


multiple winner of international competitions


Head of the choreographic ensemble «Zhaina»

Smagulova Azizа Oralkhanovna


Education: Higher. E. A. Buketov Karaganda State University

Sociological faculty

Artist of folk dance ensemble «Akku»

Address: Karaganda, Akademicheskaya str. 9, office 322

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Choreographic ensemble "zhaina" for more than 20 years proves its leadership at dance festivals(competitions) of various scales: 6-time winners of the Grand Prix of International competitions in Belarus, Russia, Egypt, Kazakhstan. Winners of the VI Republican festival "Zhas Tolkyn", regional competition "Ertis tolkyny", 5-time winners of the regional competition of students "Youth is the future of Kazakhstan".

Main directions of choreography:

- staging of dances

- basic principles of dance technique

- coordination

- the study of basic movements

- stretching

- synchronism

- preparation for competitions

Class days

in the Studio of the choreographic ensemble (office 322):

Monday: 15.30-18.00

Tuesday: 15.30-18.00

Thursday: 15.30 -18.00

Zhaina Zhaina Zhaina
Zhaina Zhaina Zhaina

Department of Ecology and Evaluation


General information about the department. History of the department.

Department of Ecology and Assessment was established in 2001 at the Department of Statistics and EDI. Department of Statistics was established in 1969godu. the first head of department was associate professor M.Serkebaev who headed it until April 1978goda.
From April 1978 to 1997. department was headed by Professor E.A.Almazhanov.
From 1998 to 2004. department was headed by Professor Rakhimzhanova RI
From 2004 to 2006, the department was headed by Professor Kulumbetova LB
From February to September 2006, the department was headed by Professor KS Ainabekov
From September 2006 to September 2007 the department was headed by Associate Professor Terzhanova AZ
Postdoctoral chair again topped professor Kulumbetova LB
Since 2014 the department is headed by Dr., Associate Professor GG Baikenov
Currently the department has 15 people, including 2 doctors, 7 associate professors, 3 senior teachers and 3 masters. Ostepenennyh the department is - 50%, including 1 Doctor of Science, Doctor of Economics 1 and 7 candidates.
In accordance with the mission of the university goal of innovative development of the department "Ecology and Assessment" - to determine the conditions and mechanisms for achieving them, that:
- Provide qualitative changes in educational programs, training, teaching, research and educational process, to provide opportunities for students to develop as a spiritual, creative and healthy personality in accordance with the requirements of the modern development of the region;
- Create conditions for the interested public participation in the development of education;
- Will fully take into account the social needs of the various groups;
- Will contribute to the efficiency, competitiveness and sustainable socio-economic development of the Karaganda region.
To achieve this goal the activities of teachers of the department based on the following principles:
- The principle of priority development of education;
- The principle of designing innovative development;
- The principle of openness of education and public participation;
- The principle of continuity of education;
- The principle of innovative educational environment.
The department conducts training in two specialties:

Achievements of the Chair

Head. the Department Baikenov GG
In 1994, Fellows im.Aythozhina. In 2007, she took part and won Inter-national certificates in international training courses for specialists from Central Asia and the Russian-these on the application of information network technology, which took place in Urumqi China. In the 2006-2007 academic year, is a member of the MES to check on compliance with the legislation of Kazakhstan on education. Repeatedly awarded certificates and letters of thanks from the regional Trade Union of Education and Science; in 2007. awarded with the diploma Akim of Karaganda region, thank-you letter from the Department of Education of Karaganda region. Awarded the medal "25 years CHU" "For high achievements in the development of Organic Synthesis and Coal Chemistry Central-tion of Kazakhstan" by the order №14 - LS-04.12.2013 gInstituta organic synthesis and HS-lehimii the Republic of Kazakhstan, on the eve of the national holiday - Independence Day-sti the Republic of Kazakhstan

Associate Professor Duzbaeva NM
Awards: Certificate for a successful and fruitful work with gifted children to develop the skills of research (Department of Education of Karaganda region, 2012.) Diploma of 1 degree for the preparation of the prize-winner of the Republican conference, local historians, naturalists and tourists "Kazakhstan - Menin Elim" in the direction of "Nature and Ecology" (2013), Diploma of Association

Associate Professor Chergizova BT
Thanks PA "EcoObraz" for assistance in the implementation of the international project "The impact of illegal dumping on chemical safety Karaganda region" October 2014g.Blagodarstvennoe letter for the preparation of participants within mezhregionalnogokonkusra with international participation "Decade of Ecology 2
014 "Omsk, 2014

