Introducing Latin alphabet

Introducing Latin alphabet

"There is a deep logic of switching to Latin alphabet. This is due to the modern technological environment, communications and scientific and educational process in the XXI century – President N. Nazarbayev said in one of the articles of ‘Rukhani zhangyru’ program.
This year, a new Kazakh alphabet based on Latin graphics was adopted. Aiming to promote it, on October 26, 2018, Department of ‘Kazakh language and culture of Kazakhstan’ held an action ‘Latyn alipbiimen tanysaiyk’ (Introducing Latin alphabet) in ‘Tair’ shopping center.
The event was actively attended by city residents who came to there, many young people were among them. They tried to write their names, sentences, participated in competitions on the speed and correctness of writing words in Latin. Everyone received prizes and gifts.
Participants of the event expressed confidence that every citizen of Kazakhstan can successfully cope with the switching of Kazakh language to the Latin alphabet.



Introducing Latin alphabet Introducing Latin alphabet
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