Intellectual game “History of the great steppe”

Intellectual game “History of the great steppe”Department of SW and APK together with the staff of the university library and with the participation of students organized and conducted an intellectual game “History of the great steppe” and an exhibition of books dedicated to the celebration of the day of the First President, “Leader of the nation” N.A. Nazarbayev, as well as devoted to the discussion of the article of the head of state “Seven faces of the great steppe”.
During the event, informative reports were announced and a quiz on the knowledge of the History of Kazakhstan was held. Of particular interest to students were questions about the culture of the Turkic world, the flora and fauna of Kazakhstan, as well as tasks to determine the historical identity of the proposed description of his contribution to the history of the Motherland.
Students got acquainted with the book Fund of the library on historical topics and the works of the President of Kazakhstan.


Intellectual game “History of the great steppe” Intellectual game “History of the great steppe” Intellectual game “History of the great steppe”
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