Dear students and visitors of the Department of Ecology and evaluation of information technology faculty! Welcome and I hope that your visit to our site will be useful for you and informative
Thank you for your interest in our department
Department of Ecology and evaluation, despite his relative youth, has already been a number of well-deserved success and prepares modern, highly qualified professionals, whose main objective is improving the level and quality of life.
The department trains specialists: bachelors in specialty ecology and bachelor's and master's degree assessment.
We are actively cooperating with organizations and employers at various levels, from state and municipal governments to private commercial enterprises, which our students are constantly practice.
The department is actively uchuvstvuyut in all scientific activities of the University, and regularly conducts independently, conferences, seminars, round tables, public lectures, forums, teleconferences. Our guests with open lectures are often representatives of the state, regional authorities, well-known businessmen, etc. Our students are showing interest in all aspects of society and enjoy visiting lectures.
For students studying at the department are specially equipped classrooms.
Staff of the department consists of experienced teachers, among whom there are doctors and candidates of sciences. Significant result of methodical work of employees of the department is to write many textbooks and teaching materials,
The Department does not remain aloof from the social life of both the university and in the whole country. Our students actively uchuvstvuyut in scientific and social activities. The department operates scientific and creative youth clubs and more.
In our department employs highly qualified professionals, including practice. We are ready to dialogue with all stakeholders. Our doors are always open for cooperation.
Successfully conducted at the Department of scientific work, as well as the student's scientific work of the SSS, which took prizes at the annual conferences. I hope that this kind of activity and join you. In the future, you can join the ranks of our employees.
The department is attentive to students' suggestions for improving a particular aspect of the educational process and keeps them feedback.
In conclusion, I wish you success in gaining knowledge.





Rights and duties of doctoral students


Internal regulatory methodological documentation


Karaganda economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz is one of the leading economic universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which trains highly qualified specialists with knowledge and competence in the field of priority areas of social, economic and political development of the country. This is achieved through the use of innovative and interactive teaching methods supported by the latest technology and a powerful material and technical base of the University.
Doctoral program as a program of training of highly qualified researchers is among the most important priorities of the University.

The University training of PhD students is conducted in 3 specialties:




The term of study in doctoral studies-3 years.
Form of training-full-time, on a paid basis (at the expense of own funds of citizens and other sources) and on the basis of the state order.
Educational programs of doctoral studies are based on enhanced integration of educational, methodological and research activities aimed at training of scientific and pedagogical personnel with a high level of knowledge, skills and competencies in the field of Economics.
The basis of the fundamental educational program of doctoral studies is the author's courses, Professor's scientific seminars, guest lectures, master classes of famous scientists and practitioners.Scientific and applied research is carried out in the framework of scientific schools of leading scientists of Kazakhstan.
The effective implementation of research activities is facilitated by the functioning of the research Institute "Economic and legal research", as well as the work of the scientific consortium "KEU-Institute for regional development", specialized training and research laboratories and offices.
Since 2012, the University provides targeted training of PhD doctors, doctors in the profile for domestic universities and research organizations, since 2015 – for foreign ones.
Stable positions of the University as a strategic partner allowed to form a reliable network of our corporate partners in scientific and creative research, academic mobility, organization of scientific internships, including: Sofia University.St.Kliment Ohridski (Bulgaria), Sofia Technical University (Bulgaria), national Academy of management (Mongolia), Krakow University of Economics (Poland), Santiago de Compostella University (Spain), Saint-Istvan University (Hungary), Krakow University of Economics (Poland), Prague University of Economics (Czech Republic).
Educational programs of postgraduate education are accredited by domestic and foreign agencies.

Admission to training in educational organizations that implement educational programs of postgraduate education

According to the Standard rules of admission to educational institutions, implementing educational programs of postgraduate education, approved by the order of the Minister of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 31, 2018 № 600 admission of applications for doctoral Universities is carried out by the selection Committee.

The deadline for applications is from 3 to 25 July of the calendar year.

