Department of "Higher Mathematics"


Staff of the department

The strategy of innovative development of the department

History of the department:

Department of Mathematics, as a division of the university, founded in 1966. In the 1966-1967 academic year, the Department worked two full-time teachers: Keltenov TK and Zharkynbaev SJ, others - hourly workers of Karaganda pedagogical institute. The main formation of the chair occurred in 1967-1968. To work for the competition were adopted: Marnitz LG, Shulgin FS, Ashirbekova BM Litvinov RG, Dzhumagalieva JM, Ikramov ZI, Seksenbaev KS Headed the Department and formed her first composition of a veteran of World War II, a graduate of 1941 Physics and Mathematics F partments KazGU. CM. Kirov Keltenov TK
In subsequent years, the Department of Higher Mathematics was headed by Ph.D. Seksenbaev KS (1968-1979gg.), Ph.D. IGLIKA AI (1979-1987gg.), Ph.D. Tenchurin AD (1987-1991gg.), Ph.D. Zhitnikov SA (1991-2012gg.).

Since September 2012 the department is headed by senior lecturer Emelin NK
At various times, teachers of the department were Zharkynbaev SJ, Ayazhanov SS, TS Omataev Omar KM, seduced KJ, Birzhanova ZN, Isin SK, Esmaganbetov M .G., Djumaliev AS, Umirtaeva GT, Tuganbaeva ZA

From the 1966-1967 biennium. and are now successfully working, now veterans, senior teachers Ashirbekova BM and Shahshina SA, a graduate of the Karaganda educators Engineering Institute.
They have earned authority and respect the teachers and staff of the Department studentov.Tseli:

The list of disciplines in areas of training:

At the Department for the 2012-2013 academic year conducted training courses in the following disciplines:

- Mathematics in Economics: Economics 5V0506, 5V0510 State and local government, 5V0507 Management, Marketing 5V0511, 5V0908 Assessment, 5V0509 Finance, Accounting and Auditing 5V0508, 5V0202 global economy 5V0902 Restaurant business.

Data analysis and forecasting of the economy: 050506 Economy, Finance 5V0509

Econometrics: 5V0506 Economics 5V0510 State and local government, 5V0507 Management, Marketing 5V0511, 5V0509 Finance, Accounting and Auditing 5V0508, 5V0202 global economy 5V0902 Restaurant business.

Algebra and Geometry: 5V0703 Information Systems, Computer Science 5V0704.

Mathematical analysis: 5V0703 Information Systems, Computer Science 5V0704.

Probability theory and mathematical statistics: 5V0703 Information Systems, Computer Science 5V0704.

Economic-mathematical methods and models: 5V0511 Marketing 5V0202 global economy 5V0510 State and local government, 5V0508 Accounting and Auditing.

Mathematics Part 1, Part 2: 5V0732 Standardization, Metrology and Certification, 5V0727 Technology of food products.

Mathematical modeling at the macro and micro levels: Master 6M051100 Marketing, 6M090300 Evaluation, 6M090200 Tourism.

Financial Mathematics: 6M050900 Finance, Accounting and Auditing 6M050800.

Prediction of the world economy and world commodity markets: 5V0510 State and local government, 5V0513 World Economy.

Methods of optimal decision: 5V0509 Finance, 5V0513 World Economy.

Discrete Mathematics: 5V0908 Assessment, 5V0704Vychislitelnaya hardware and software.

System analysis of the industry: 5V0909 Logistics.

Scientific research activities:

As part of the innovative development of the Department of Mathematics for 2011-2013 teachers performed three research themes:

- "Analysis and Forecast tovarooborachivaemosti and profits of commercial enterprise"

- "A theoretical study of proton relaxation processes in materials with hydrogen bonds"

- "Mathematical Foundations tenziometricheskogo research aponeurosis."

Aponeurosis study conducted jointly with the Department of hiurgicheskih diseases №2 KSMU based on the agreement on scientific and practical cooperation.

The results of the research are published in scientific journals, including near and far abroad. There are inventors' certificates, and the Provisional patents.
In addition, teachers of the department participated in the development of research projects offered by a consortium of economic research and education, as well as the program TEMPUS.


Center for Instructional Television

Over 7 years of work units formed a creative, cohesive team, which includes director, director of photography, photographer, engineer and engineer videomotazher.

TSUTV work is based on the strategic plan of the Karaganda Economic University, the State program of development of education and media work plan TSUTV for the current academic year.

The aim of the Centre educational television Karaganda University of Economics - view high quality television services to the educational process.

The result of our work is produced mediakonent Karaganda Economic University. Center for Instructional Television is the production base and allows you to record, use and store the media information on the educational portal in the electronic catalog of information and educational center of the University....

The main focus of the Center is to develop educational television educational media content e-university Karaganda Economic University.

 Over the six-year period of the achieved results are not small. From 2008 to 2014 produced more than 1,000 individual video lectures and about 20 mediakursov.

In this academic year the media - the plan to remove and install 224 video lectures and 15 mediakursov with faculty departments.

In this year there was a shift to create a honey courses in comparison to the previous year, the total number has tripled.


More recently, in TSUTV, due to large amounts of processed media information, the question arose about the need for centralized storage and efficient retrieval tools of media production.
It has been proposed to solve this problem by a specialized storage system that is built on the basis of disk storage coupled with tape storage, endowed with special software. The system will allow to solve the following problems:
a) get rid of spending time working on a long search for the requested material, among the huge amount of data (terabytes 6), which is currently stored fragmented in different media (external hard drives and computers TSUTV);
b) allow students, faculty and staff of the University, if necessary, by downloading his lectures or another, enable the system to media content from any computer connected to the LAN DEs;
c) To ensure strict and orderly organization of production, which will lead to a rapid search of the necessary material;
d) To ensure protection from viruses and accidental or emergency removal of media production;

Production of television - a collective work. Of each phase (shooting, editing, examination, placement on the portal) depends on the quality and speed of production. In general, work on creating a video lectures takes an average of 10-12 hours / hours, taking into account the record, installation and be sure to review and verify the teacher has finished version, for the necessary corrections, only then calculated video lecture formats: DVD, * .flv, * .mp3, is written to disk and placed on the website DEs.

In November 2013 were conducted in the same traditional training seminars for teachers of university departments on how to conduct video lectures. During the training seminar in addition to questions of construction and preparation of video lectures, technical features of video lectures were trained in acting, voice training, speech technique, with guest teachers in acting.
Center for Instructional Television is actively involved in the preparation and conduct of all activities, concerts and conferences held at the university and college - made rolls and the caption, interviews and video-recorded....

So, interviews were conducted with the guests who visited our university on the basis of these interviews created videos. Made films about our veterans University (film Tuganbaevoy ZA) about our student preparing for a career Day, international conferences, meetings with religious leaders, graduates of previous years. Visiting classes at the restaurant "Rubin", master classes with the Customs Department, banking and financial institutions. Video version of events, meetings and visits of guests univesrsiteta place in the university network and monitors internal TV for a year.

In this academic year were produced new promo video and university specialties in Kazakh, Russian and English. We want to thank for their help in proizvodsteve promo clips produced special department chairs, faculty and students ITT, boo. Accounting, Department of Banking, evaluation and EED, social work, law, just as the chair of the Kazakh language and culture of Kazakhstan.

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