XI Republican student subject Olympiad on specialty 5B0090500 - "Social work"

XI Republican student subject Olympiad on specialty 5B0090500 - "Social work"

April 18-19, 2019 in KarSU named after E. A. Buketov was held the XI Republican students ' subject Olympiad on specialty 5В0090500-"Social work" where the students of 1-2 courses of the specialty "Social work" invited the Azine Sh, Berkimbai J., Kosaeva L., K. Shakenova took an active part.
The Olympics consisted of several stages. Stage I – competition "profession Presentation". It was performed by students as a homework. The team of students prepared a video clip, which revealed the features of the profession of social work, its social significance, focus on practical work in the social sphere. At the II stage of "Testing" students were tested in the disciplines of specialty: "Methods and technologies of social work", "Theory of social work". Each student's answers were evaluated. At this stage of the Olympiad student group SW-22 Kosaeva Laura received a III degree diploma of the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan scored the highest score on testing. Stage III – competition of social projects on topical issues of social work. Development of the project was carried out as homework. Students presented the results of their research work of the social project, which reflected the relevance of the topic and its content, realism, resource and human resources.
At the end of the Olympiad, students were awarded certificates and letters of thanks.

“Career Fair – 2019”

“Career Fair – 2019”

On April 17, at 10:00 a.m. in the Karaganda Economical University of Kazpotrebsoyuz together with “Employment center of the population of Karaganda akimat” MPI, a “Career Fair - 2019” was held for graduate students and graduates of past years of the university, which was attended by directors and senior staff of state institutions, IT- companies, manufacturing companies, etc. (50 organizations).
During the event “Career Fair - 2019”, employers talked with students, students actively clarified information about the activities of companies, potential vacancies, and plans for companies. Employers conducted express-interviews with students, an informational and explanatory work on the “Youth Practice” program was carried out, CVs were selected, explained the features of work in a particular position.
Invited employers were provided with information on additional training programs of the Resource Center of the “COMPLETE” and “CACTLE” projects, as well as a plan of training programs for the near future. Individual representatives of companies showed an interest in the proposed training, which will be further worked with.

The project of students of the EP "SLG" was recognized as the winner in the nomination "Social start-up KEUK 2019"

The project of students of the EP "SLG" was recognized as the winner in the nomination "Social start-up KEUK 2019"

According to the results of the contest of innovative projects of students of Karaganda Economic University «SOCIAL INITIATIVES IN THE YEAR OF THE YOUTH» business project «FLOWERS 09», developed by students gr. «SLG-32k» Bakyt Aikkimis, Shaykenova Zarina under the guidance of the master of the department of «Economic Theory and the SLG» Yertay Khuanbek was declared the winner in the nomination «Social start-up KEUK 2019» and received a «certificate for 100 000 tg».
This business project provides for the organization of the enterprise for growing flowers in the city of Karaganda. The company will grow flowers - tulips and chrysanthemums.


Field lesson «Basics of primary medical and social assistance»

Field lesson «Basics of primary medical and social assistance»

On April 16, 2019 at the School of health on the basis of the Center of social services of the German center «Vidergeburt» was held a field session for students of the specialty «Social work» on the theme «Basics of primary medical and social care». A lecture: the doctor HLS pseonecr «Regional clinical hospital» Idelbaev O. SH., head of the Center for social services Galutskaya L. A. and associate professor Abdakimova M. K. In the course of the lesson, students learned knowledge about the social nature of diseases and how to prevent them and prevention.
During the meeting, the students got acquainted with the directions of the Center, their social projects and charitable activities.

The business project of students of the EP "SLG" became laureates in Cheboksary

The business project of students of the EP "SLG" became laureates in Cheboksary

On April 5, 2019, following the results of the Interregional Scientific and Practical Conference "Youth and Cooperation - 2019" students of the SLG-31k. Shaykenova Zarina, Baқyt Aikүmіs, under the guidance of the master of the department of Economic Theory and SLG Yertay Khuanbek became laureates in the section “The contribution of young people to the science of the future” Students were awarded diplomas, the head of the letter of thanks. And also by the organizers.

