Staff of the department DHM

Staff of the department:
Emelin Natalia K., Ph.D., Associate Professor,
Head. the Department

Aytenova Mansiya Saparovna, Ph.D., Associate Professor

Ashirbekova Bibisara Meyramovna,
Senior Lecturer

Shahshina Svetlana Ashimovna,
Senior Lecturer

Natalia G. Kozlov, master of science,
Master of Management, Senior Lecturer

Omarova Makhabat Toleuovna, master of science,
Master of Management, Senior Lecturer

Beysenalina Tolepbergenovna Saule,
Master of Mathematics, Senior Lecturer

Zhantasova Botagoz Beketovna,
master of science, teacher

Uysumbaeva Leila Maratovna, senior laboratory assistant of the department


Natalia K.

Head of the Department of Higher Mathematics, Ph.D., associate professor.
Phone: (7212) 44-16-34 (ext. 182)
Address: Karaganda,
st. Academic 9, office 336.
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

An Education:
Higher education. In 2000 she graduated from Karaganda State University. EABuketov in "Applied Mathematics".
In 2008. defended a thesis for the degree of candidate of economic sciences, specialty 08.00.05 - Economy and management of national economy (by industry and occupation) on "Improving forecasting consumer demand for products in retail outlets (for example, Central Kazakhstan)."

Training courses (2013-2014 academic year):
- Bachelor:
Data analysis and forecasting of the economy.
Methods of optimal decision.
Prediction of the world economy and world commodity markets.
- Master:
Quantitative methods of analysis in marketing.
Mathematical methods for assessment and management of economic risks.
Mathematical Methods in Management (MSc University).

Educational and methodological developments:
"Mathematical modeling at the macro and micro levels," a collection of tasks, Karaganda, KEUK, 2009.
"Econometrics", textbook, Karaganda, KEUK, 2010.
"Data analysis and forecasting of the economy", textbook, Karaganda, KEUK, 2011.
"Mathematical models of social planning, forecasting, planning," a tutorial, Karaganda, KEUK, 2011.
"Mәlіmetterdі Taldau zhane ekonomikany bolzhamdau" tutorial, Karaganda, KEUK, 2013.
"Methods of making optimal decisions," Tutorial, Karaganda, KEUK, 2014.

Scientific publications:
«The analysis and the forecast of the consumer demand of Kazakhstan Sentral markets», material between. Scientific-Practical. Conference "Modern scientific achievements - 2010", Prague, «Education and Science», 2010.
"Factors attracting foreign direct investment in Kazakhstan", Proceedings of Int. scientific-theoretical. Conference "Spirituality and the economy: problems of formation of human capital", Karaganda, KEUK, 2010.
"Problems of direct investment by multinational corporations of Kazakhstan's economy," Journal of KEUK, 2010.
"Innovative methods of modeling and forecasting of investment in fixed assets", Proceedings Int. Scientific-Practical. Conference "Innovative development of modern Kazakhstan: economics, management and law", Karaganda, KEUK, 2010.
"Problems and prospects of development of small and medium business in Kazakhstan", Journal of DEs, 2011.
«Wheat Prices in Kazakhstan and World Oil Prices: Analysis and Conclusions», World Applied Sciences Journal, Pakistan, 2013.
"Models of optimization of production metal sheets for small and medium-sized businesses", "Economics and Statistics", Astana, №3, 2014.




Aytenova Mansiya Saparovna.
Associate Professor, Department, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences.
Education: In 1989 he graduated from the Mathematics Department of the University them. EA Buketova with honors;
In 2002 she defended her thesis for the degree of candidate of physical - mathematical work in the specialty 010101 - Mathematical analysis on the topic "" Quality and structural characteristics of weighted Sobolev spaces and their applications in the spectral theory of differential operators. "

Training courses (2013-2014 academic year):
- Bachelor:
Mathematics 1, 2.
Mathematics in economics.
Discrete Mathematics
- Master:
Financial Mathematics

The main scientific and educational-methodical works:
Published 17 scientific papers. Works are devoted to the qualitative and structural characteristics of investments weighted spaces of differentiable functions and their applications in the spectral theory of differential operators.

Bitimhan Samat
Associate Professor, Department, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences.

An Education:
In 1997 he graduated from the Karaganda State University. EABuketov, specialty "Mathematics".
In 2002 he defended his thesis for the degree of candidate of physical - mathematical work in the specialty 010101 - Mathematical analysis on the topic: On the absolute summability and integrability of multiple trigonometric series.

Training courses (2013-2014 academic year):
1.Matematika 1, 2.
2.Matematika in the economy.

Educational and methodological developments:
29 scientific and methodical works.

