The ENACTUS KEUK team has recruited new members into its ranks

The ENACTUS KEUK team has recruited new members into its ranksSeptember 13, 2018 in the walls of the Karaganda Economic University Kazpotrebsoyuz was the presentation and selection of the ENACTUS KEUK team. Students were presented with flashbacks with world cups and national competitions, enactus keuk speakers told students about our goals and values. The team was joined by 31 students of 1-3 courses, such specialties as: International Relations, Accounting and Audit, Logistics, Tourism, Restaurant and Hotel Business, World Economy. The university students learned about what Enactus does and what the future participants are waiting for.



We invite students of the Karaganda Economic University KazPotrebsoyuz to take part in the Rotation Program in the group of companies of the Fund "Samruk-Kazyna".
We are interested in maximally attracting graduates from all regions of Kazakhstan to form a team of 30 most talented students. Alumni 2017, 2018, 2019 (bachelor's, master's) are invited to participate, wishing to become professionals and start their career in the best national companies of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Within the framework of the "Zhas Өrken" program, educational activities will be conducted on the basis of the Corporate University "Samruk-Kazyna". The obligatory component of the Program is a five-month rotation in the units of the Fund companies for 2 years under the supervision of top managers of companies. Winners of the contest will be paid a monthly salary, paid travel to the place of rotation and accommodation.
More information about the requirements to the participants and conditions of the Contest is available at
We ask all interested graduates of 2018 to register via this link ( for the presentation from the representatives of the Corporate University "Samruk-Kazyna" which will be held on November 13 at 15:00 at the Karaganda State Technical University.
Sincerely, Akerke Rysbek


Participation of the Enactus KEUK team in summer camp Enactus Eurasia Summer camp!

Participation of the Enactus KEUK team in summer camp Enactus Eurasia Summer camp!

The participants of ENACTUS KEUK-Balsynov Zhalgaskhan, Rayymkhanova Zarina, Zholdybai Altynay, Orazbekova Alina took part in summer camp Enactus Eurasia Summer Camp from August 17 to 22, 2018. ENACTUS KEUK students were given the opportunity to study in entrepreneurship, financial literacy, project management, business innovation within the Enactus Eurasia Summer Camp 2018. One of the 10 organizers of this event was our captain Bolsinsov Zhalgaskhan, a student of the Yu-42 group. Over 200 active students from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Azejbardjan took part in the summer camp. The team is very grateful to Enactus Kazakhstan for the excellent organization of the large-scale event, as well as the member of the Board of Directors and the leading Enactus Reading club Azamat Utenov for the opportunity to take part in the competitions Reading club. We won 3 grants to participate in the summer camp and thanks to this our students visited this event for free. And of course we thank the Rector of KEUK, Doctor of Economics, Professor Aimagambetov Erkara Balkaraevich, Vice-rector for scientific work, strategic and innovative development of KEUK, Doctor of Economics, Professor Nakipova Gulmira Ermekovna and Advisor of the international program "Enactus-KEU" , Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor Sikhimbayeva Dinara Rahmangazievna for the opportunity to participate in such events!



October 18-19, 2018 the International scientific and practical conference with the assistance of the Chamber of entrepreneurs of Karaganda region the NCE RK and «Cooperation» Network University involving representatives of Kazakhstan and foreign researchers will be held on the basis of Karaganda economic university of Kazpotrebsoyuz.

The conference program also includes the following special scientific activities:
1. International scientific and practical on-line conference «Organizational, legal, economic, technical and other aspects of prevention of road traffic accidents and traffic offences».
2. Interuniversity Youth Scientific Forum «The fourth industrial revolution: contribution of young scientists".


The guest lectures of the invited professor of the Faculty of International Relations of Anadolu University (Turkey) Nejat Dogan

The guest lectures of the invited professor of the Faculty of International Relations of Anadolu University (Turkey) Nejat Dogan

From September, 3 to September, 28 in 2018 PhD, professor of the Faculty of International Relations of Anadolu University (Turkey) Nejat Dogan will visit the Karaganda Economic University with guest lectures. The professor will deliver a lecture "Introduction to International Relations" for students of specialties "International Relations" and "World Economy".

Attention to the magistracy and doctoral studies!

Karaganda Economic University Kazpotrebsoyuza informs about the allocation to our university of a state educational order for the preparation of masters in the amount of 52 places in 12 specialties of the magistracy: Jurisprudence, Economics, Management, Accounting and Audit, Finance, State and Local Management, Marketing, Information Systems, Technology of Food Products, Standardization and Certification, Tourism, Evaluation. as well as 14 places in 3 specialties of doctoral studies: "Economics", "Management", "State and local administration".
Admission documents for admission to the magistracy and doctoral studies are held until July 31, 2018.
On all questions you can contact by phone 44-15-88, 44-16-24, 44-16-34 (add 199).
Our address: 100009, city of Karaganda, ul. Academicheskaya, 9, office. 264, Department of Postgraduate and Further Education

Visitof a foreign professor from the University of Milan-Bicocca (Italy)

Visitof a foreign professor from the University of Milan-Bicocca (Italy)

Karaganda economic university of Kazpotrebsoyuz was visited by Alberto Leporati, an associate professor of Milan –Biccoca University (Italy), a co-founder of Bis-Lab information security laboratory of the Department of computer sciences, systems and communications (DISCo). The visit of our foreign guest included a meeting with the Rector, introduction to the work and facilities of the university as well as the laboratories of Distance learning center, the chair of ICS and the Students’ service center. It was followed by meetings with the participation of the working group and the ICS chair teaching staff on the creation of information security laboratory, where they discussed the issues of the current situation and prospects of IT development, the problems of training of IT personnel and the areas for future collaboration.

Attention applicants!

Attention applicants! The deadline for applications for participation in the competition for awarding state educational grants was extended until July 28, 2018. Admissions Committee of Karaganda Economic University: Karaganda, Akademicheskaya St., 9. Telephones 8 (7212) 44-15-72, 44-15-68

KEUK’s participation in the international festival of Turkic people

KEUK’s participation in the international festival of Turkic people On the 30th of June the ethnographic fashion theatre of KEUK participated in the first international festival of Turkic people “Kóşpendiler álemi” (“Nomadic world”) in Astana city.
“Kóşpendiler álemi” plays an important role in reviving traditions, history, unity and spirit of nomadic heritage. Teams from Hungary, Bulgaria, Kyrgyzstan, Bashkortostan, Turkey and Kazakhstan arrived to the festival to present authentic culture of nomadic civilization. Our girls in unique and colourful attires left an indelible impression on the participants of the festival, mass media, «Qazaq Geography» and «Kazakh Tourism» companies, guests of the festival and the event organizers becoming the key decoration of the mega event.
«Designed by modern technologies with elements of national culture designer dresses of Kazakhstan beauties were able to capture the spirit of that time» they write about our outfits in the Kazakh media.
Delighted foreign and Kazakhstan quests were interested in history of creation and design of each suit presented at the festival and did not miss the opportunity to take a souvenir photo.

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