Entrance examinations in foreign languages, specialty and complex testing are held from 8 to 16 August of the calendar year, enrollment - until 28 August of the calendar year.
Persons entering the doctoral program provide international certificates confirming foreign language proficiency in accordance with the common European competence (standards) of foreign language proficiency and pass the entrance exam for groups of doctoral educational programs.
Persons who have international certificates confirming foreign language proficiency in accordance with common European competences (standards) of foreign language proficiency:
English: Test of English as a Foreign Language Institutional Testing Programm (Test ov inglish AZ and forin of Languge Institucional Testing programs) (TOEFL ITP (TOEFL AYTIPI) – not less than 460 points), Test of English as a Foreign Language Institutional Testing Programm (Test ov inglish AZ and forin of Languge Institucional Testing programs) Internet-based Test (Internet based test) (TOEFL IBT (TOEFL of HIBITI), threshold score – at least 87), (TOEFL (TOEFL) threshold score – not less than 560 points), International English Language Tests System (International English Language Tests System (IELTS), threshold score-not less than 5.5);
German language: Deutsche Sprachpruеfung fuеr den Hochschulzugang (Deutsche sprachprufung für Dein hochkulturen) (DSH, Niveau C1/C1 level), TestDaFPrufung (TestDaF-profun) (Niveau C1/C1 level);
French: Test de Franзais International -Test de français international (TFI (TFI) – is not below the level B1 in sections reading and listening), Diplome d'etudes en Langue franзaise - Diploma datum EN lang
française (DELF (DELF), B2 level), Diplome de Langue It franзaise - Diploma Approfondi de Lange française (DALF (DALF), level C1),Test de connaissance du franзais Test de Connaissance du français (TCF(TSF) - not less than 400 points).
The authenticity of the submitted certificates is checked by the admission commissions of Universities and scientific organizations.

Admission of persons to doctoral studies

Admission to the number of doctoral students is carried out by the admission commissions of Universities and research organizations on the basis of the entrance exam for groups of educational programs of doctoral studies and a certificate confirming foreign language proficiency in accordance with the European competence (standards) of foreign language proficiency.

Admission to the state educational order

Persons who have received the highest scores in the entrance exams in the amount of not less than 150 points are enrolled to study for a doctoral degree on an educational grant on a competitive basis.
Persons entering the doctoral program, submit the following documents to the UNIVERSITY:
• copy of identity document;
• a copy of the document on education;
• international certificate confirming foreign language proficiency in accordance with common European competences (standards) of foreign language proficiency;
• list of scientific and methodological works (if any);
• six photos, size 3x4 cm;
• medical certificate form 086-U, approved by order No. 907;
• personal personnel record sheet or other document confirming employment, certified by the personnel service at the place of work.
• list of scientific and methodological works (if any).
Together with copies of the documents specified in this paragraph, their originals are provided for verification. After verification, the originals are returned.

For all questions of admission to doctoral studies, You can contact the Department of postgraduate and additional education KEU
by phone 44-15-88
44-16-24, 44-16-34 (EXT. 199)
Address: 9, Akademicheskaya street, Karaganda, 100009, KAB. 264
Email:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Bus travel: №№19, 34, 44
By taxi: № № 30, 31
till the stop
«Еconomic University»



Rights and responsibilities of a master's student

Internal regulatory methodological documentation

In modern Kazakhstan education, acting as a national priority, the magistracy is an important link in the three-level model of training with higher education, aimed at the implementation of educational programs with the award of the degree "master" in the relevant specialty.
A master's degree follows the academic level of a bachelor's degree. It is an academic degree that:
* reflects the educational level of a graduate of a higher school;
* awarded to persons who have mastered the educational programs of postgraduate education;
* focused on research or scientific-pedagogical work, practical work that requires high qualification and professionalism
Master-a graduate of the University, characterized by in-depth fundamental training, good erudition and dynamic thinking, possessing the skills of research, solving complex applied problems, teaching, as well as having the necessary competencies in the field of self-development.

The cost of testing in foreign languages for admission to the master's and doctoral PhD-4200 tenge per 1 applicant.
Details of the nst to pay the cost of testing by language:
RSE "national testing centre" MES RK
010011, Astana, Pobedy Ave., 60
PH 600 300 086 081
BIN 000 140 001 853
KZ IIC 536 010 111 000 001 515
JSC "Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan»

The Karaganda economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz trains masters in 13 specialties:

6М030100 LAW

6М030400 CUSTOMS

6M050600 ECONOMY



6M050900 FINANCE






6M090200 TOURISM

6M090800 RATING

Training in the magistracy is carried out in two directions:
* scientific and pedagogical;
• profile.

Period of study:
• scientific and pedagogical direction-2 years.
* in the profile direction - not less than 1 year
Form of training – full-time.
Scientific and pedagogical magistracy implements educational programs of postgraduate education for the preparation of scientific and pedagogical personnel for the system of higher, postgraduate education and research, law enforcement, with in-depth scientific and pedagogical training.
The profile magistracy realizes educational programs of postgraduate education on preparation of administrative shots forsectors of economy, medicine, law, education, art, services andbusiness, defense and national security, law enforcementactivities with in-depth training.
We create the human capital of the country possessing modern knowledge and skills in the field of intellectual activity for formation and development of innovative economy and economy of knowledge.

