Distance Learning Center

October 16, 2006 order of the rector at the university organized a structural unit - Distance Learning Center (DLC).

The Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan № 113 from March 7, 2008 Karaganda Economic University allowed to conduct an experiment on distance learning technologies, university education is the base organization for distance learning technologies.

The organization of educational process of distance learning technologies in the Karaganda Economic University Kazpotrebsoyuz (KEUK) is carried out in accordance with the mission of the university adopted at a meeting of the Academic Council on 26 October 2004 (protocol number 2), which proclaims "the creation of conditions, including modern infrastructure for growth and

personal development of students and staff of the University. "
The objectives of the creation and use of distance learning technologies in KEUK are individualized instruction that improves the quality of education, as taken into account the individual characteristics of students.
Personalization of the educational process, implying that the learning process is carried out on an individual schedule. Moreover, this schedule can be changed quickly and flexibly in accordance with the current employment rate of the student and his perception.

Improving the efficiency of learning, which is achieved through the use of new principles, methods and techniques, which include access to and non-traditional learning materials via the Internet, etc.
The main base of information resources of the university is an educational portal (http://cdo.keu.kz). Educational Portal is the main information center in the management of learning.

DLC has the following functions:
- Organization and management of the educational process;
- Development of didactic means of distance learning technologies;
- Information and technical support.

In accordance with the functions performed DLC is composed of the following services:
- Services Administration of the educational process;
- Service to develop didactic means of distance learning technologies;
- Service information and technical support.

Director of DLC is Aman Iman Abdrakhmanovich.
Deputy Director of the DLC Ph.D. Vladimir G. Drozd.
Head of the Service are:
1. Drozd Vladimir G. - Service AUP;
2. Amanova Rose Umirtaevna - RDS service;
3. Karilhan Nurzhanar Karilhanovna - ITO Service.

In accordance with the rules of the organization of educational process on remote educational technologies Services Administration of the educational process plans and organizes the learning process in distance education technology, is the documentation associated with distance learning technologies, controls the activity of representative

Center for Distance Learning KEUK, organizes training and certification of teachers and tutors.

The main tasks of the Service to develop didactic tools are:
- Implementation and operational support in the learning process ASUO "Electronic University" (software package CreditLearning);
- Filling the database ASUO documents (syllabi, lectures, tests);
- Support of educational process in distance learning system;
- Development of teaching aids for the departments of the university to work in ASUO;
- Training units work ASUO;
- Improvement and development of distance learning system.

Service Information Technology Services develops and maintains operating software, information and technical means of distance learning. In the 2009-2010 academic year was an experimental implementation of network technology in the absentee-distance learning. During the experiment, the following tasks:
- To test and develop distance learning technologies;
- Create and test new materials, methods and didactics of their application in the remote learning process;
- Determine the necessary parameters and technical information equipment remote educational process.

Together with the Department of Training DLC ​​holds refresher courses "Development of distance learning technologies for humanities" for staff offices KEUK DLC, as well as for teachers and tutors involved in the organization of educational process on remote technology in the main university.

DLC has worked to introduce in the educational process on the basis of distance learning technologies company product Adobe: Adobe Connect Pro 8. The need for this software product was due to the expansion of educational services, governance arrangements of the education system through the use of automated data banks of scientific and educational information, informational materials, as well as communication networks.

Virtual audience Adobe are a cost effective alternative to traditional methods of teaching, allowing teachers to conduct interactive sessions with graphic materials for students who are in the audience at the hostel or anywhere in the world. Adobe solutions for rapid e-learning allows our university to provide its students with access to high-quality online courses available at any time. The introduction of Adobe Connect Pro 8 allowed to organize effective interaction with geographically dispersed offices DLC.



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