«In the world of professions»

«In the world of professions»

According with the «Marketing and logistics», «Tourism and restaurant business» staff of library conducted meeting among pupils from the SGS№52, SGS №62
There was a quest game which consisted of 4 station located throughout the University. They got points for each completed tasks. The pupils competed on the speed, dexterity and accuracy.
Also, the children presented a presentation on the specialty "Tourism", a quiz on best-selling books and a tour of the library. Pupils showed interest in the University. Many are interested in the specialty, which they can study in KEU.

Meeting with representative of “Financial Center” JSC of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Meeting with representative of “Financial Center” JSC of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan

On April 11, 2019, the Resource Center of the Department of Strategic Development organized a meeting with representative of “Financial Center” JSC MES RK and graduates of 2019 (master’s degree, PhD) studying on a scholarship. Also, the meeting was attended by the head of the department, responsible for employment, master's and doctoral studies.
Representative of “Financial Center” JSC MES RK Maulet K. in conjunction with the Director of the Resource Center Kose Zh. conducted outreach activities on monitoring the employment of young professionals and PhDs. The meeting aroused great interest among the audience, a lively dialogue took place, and answers to the questions asked were received.

Prize III-place in the Republican student subject Olympiad in the specialty «Fundamentals of law and Economics»!

Prize III-place in the Republican student subject Olympiad in the specialty «Fundamentals of law and Economics»!

On 4 and 5 April 2019 at the Zhetysu state University. After I. Zhansugurov was held the XI Republican Olympiad on specialty «Foundations of law and Economics». 17 universities of Kazakhstan took part in the Olympiad.
From our University took part students: Yerzhan Makral, Isaev Aituar, Kanatuly Zhanaidar and Guldana Abzhanova scientific leader is the Professor of the chair «Social work and the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan» doctor of pedagogical Sciences, Professor of Mingаnоv N.A.
Olympiad was held in three rounds: written work - essay «Bolashakka Badar: Rouhani gear», the protection project, tamc «Korkem minez» emotionally intellects oidu-Damity ortalygy» and testing in the disciplines of the compulsory component.
The team of our students, showing their erudition, knowledge and skills, got into the top three and took III place in this Olympiad! Congratulations!!!

Victory in the regional competition "Zhas Kanat-2019"

Victory in the regional competition "Zhas Kanat-2019"

On April 2-3, 2019 students of our University took part in the XXI regional competition of young performers and leading show programs "Zhas Kanat-2019", dedicated to the Year of youth.
In the nomination "Vocal genre" from our University were: Sat Islam, Meney Zhuldyz and Abenova Camilla. In the nomination "Pop conversational genre (entertainer)" we were presented Mitanova Karina, Khudoiev amine, Aitmatov Abrar. At the end of the qualifying tournament in the final of the regional competition held MENA Zhuldyz, Abenova, Camille Khudoiev amine and Aitmatov Abrar. In the final stage Abenova Camille was awarded the diploma of the first degree, Khudoiev amine and Aitmatov Abrar diplomas of the SECOND degree, Menai Zhuldyz thank-you letter.
We sincerely congratulate all participants of the regional competition with new experience, achievements and wish to always achieve high performance in all their endeavors! We are sure that Abenova Camilla will be able to adequately represent our region at the national competition. Good luck!

"Do young people read books?"

"Do young people read books?"On April 2, 2019, within the framework of the implementation of the program “Rukhani Zhangiru”: the Year of Youth, debate “Do young people read books?”was held in the library of Karaganda economic university of Kazpotrebsoyuz.
The teachers and students of KEUK participated in the discussion. Questions like “Does the modern student youth read?”, “Can the Internet replace the book?” were raised during the discussion; ways of involving young people in reading Kazakh literature were considered as well. During the discussion, the participants touched upon issues on the significance of the book, the role of the library in society and attracting young people to reading.

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