Admission to training in educational organizations that implement educational programs of postgraduate education

According to the Standard rules of admission to educational institutions, implementing educational programs of postgraduate education, approved by the order of the Minister of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 31, 2018 № 600 admission of applications for master's degree, doctoral Universities, residency Universities and research organizations is carried out by selection committees of Universities and research organizations, as

The deadline for applications is from 3 to 25 July of the calendar year.

Entrance examinations in foreign languages, specialty and complex testing are held from 8 to 16 August of the calendar year, enrollment - until 28 August of the calendar year.

Persons entering the magistracy with Kazakh or Russian language of study – complex testing consisting of a test in a foreign language (English, French, German at choice), a test on the profile of a group of educational programs, a test to determine readiness for training;

Format of complex testing for master's degree

with Kazakh or Russian language of instruction

Number of test tasks – 130.

Testing time-235 minutes (3 hours 55 minutes).


Foreign language

Test to determine readiness for training

Test on specialty






Critical thinking

(elementary mathematics, interpretation of various forms of information)

Analytical thinking

(analysis of academic and popular science texts, identification of hidden patterns, cause-and-effect relationships)

Discipline 1

Discipline 2


English / German/ French



Number of jobs










Form of test tasks

Choosing one correct answer

Choosing one correct answer

Choosing one correct answer

Choosing one or more correct answers



1 point

1 point

1 point

2 points - all correct answers,

1 point – for one mistake,

0 points – for two or more errors


Maxim. number of points


30 points

30 points

40 points


Time to resolve (min)






The threshold score







Admission of persons to the magistracy

Admission of persons to the master's degree is carried out on the basis of a comprehensive test in accordance with the Scale of 150-point grading system for comprehensive testing in the master's program with the Kazakh and Russian language of study: at least 75 points, including a foreign language – at least 25 points on the profile of the group of educational programs: with the choice of one correct answer – at least 15 points, with the choice of one or more correct answers – at least 20 points on the test for determination.

 Admission to the state educational order

For training on an educational grant in the master's program with the Kazakh or Russian language on a competitive basis are enrolled persons who have scored the highest points in complex testing in the amount of:

1) for scientific and pedagogical magistracy - not less than 100 points;

2) for the relevant graduate degree not less than 80 points.

The school's 150-point grading system

for complex testing in magistracy with Kazakh and Russian language of training

Types of test

Job form

Language of delivery

Number of tests


The threshold score

Foreign language proficiency test


English / German / French




Lexico-grammatical test


Test to determine readiness for training

with the choice of one correct answer

Kazakh / Russian




Test on the disciplines of the group of educational programs

with the choice of one correct answer

Kazakh / Russian




with the choice of one or more correct answers

Kazakh / Russian









List of documents to be submitted to the selection Committee for admission to the master's degree

Persons entering the magistracy, submit the following documents to the UNIVERSITY:

* application (in any form)addressed to the head of the organization;

* copy of the document on higher education;

* copy of identity document;

  • personal form of accounting personnel and the document confirming labor activity (for those with seniority);
  • six photos, size 3x4 cm;

* medical certificate form 086-U, approved by the order of the acting Minister of health of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 23, 2010 № 907 "on approval of forms of primary medical documentation of health care organizations" (registered in the Register of state registration of normative legal acts under № 6697) (hereinafter-Order № 907);

* a copy of the international certificate confirming the foreign language proficiency in accordance with the common European competences (standards) of foreign language proficiency (if any).

Along with copies of documents, their originals are provided for verification. After verification, the originals are returned.

When providing an incomplete list of documents, the selection Committee does not accept documents from applicants.

Applicants for master's degree pass entrance examinations in a foreign language and specialty

For all questions of admission to the master's and doctoral PhD

You can contact the Department of postgraduate and

additional education of KEU (KAB. Two hundred sixty four)

tel. 44-15-88, 44-16-24, 44-16-34 (EXT. 199) e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Travel by bus: № 19

by taxi: № № 30, 31, 44

till the stop

«economic University»

Information about the service of documentary maintenance control


Service documentary maintenance control is created on the basis of the order of the rector №295-ok from 06.09.2007 as a division of the Department of Personnel Management
Head of the Service of Documents management and control reports directly to the Director of the Department of Personnel Management. The structure of the service including the office, archive.