Scientific publications:
Absolute summability of multiple trigonometric series. // Bulletin of the KNU, series, Mat., Mech., Inf. - Almaty, 2001.- №1 (24).
Moduli of smoothness and absolute summability of multiple trigonometric series .// Mat. Jour. - 2003.- V.3. - № 1 (7). (Co-author Akishev GA).
Sufficient conditions for the absolute summability of multiple Fourier series .// Bulletin of the University, a series of mat. -Karagandy, 2007. - №1 (45).
Absolute summability of Fourier series of monotonously decreasing function .// Abstracts of the third congress of the world mathematical society of Turkic countries (June 30-July 4, 2009). -Almaty, 2009.
On the absolute summability of multiple series with monotone coefficients .// Bulletin of Karaganda University. A series of math, -2010. -№1 (57). (Co-author M. Bitimhan).

Ashirbekova Bibisara Meyramovna

Senior lecturer.

An Education:
graduated from Karaganda Pedagogical Institute, specialty "Mathematics".

Training courses (2013-2014):
- Bachelor:
Probability theory and mathematical statistics.
Algebra and geometry.
Mathematics in economics.
Mathematical analysis.

The main scientific and educational-methodical works:
Republican scientific-practical conference "Modernization
economic and social factor of sustainable post-crisis development of Kazakhstan. "
"The five-year plan of accelerated industrial and innovative development of Kazakhstan", together with the senior teacher. Shahshinoy SA, October 2009.
International Educational -practically conference "Innovative development of modern Kazakhstan: economics, management and law."
"Regional policy of Kazakhstan in the post-crisis period", together with the senior teacher. Shahshinoy SA October 2010.
Tutorial "Theory of Probability and Statistics."
Karaganda, DEs, 2009.
Tasks for SRSP on "Mathematics in the economy", co-author of Art. Ven. Omarova MT , Karaganda, KEUK, 2011.
Tutorial "Algebra and Geometry", Karaganda, KEUK, 2011.


Shahshina Svetlana Ashimovna

Senior lecturer.

Education: graduated from Karaganda Pedagogical Institute, specialty "Mathematics".

Training courses (2013-2014 academic year) in the national language:
- Bachelor:
Probability theory and mathematical statistics.
Algebra and geometry.
Mathematics in economics.
Mathematical analysis.

The main scientific and educational-methodical works:
"Econometrics" pәnі boyynsha SӨZHO-ғa arnalғan metodikalyқ nұskaular, Karaganda, KEUK, 2009.
"Algebra zhane geometry" pәnі boyynsha oқu әdіstemelіk keshenі, Karaganda, KEUK, 2009.
"Matematikalyқ analysis" pәnі boyynsha oқu әdіstemelіk keshenі, Karaganda, KEUK, 2009.
"Ekonomikadaғy mathematics" pәnі boyynsha oқu әdіstemelіk keshenі, Karaganda, KEUK, 2009.
"Algebra and Analytic Geometry", Problems, Karaganda, KEUK, 2010.
"Regional policy of Kazakhstan in the post-crisis period", Proceedings of the international. scientific and practical. Conf. "Innovative Development of Kazakhstan: economics, management and law", 2010.


Kozlova Natalia G.

Senior lecturer, master of science, master of management.

An Education.
1999-2003 - Kargil them. EA Buketova. Undergraduate. Specialty "Mathematics".
2003-2005 - Kargil them. EA Buketova. Graduate. Specialty "Mathematics".
2008-2011 - Peoples' Friendship University Masters degree in management

Training courses (2013-2014 academic year):
- Bachelor:
Mathematics in economics.
Economic-mathematical methods and models.
Data analysis forecasting the economy.

Scientific publications:
"The strategic activities of the organization of higher education in the context of resource approach." Materials of republican scientific-practical conference "Modernization of the economy and social sphere - a factor of sustainable post-crisis development of Kazakhstan", Karaganda, KEUK, October 2009 (Co-author - Omarov MT)
"Analysis and forecasting of emigration processes in the Republic of Kazakhstan." Materials of republican scientific-practical conference "Modernization of the economy and social sphere - a factor of sustainable post-crisis development of Kazakhstan", Karaganda, KEUK, October 2009 (Co-author - Omarov MT)
"Analysis of the methods of accounting for depreciation of fixed assets". Proceedings of the international scientific-practical conference "Innovative development of modern Kazakhstan: economics, management and law", Karaganda, KEUK, October 2010 (Co-author - Omarov MT)
"Modeling of educational services using ANCOVA - model". Proceedings of the international scientific-practical conference dedicated to the 20th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Economics and Law: Current Issues and Prospects", "Karaganda, KEUK 2012
"The differentiation of wages of employees of education and health," Proceedings of the International scientific and practical conference "Social modernization of Kazakhstan: background, achievements and ways of development", Karaganda, KEUK, 2012.
"The effectiveness of cash flow management system of Health at the present stage" Herald KEUK: economics, philosophy, pedagogy, law, 2012.
"Analysis of the life expectancy of the population in the Republic of Kazakhstan, depending on where you live," Proceedings of the 10th International scientific and practical conference "Science and Education", Prague, 2013.
"Models of optimization of production metal sheets for small and medium-sized businesses", "Economics and Statistics", Astana, №3, 2014.


