mandatory attendance of all educational and social events implemented by the company with the involvement of trainees;
- innovation proposal of the trainee or joint project of the group of trainees to improve the company's activities, reflected in the diploma/master's work of the trainee.

The final international conference "New Approaches to Teaching: Higher Education as a Process for Developing the Potential for Employment" in the framework of the COMPLETE project (Narhoz, Almaty)

The final international conference "New Approaches to Teaching: Higher Education as a Process for Developing the Potential for Employment" in the framework of the COMPLETE project (Narhoz, Almaty)

In the framework of the COMPLETE project "Building Competence Centers and Employment Potential" (ERASMUS+) on September 17-19, 2018 the final international conference "New Approaches to Teaching: Higher Education as a Process for Developing the Potential for Employment" was held at the Narhoz University (Almaty, Kazakhstan).
The conference was attended by the project partners from 6 countries such as Germany, Greece, Slovenia, Latvia, Russia, Kazakhstan.
The main part of the conference related to "Experience of the COMPLETE project: results, dissemination and synergy" was hosted by partner universities from Russia and Kazakhstan. Also there were enterprising presentations of employers, a speech by the representative of the Center of the Bologna process at the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan Skiba M.A. and presentation "Best Practices for the Development of Competence Centers: Cash Nova Bank and Narhoz".
At the plenary sessions of the international conference there were following trainings:
1. For students and graduates - "Teamwork - a successful career", speaker Konotopov A.I., a vice-rector for educational and methodical work, PhD (MIIGAIK, Russia, Moscow).
2. For students and undergraduates - "Technologies 4.0 and new ideas for business", speaker Koychubayev A.S., a head of the "Management" department, PhD (State University named after Shakarim, Kazakhstan, Semey).
3. For teachers and staff - "Technologies of Formative Evaluation in Studying Students", speaker Dobrynina N.I. (Perm State University, Russia, Perm).
By the end of the international conference all participants got the certificates.

«Golden Autumn» autumn cross-country for the rector's Cup.

«Golden Autumn» autumn cross-country for the rector's Cup.There was hold Autumn Cross “Golden Autumn” for the Cup of The Rector on the 21nd of September 2018 in Karaganda economical university. More than 100 students competed in 500-metres and 1000-metres track system race.
The final results:
In the individual event (girls):
I place - LisichkinaVarvara
II place - Shayazdanova Dana
III place - Katayeva Victoria
In the individual event (boys):
I place - Bondar Andrey
II place - Äbdіr Jaras
III place - AlimkhanYelaman
In the team event (girls):
I place - College of Economics, Business and Law
II place - Faculty of Economics and Management
III place - Faculty of Business and Law
In the team event (boys):
I place - Faculty of Business and Law
II place - College of Economics, Business and Law
III place – Faculty of Accounting and Finance

Enactus KEUK team members took part in the Big Business Forum "ASTANA BASTAU BUSINESS TERRITORY"

Enactus KEUK team members took part in the Big Business Forum "ASTANA BASTAU BUSINESS TERRITORY"During the period from September 22 to September 23, Enactus KEUK teams of 12 people took part in the organization and holding of the Big Business Forum "ASTANA BASTAU BUSINESS TERRITORY". Our team worked as volunteers in the Networking Zone. We helped to collect contacts, demonstrating excellent communicative qualities. And they also gained colossal experience from leading experts in sales, scaling and attracting investments. The Enactus KEUK team expresses gratitude to the organizers for such a large-scale event and for the fact that it is possible to establish useful links.

Day of languages of the people of Kazakhstan

Day of languages of the people of KazakhstanOn September 24, the teachers of the department of foreign and Russian languages held the activities dedicated to the Day of Languages of the Peoples of Kazakhstan. The event included assignments and games in the languages are studied in KEUK: Kazakh, Russian, English, German, Arabic and Chinese. During the game, participants learned many interesting facts from the culture and traditions of different peoples and enlarged their active vocabulary.

Career guidance work in the district of Abay region

Career guidance work in the district of Abay region

September 19, 2018 master of the Department "Banking management and financial markets" Isanov A.S., senior lecturer PREO Amantay A. A. senior lecturer of the Department "GMU and ET." Yusupov M. T., Ph. D., Professor of the Department "the CP and the ANC of" Minjanov N. A. and also with the participation of volunteer students in the district, Abay district conducted professional work for graduates of schools of Abay and the villages of Dubovka and Karabas.
During the event, a video about the University was shown, the benefits of studying at KEUK, the rules of admission to the UNIVERSITY and distributed booklets about KEUK and KEBP, also conducted a survey. It is important to note that graduates of rural schools actively participated in this event. They asked a lot of questions about the educational process, types of specialties, the infrastructure of the University, etc.
In General, work with graduates was held at a high level. Was given sufficient information about KEUK and KEBP. Similar meetings are planned in the future.

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