The main objectives of the service are:
1. improving the forms and methods of work with documents in the University;
2. The provision of a unified procedure for documenting, organizing paperwork, creation and maintenance of information retrieval systems, the control of execution of documents and preparation of documents for the transfer to the departmental archives of the University;
3. The reduction in document management at the university;
4. The development, introduction of new technological processes with documents and document information through the use of organizational and computer technology, including the ordering of documents and information indicators.

The service performs the following functions:
• carries out the initial treatment, a preliminary review, registration, recording, storage, delivery and distribution of documents, sending and receiving faxes, e-mail the university.
• organizes the timely consideration by the University of incoming documents, oversees the registration documents submitted for signature to the university management;
• controls the execution of documents in a timely manner, regularly inform the university administration about the results of the execution of documents;
• create and maintain control reference population;
• organizes copying and reproduction of documents;
• developing guidance on records management and other regulatory guidance documents to document and records management;
• Range of affairs of the University, provides rapid storage cases and their use to transfer in the prescribed manner to the private archive;
• develop measures to improve the forms and methods of work with documents, improve performance discipline;
• control over the accuracy of registration and formation of affairs in subdivisions, organizes expert evaluation of documents for the purpose of selection for the storage and destruction;
• organizes improving business skills service meets, seminars and consultations on the document and records management;

Prospects of activity - the introduction of office automation and workflow transition to the state language, based on a comprehensive introduction of information technology in all areas of document management that allows you to create a single information space in the university.
To implement the project of automation of document management at the University of the Concept of electronic document management and electronic document management rules of the organization.

Head of Service - Smagulova Larissa Serikovna
Chief Inspector - Lukonina Alexandra
Clerk - Kanitskaya Tamara losifovna
Zav.arhivom - Bikenova Sania Isabekovna

Tel / fax 44-16-32


Department "Information and Computing Systems"

Description of specia



Department of "Computer processing of economic information" (CPEI) as a part of the Karaganda Cooperative Institute was established on September 1, 1982. at the Faculty of accounting and economics. In February 1986, the department was renamed from CPEI to "Information and Computing Systems" (ICS). Currently, the head of the department is c.e.sc., professor Omarova SH.E.
The task of the department is to prepare highly qualified specialists in the field of information systems and technologies.
The development strategy of the department is focused on a new quality of education and increasing the competitiveness of graduates by connecting the education, research, practical activities of students and teachers into a single process. It can be achieved by improving the quality of student recruitment and radical improvement of teaching.
The total number of teachers of the department with whom there are signed employment contracts - 28 people. Number of PTS, working full-time - 19 people, 0.25 and 0.5 rate – 9 people. The average age - 36 years. Number of candidates and doctors of sciences - 11 people. Their share as a percentage of the total number is 47.8%. Number of doctors of sciences – 4. Their share in the percentage ratio of the total number of teaching staff is 17.4%. Number of candidates of sciences - 7 people. Their share as a percentage of the total number of PTS is 30.4%. The number of stuff teaching in the national language - 9 teachers. All teachers have a basic education.
The department conducts training in two specialties:
1) 5V070300 - Information Systems
2) 5V070400 - Computer science and software
The department currently has modern educational resources. Classrooms, the number of computer labs and teaching software meet the needs of the educational process and the objectives of training in educational programs.
Computer labs are equipped with modern computers and fully meet the needs of the educational process and research activities of teachers and students, as well as sanitary and epidemiological norms and requirements.
In a process of conducting lectures the department uses the testing programs, learning systems, automated collections of tasks, problem-oriented packages "1C:Accounting", "Altyn", "Luka", electronic textbooks.
The department includes a laboratory for the development of software packages (software) that includes 5 computer classes (252 m2, total 68 computers). Total number of computers in the department is 68 pcs.
ICS department provides not only the training of young professionals, but also their education of high moral principles. Almost all of the teachers of the department are the curators of student groups.
The department participates in the development of educational programs to train IT professionals along with the University of SCO (Shanghai Cooperation Organization). In year 2010 19 graduates received a master's degree with the SCOU program and are studying in the universities of the Russian Federation that are the Astrakhan State University, St. Petersburg State University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, Novosibirsk State University.
It has become a tradition at the Department to conduct an annual games among students like "Brain Ring", "Self game" that are dedicated to computer science and information technologies, as well as educational activities as "Autumn bal", "Last bell".
ICS department systematically monitors the employability of graduates. The department has an electronic database of graduates of the specialty, which is updated regularly, in the analytical notes to the annual work plan of the department are given analyzes of the realization of the work plan of the graduate's employment. The annually fair of employment takes place in the university with the participation of heads of leading companies, enterprises and organizations of the region.
The percentage of graduate's employment is 87%.


