XI Republican student subject Olympiad on specialty 5B0090500 - "Social work"

XI Republican student subject Olympiad on specialty 5B0090500 - "Social work"

April 18-19, 2019 in KarSU named after E. A. Buketov was held the XI Republican students ' subject Olympiad on specialty 5В0090500-"Social work" where the students of 1-2 courses of the specialty "Social work" invited the Azine Sh, Berkimbai J., Kosaeva L., K. Shakenova took an active part.
The Olympics consisted of several stages. Stage I – competition "profession Presentation". It was performed by students as a homework. The team of students prepared a video clip, which revealed the features of the profession of social work, its social significance, focus on practical work in the social sphere. At the II stage of "Testing" students were tested in the disciplines of specialty: "Methods and technologies of social work", "Theory of social work". Each student's answers were evaluated. At this stage of the Olympiad student group SW-22 Kosaeva Laura received a III degree diploma of the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan scored the highest score on testing. Stage III – competition of social projects on topical issues of social work. Development of the project was carried out as homework. Students presented the results of their research work of the social project, which reflected the relevance of the topic and its content, realism, resource and human resources.
At the end of the Olympiad, students were awarded certificates and letters of thanks.


XI Republican student subject Olympiad on specialty 5B0090500 - "Social work"

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