Foreign scientific internship of the PhD student of the Karaganda Economic University Kazpotrebsoyuz in Prague


From May 27 to June 9 2018, PhD student of specialty 6D051000 «State and Local Administration» Stavbunik Elena passed a scientific internship at Prague University of Economics.
During the scientific training, the thematic seminars «Influence of innovation policy of the state on the development of human resources and their potential in the conditions of the European Union» (PhD, Yana Kourzhilova), «The current state of the regions of the Czech Republic in the context of the Strategy for Innovative Development until 2020» Department of Regional Studies Petr Toth). Doctoral student Stavbunik E. took part in the master-class of the famous professor Tomas Matula «Participation and interaction of state institutions in creating a favorable innovation climate for an innovative business in the Czech Republic». Very interesting and fruitful was the meeting of our doctorate with the leadership of the Investment Agency of the Czech Republic and the employees of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic. During the meeting, the doctorate was given the opportunity to learn about the features of investing innovative projects in the Czech Republic, as well as strategic programs for the innovative development of Czech enterprises.

International conference was held in the city of Rostov-on-Don at the Don State Technical University "Driving the regional economy: new universities" tools and technologies

International conference was held in the city of Rostov-on-Don at the Don State Technical University "Driving the regional economy: new universities" tools and technologiesFrom May 27 to May 29, 2018, an international conference was held in the city of Rostov-on-Don at the Don State Technical University "Driving the regional economy: new universities" tools and technologies, planned in the framework of the Erasmus+ (projects Establishment of the centers of competence and employability development - COMPLETE and European Dimension in Qualifications for the Tourist Sector – EurDiQ).
The conference was attended by project partners from 9 countries, such as Great Britain, Cyprus, Germany, Greece, Slovenia, Latvia, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan.
During the conference trainings were conducted by Ms. Yianna Orphanidou and Dr. Melpo Iacovidou University of Nicosia (Cyprus) and an external expert from the United Kingdom Simon Jones.
On the second day of the conference, a planned meeting was held within the project “Establishment of the centers of competence and employability development – COMPLETE” with an external expert Simon Jones.
On the basis of the presentations prepared by the partners on the Center, the external expert Dr. Simon Jones gave an evaluation of the results of the Centers’ work.
Upon termination of trainings certificates to participants have been given out.



On May 25, 2018 the Department of Ecology and Evaluation organized a quiz and cultural program within the framework of the action "A Look into the Future". The action took place on the territory in front of TH Abzal in Karaganda. According to the results of the blitz-poll conducted earlier in social networks "Touchan zher", its winners received diplomas and memorable prizes. These events were conducted with the aim of popularizing and familiarizing the city's population with the Ruhani zhenhyru program.

CACTLE KEUK Center Certificates

CACTLE KEUK Center CertificatesOn May 29, 2018, an international certificates of the Vienna University of Economics and Business (Vienna, Austria) was awarded at the "Certified University Teacher" course, conducted by the "CACTLE KEUK" Center. The training program "Certified University Teacher" is aimed at developing competence in the field of teaching and didactics.

KEUK is an active participant of «Арманға жол» half marathon «KARAGANDAHALFMARATHON».

KEUK is an active participant of «Арманға жол» half marathon «KARAGANDAHALFMARATHON».

Over the years our university has been developing its own traditions of healthy lifestyle among students and the staff.
KEUK is an active participant of numerous sport events held in Karaganda and in the republic of Kazakhstan.
Thus, on 20 May 2018, more than 100 students and teachers of the university and the college took a part in track starts of «Арманғажол»half marathon, which has become a highincentive to lead a healthy lifestyle and charged the public with positive energy and cheerfulness.
LisichkinaVarvara, a student of MO-33group has won the honorary second place and KZT 60 000 in 7 km-sprint among the participants of 18-34 age group.

The books of the project "New Humanitarian Knowledge. 100 new textbooks in the Kazakh language "in КЕUK

The books of the project "New Humanitarian Knowledge. 100 new textbooks in the Kazakh language "in КЕUKWithin the framework of the program article "Looking to the Future: Modernizing Public Consciousness", President of Kazakhstan N. Nazarbayev sets a number of tasks for the coming years to implement large-scale projects and reforms in all spheres of society. One of them is the project "New Humanitarian Knowledge.
100 new textbooks in the Kazakh language ", within the framework of which the best world textbooks of the world will be translated into the state language and become available to the Kazakh reader.
Dear students and teachers, readers of the КЕUK library, we are pleased to announce that the library received the first 17 books in such areas as: philosophy, sociology, psychology, economics, management, business, religious studies, linguistics, anthropology, innovation.
Books are available in the reading room and on the library's .



On May 16, 2018, the Department of Ecology and Evaluation held an on-line conference "Environmental Safety" with the Omsk State Technical University. The conference was attended by teachers and students of 1-3 courses in the specialty "Ecology". The reports and projects were made by: Auezkhan S., 2nd year student, 3rd grade students Oralbek J., Auez Ү., Vyuhina A. The conference was accompanied by a stormy, interested discussion of topical environmental problems of Kazakhstan and Russia.

The results of the final of the III traditional contest " Your Business " at the University of Miras in the city of Shymkent

The results of the final of the III traditional contest " Your Business " at the University of Miras in the city of Shymkent

On May 11, 2018 at the University "Miras", Shymkent the III traditional contest "Your Business" was held among students and undergraduates of higher educational institutions. Following the results of the protection of 15 projects, the competent jury represented by the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs "Atameken" of the South-Kazakhstan region determined the best innovative projects of 2018 within the framework of the contest "Its business". According to the results of the contest, the 2 place was taken by the student of the Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz Omarov Aybar, GMU-21k, who was accompanied by his scientific advisor master, senior lecturer Talimova Gulmira Ualikhanovna.

A visiting session on the basis of KSU «Youth Resource Center of Karaganda region»

A visiting session on the basis of KSU «Youth Resource Center of Karaganda region»11.05.2018 at 14:00-16:00 on the basis of KSU "Youth Resource Center of the Karaganda Region" held an off-site lesson on the discipline "Ethics of the Civil Service" on the topic "Memlekettik kyzmetkerler i-reketindeegi etiquette" among students of the group "SLG-31k.
The lesson covered the rules of official ethics of civil servants, general standards of conduct, standards of conduct during off-duty hours, standards of conduct in service relations with colleagues and standards of conduct associated with public speaking, including in the media.
The lecture was read by the deputy director of Sadykov's center Aida Sayynovan, master classes, teacher Yertai Khuanbek conducted seminar classes. Students actively discussed questions about the etiquette of civil servants, asked questions about the problems and prospects for the center's activities.

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