Address: Karaganda, ul. academic 9


44-1634 (158.159)
44-16-24 (158.159)









Department of academic development is an independent unit of the Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz (KEUK), providing planning, organizing, monitoring and controlling the quality of the learning process.
The main objective of the Department of academic development is to ensure the organization of the educational process of the University, coordination of training, organizational and methodological work of the teaching staff of the University at the appropriate level, as well as ensuring the quality of teaching and methodical, regulatory-informational and the organizational-advisory support and maintenance of the learning process and educational activity at the University.

The head of the Department of academic development is the director, candidate of economic sciences, professor Daniyarova Marzhan Tasbolatovna.
Contacts: 9-Academicheskaya str., Karaganda, office 302.
Working schedule: Monday to Friday from 9.00 to 17.00. Lunch break: from 13.00 to 14.00. Saturday from 9.00 to 14.00. Telephones: 8 (7212) 441624 add. 108, 8 (7212) 441 600.
E-mail address:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

deputy director s of the department can help you:  
Glazunova Svetlana Borisovna - full-time education (office 310, tel. 441624 add. 293, e. mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

The structure of the Department includes three services:  

1) registration service manager Lopata Anna Nikolayevna, offive 300, tel. 441624 (34) add. 137.
Registration service is the student support office that registers the history of academic achievements of students, beginning from registering for elective courses and finishing by processing and storing the statements. It provides the organization of all kinds of students’ knowledge control and calculation of their academic rating.

The main objectives of the registration division are:
- Managing of registration process for elective courses;
- Organizing of students’ knowledge control;
- Calculating of the students’ academic rankings;
- Creating and keeping records of students' performance;
- Preparing the reports on the performance of students;
- Making the list of underachieving students;
- Organizing the summer term;
- Forming the study groups flows by forms of studying.

2) Department of study process’s planning Head: Sergebaeva Zhanara Aktaevna, office 302. Tel: 8(7212)44-16-34 additional 172
-Control of work study plan’s compilation according to each speciality and agreement of academic load with chairs;
-Preparation of documents for approval of list of members of staff;
-Preparation of time-table of classes, examinations in a period of session and monitoring of lessons;
-Control of realization of academic load by teachers and chairs, analysis of reasons of factual workload from planned workload;
-Formation and organization of state attestation commission’s work;
-Organization and improvement of methodical support in study process (provision of State educational standards of education for each speciality, generalized routine and etc.);
-Distribution of auditory fund and control of efficiency of its usage;
-Correspondence with Ministry of education in the Republic of Kazakhstan and other authorities about study process;
-Organization, registration of certificate of degree’s issuance and other.

3) Department of student documentation
Head: Turalykova Kenzhegul Dosanovna, office 135-133. Tel: 8(7212)44-16-24 Additional 6560
-Organization of preparation and declaration of statistical accounting in the Ministry of education in the Republic of Kazakhstan, Kazpotrebsoyuz, statistical department;
-Systematical control and analysis of data about student’s contingent, control of the quantity and movement of student content of full-time and part-time form of the education;
-Reception, processing and registration of student personal files for the whole period of education in the university;
-Answer the questions about organizations’ request (Ministry of education in the Republic of Kazakhstan, Committee of national security, financial policy and other organization and etc.);
-Processing of applications and statements according to the order about enrolment, sending down of students, transfer to other universities, from other universities, registration of study leaves and etc.

Admission - 2023

Dear entrant!

We inform you about the UNT held in June - July 2020


UNT news introduced this year:

- Applications from past school graduates and college or post-secondary education graduates will be accepted from April 1 to April 30 of the current year.

 - Applications of school graduates who have received education abroad through international exchange and of Kazakh nationals who are not citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan who have studied abroad are accepted from April 1 to May 5 of the current year.

Graduates of secondary education organizations who studied abroad through international exchange, and graduates of the current calendar year of Kazakh nationality who are not citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan who have received education abroad, may instead of a certificate or diploma submit a certificate of a secondary education organization in which they study in any form, and a notarized Kazakh or Russian translation of this certificate.

- For an applicant who, upon admission for testing, a prohibited item will be detected during the use of metal detectors, an act will be drawn up and the applicant will not be allowed to test.