Omarova Makhabat Toleuovna

Senior lecturer, master of science, master of management

An Education:
In 2003 she graduated from Karaganda State University named after EA Buketov specialty "Mathematics".
In 2005 she defended her master's thesis on "Mathematics" Karaganda State University named after EA Buketova (Hons).
In 2011, she graduated from a joint master's program of ore and KEUK in "Management" (specialization "General and Strategic Management").

Training courses (2013-2014 academic year):
"Mathematics in the economy";
"Algebra and Geometry";
"Mathematical analysis";
"Higher Mathematics";
"Methods of optimal decision making."

Educational and methodological developments:
"Mathematics in the economy," guidelines for the SRSP, Karaganda, KEUK 2009
"Algebra and Geometry", guidelines for the SRSP, Karaganda, KEUK 2009
"Higher Mathematics", guidelines for the SRSP, Karaganda, KEUK 2009
"Higher Mathematics", a collection of tasks for the SRSP, Karaganda, KEUK 2009
«Mathematics in Economics», a collection of tasks for the SRSP, Karaganda, KEUK, 2012

Scientific papers and publications:
"Analysis of the methods of accounting for depreciation of fixed assets", Proceedings of the international scientific-practical conference "Innovative development of modern Kazakhstan: economics, management and law", Karaganda, KEUK, October 2010. co-authored with N. Kozlova
"Analysis of mechanisms to address the agency problem", Proceedings of the Republican Scientific and Practical Conference "Human capital in the formation of an innovative environment and the development of the social market economy of Kazakhstan", Karaganda, KEUK Herald April 20, 2011. co-authored with N. Kozlova
"Mapping of knowledge as a tool for the analysis of organizational knowledge", Journal of DEs, 2011. co-authored with N. Kozlova
"Analysis of the effectiveness of financial risk management in achieving strategic goals NPF Kazakhstan", Karaganda, DEs Bulletin, September 2012, co-authored with Mingazova YR
"The differentiation of wages of employees of education and health", Proceedings of the international scientific-practical conference "Social modernization of Kazakhstan: background, achievements and ways of development", Karaganda, KEUK, 25 October 2012, co-authored with N. Kozlova


Beysenalina Saul Tolepbergenovna

Senior Lecturer, Master of Mathematics

An Education:
In 2005 she graduated from Karaganda State University named after EA Buketov specialty "Mathematics";
In 2008 she defended her master's thesis on "Mathematics" Karaganda State University named after EA Buketova.

Training courses (2014-2015 academic year) in the national language:
- Bachelor:
"Mathematics in the economy";
"Economic-mathematical methods and models";
"Data analysis forecasting the economy";
"Systems analysis of industry";
"Prediction of the world economy and world commodity markets."

Scientific papers and publications:
"4-shі rettі simmetriyaly zhayly group" in the Materials Science and Engineering Conference, Karaganda, KSTU 2007 in collaboration with Zhetpisovym K .;
"Lee algebralarynyң қarapayym tүrlerі" in Proceedings of the XXXI scientific-practical conference, Karaganda, the University, May 2008 .;
"Predicate zhane қatynas ұғymdaryn oқyp үyrenudің әdіstemelіk erekshelіkterі" Karaganda, KEUK 2012.
"Analysis of the state of the education system in the Republic of Kazakhstan" KEUK 2012
Textbook "Mәlіmetterdі Taldau zhane ekonomikany bolzhamdau", Karaganda, KEUK, 2013.
Collection of problems "Zhoғary mathematics" KEUK, 2013.
"The strategic potential of the company and assessment of remuneration", section "Economics. Enterprise economy. Science and education - 2013/2014 "(Czech Republic, Prague).
Textbook "Economy-matematikalyқ әdіster zhane modelder", Karaganda, KEUK, 2014.


Zhantasova Botagoz Beketovna.

Lecturer, Master of Mathematics.
An Education:
In 2007 she graduated from the University them. EA Buketov specialty "Mathematics".
In 2009 she defended her master's thesis on "Mathematics" Karaganda State University named after EA Buketova.

Training courses:
Data analysis and forecasting of the economy.
Mathematical models of social planning, forecasting and planning.

Scientific works, publications:
"Matematikany oқytudaғy analogy әdіsі", "Saken tagylymy-5": Material Science and theor Conf. (23-24 April 2009). / Pavlodar, 2007.
"Ekonomikanyң strategiyalyқ damuyn basқarudaғy matematikalyқ model", "Prospects of socio-economic development of Kazakhstan in the new desyatiletiyai" Material student scientific theor conf.) / Karaganda, DEs, 2010.
"Kazakhstan ekonomikasyna postdaғdarystyқ Zhasa SWOT Analysis", Proceedings of student scientific theor. Conf.) / Karaganda, DEs, 2010.


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