- UNT testing results will be published on the website of the National Testing Center. Viewing the result is possible by entering the ICT and IIN of the test.

A certificate in the form of a form will not be issued. A link will be sent to the university to verify the test results.

 Until August 25 of the calendar year after the end of UNT, the Center reviews video recordings.

 If applicants use one of the prohibited items by UNT, test results (UNT points), as well as competition results educational grants will be canceled.

- Acceptance of applications in connection with an emergency introduced in the country will begin on April 15.

 Coming from April 15 through the website http //ent2020.testcenter.kz (ON-LINE) can submit a preliminary application to UNT (possibly after registration).

In this interface, the applicant, after entering his personal information, is provided with two different methods of payment by bank card or Kaspi.kz (with the obligatory payment button). In this case, there is no need to confirm the payment or hand over the receipt.

 The cost of testing remains the same and amounts to 2242 tenge.

After completion of the emergency mode, the applicant must submit the following documents to the university:

 1) Application (filed at the university);

 2) two 3 x 4 photos;

 3) document on secondary, technical and vocational or post-secondary education (original) ;

 4) a copy of an identity document;

 5) a medical certificate in the form of 086-U in electronic form.

Good luck to all to pass UNT!

Distance Learning Center

October 16, 2006 order of the rector at the university organized a structural unit - Distance Learning Center (DLC).

The Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan № 113 from March 7, 2008 Karaganda Economic University allowed to conduct an experiment on distance learning technologies, university education is the base organization for distance learning technologies.

The organization of educational process of distance learning technologies in the Karaganda Economic University Kazpotrebsoyuz (KEUK) is carried out in accordance with the mission of the university adopted at a meeting of the Academic Council on 26 October 2004 (protocol number 2), which proclaims "the creation of conditions, including modern infrastructure for growth and

personal development of students and staff of the University. "
The objectives of the creation and use of distance learning technologies in KEUK are individualized instruction that improves the quality of education, as taken into account the individual characteristics of students.
Personalization of the educational process, implying that the learning process is carried out on an individual schedule. Moreover, this schedule can be changed quickly and flexibly in accordance with the current employment rate of the student and his perception.

Improving the efficiency of learning, which is achieved through the use of new principles, methods and techniques, which include access to and non-traditional learning materials via the Internet, etc.
The main base of information resources of the university is an educational portal (http://cdo.keu.kz). Educational Portal is the main information center in the management of learning.

DLC has the following functions:
- Organization and management of the educational process;
- Development of didactic means of distance learning technologies;
- Information and technical support.

In accordance with the functions performed DLC is composed of the following services:
- Services Administration of the educational process;
- Service to develop didactic means of distance learning technologies;
- Service information and technical support.

Director of DLC is Aman Iman Abdrakhmanovich.
Deputy Director of the DLC Ph.D. Vladimir G. Drozd.
Head of the Service are:
1. Drozd Vladimir G. - Service AUP;
2. Amanova Rose Umirtaevna - RDS service;
3. Karilhan Nurzhanar Karilhanovna - ITO Service.

In accordance with the rules of the organization of educational process on remote educational technologies Services Administration of the educational process plans and organizes the learning process in distance education technology, is the documentation associated with distance learning technologies, controls the activity of representative

Center for Distance Learning KEUK, organizes training and certification of teachers and tutors.

The main tasks of the Service to develop didactic tools are:
- Implementation and operational support in the learning process ASUO "Electronic University" (software package CreditLearning);
- Filling the database ASUO documents (syllabi, lectures, tests);
- Support of educational process in distance learning system;
- Development of teaching aids for the departments of the university to work in ASUO;
- Training units work ASUO;
- Improvement and development of distance learning system.

Service Information Technology Services develops and maintains operating software, information and technical means of distance learning. In the 2009-2010 academic year was an experimental implementation of network technology in the absentee-distance learning. During the experiment, the following tasks:
- To test and develop distance learning technologies;
- Create and test new materials, methods and didactics of their application in the remote learning process;
- Determine the necessary parameters and technical information equipment remote educational process.

Together with the Department of Training DLC ​​holds refresher courses "Development of distance learning technologies for humanities" for staff offices KEUK DLC, as well as for teachers and tutors involved in the organization of educational process on remote technology in the main university.

DLC has worked to introduce in the educational process on the basis of distance learning technologies company product Adobe: Adobe Connect Pro 8. The need for this software product was due to the expansion of educational services, governance arrangements of the education system through the use of automated data banks of scientific and educational information, informational materials, as well as communication networks.

Virtual audience Adobe are a cost effective alternative to traditional methods of teaching, allowing teachers to conduct interactive sessions with graphic materials for students who are in the audience at the hostel or anywhere in the world. Adobe solutions for rapid e-learning allows our university to provide its students with access to high-quality online courses available at any time. The introduction of Adobe Connect Pro 8 allowed to organize effective interaction with geographically dispersed offices DLC.



Department of "Higher Mathematics"


Staff of the department

The strategy of innovative development of the department

History of the department:

Department of Mathematics, as a division of the university, founded in 1966. In the 1966-1967 academic year, the Department worked two full-time teachers: Keltenov TK and Zharkynbaev SJ, others - hourly workers of Karaganda pedagogical institute. The main formation of the chair occurred in 1967-1968. To work for the competition were adopted: Marnitz LG, Shulgin FS, Ashirbekova BM Litvinov RG, Dzhumagalieva JM, Ikramov ZI, Seksenbaev KS Headed the Department and formed her first composition of a veteran of World War II, a graduate of 1941 Physics and Mathematics F partments KazGU. CM. Kirov Keltenov TK
In subsequent years, the Department of Higher Mathematics was headed by Ph.D. Seksenbaev KS (1968-1979gg.), Ph.D. IGLIKA AI (1979-1987gg.), Ph.D. Tenchurin AD (1987-1991gg.), Ph.D. Zhitnikov SA (1991-2012gg.).

Since September 2012 the department is headed by senior lecturer Emelin NK
At various times, teachers of the department were Zharkynbaev SJ, Ayazhanov SS, TS Omataev Omar KM, seduced KJ, Birzhanova ZN, Isin SK, Esmaganbetov M .G., Djumaliev AS, Umirtaeva GT, Tuganbaeva ZA

From the 1966-1967 biennium. and are now successfully working, now veterans, senior teachers Ashirbekova BM and Shahshina SA, a graduate of the Karaganda educators Engineering Institute.
They have earned authority and respect the teachers and staff of the Department studentov.Tseli:

The list of disciplines in areas of training:

At the Department for the 2012-2013 academic year conducted training courses in the following disciplines:

- Mathematics in Economics: Economics 5V0506, 5V0510 State and local government, 5V0507 Management, Marketing 5V0511, 5V0908 Assessment, 5V0509 Finance, Accounting and Auditing 5V0508, 5V0202 global economy 5V0902 Restaurant business.

Data analysis and forecasting of the economy: 050506 Economy, Finance 5V0509

Econometrics: 5V0506 Economics 5V0510 State and local government, 5V0507 Management, Marketing 5V0511, 5V0509 Finance, Accounting and Auditing 5V0508, 5V0202 global economy 5V0902 Restaurant business.

Algebra and Geometry: 5V0703 Information Systems, Computer Science 5V0704.

Mathematical analysis: 5V0703 Information Systems, Computer Science 5V0704.

Probability theory and mathematical statistics: 5V0703 Information Systems, Computer Science 5V0704.

Economic-mathematical methods and models: 5V0511 Marketing 5V0202 global economy 5V0510 State and local government, 5V0508 Accounting and Auditing.

Mathematics Part 1, Part 2: 5V0732 Standardization, Metrology and Certification, 5V0727 Technology of food products.

Mathematical modeling at the macro and micro levels: Master 6M051100 Marketing, 6M090300 Evaluation, 6M090200 Tourism.

Financial Mathematics: 6M050900 Finance, Accounting and Auditing 6M050800.

Prediction of the world economy and world commodity markets: 5V0510 State and local government, 5V0513 World Economy.

Methods of optimal decision: 5V0509 Finance, 5V0513 World Economy.

Discrete Mathematics: 5V0908 Assessment, 5V0704Vychislitelnaya hardware and software.

System analysis of the industry: 5V0909 Logistics.

Scientific research activities:

As part of the innovative development of the Department of Mathematics for 2011-2013 teachers performed three research themes:

- "Analysis and Forecast tovarooborachivaemosti and profits of commercial enterprise"

- "A theoretical study of proton relaxation processes in materials with hydrogen bonds"

- "Mathematical Foundations tenziometricheskogo research aponeurosis."

Aponeurosis study conducted jointly with the Department of hiurgicheskih diseases №2 KSMU based on the agreement on scientific and practical cooperation.

The results of the research are published in scientific journals, including near and far abroad. There are inventors' certificates, and the Provisional patents.
In addition, teachers of the department participated in the development of research projects offered by a consortium of economic research and education, as well as the program TEMPUS.


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