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University conferences

Conferences of Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz
2022-2023 academic year



Period of the event

Information letter


International scientific and practical forum
"Adal Adam – Adal enbek-Adal tabys"»
to participate in the international scientific and practical forum
"YOUTH of the XXI CENTURY: the image of the future " Adal Adam – Adal enbek-
Adal tabys"
Conference proceedingsConference proceedings
"Psychology, pedagogy and social work: theory and practice of interaction" November 11, 2023 Информационное письмо Карагандинский университет Казпотребсоюза приглашает Вас принять участие в работе Международной научно-практической онлайн-конференции Сборник конференции 11.11.2023.pdf
Cathedral student conference “Forum of Young Researchers”. October 19, 2023 INFORMATION LETTER DEAR TEACHERS, DOCTORAL STUDENTS, UNDERGRADUATES, STUDENTS!  
International Scientific and Theoretical Conference Integration of science and education in the context of innovative development and the implementation of Sustainable Development Goals, dedicated to the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan 15.12.2023 "Integration of science and education in the context of innovative development and the implementation of Sustainable Development Goals, dedicated to the Independence Day of the Republic Kazakhstan" Сборник конференци
International scientific and practical forum «YOUTH OF THE XXI CENTURY: CHALLENGES AND MODERNITY» March 15 , 2023 ИНФОРМАЦИОННОЕ ПИСЬМО международный научно-практический форум МОЛОДЕЖЬ ХХІ ВЕКА ВЫЗОВЫ И СОВРЕМЕННОСТИ.pdf Сборник Форум 2023_merged.pdf

International gathering of students "Modern youth: creating innovations – we strive for the future"

April 13-14 , 2023

Информационное письмо Международный слет студентов КарУ Казпотребсоюза.pdf

Сборник современная молодежь 1 том 2023.pdf

Сборник современная молодежь 2 том 2023.pdf


International Scientific and Practical Conference: "Integration of science and education in the context of innovative development and implementation of sustainable Development Goals"

December 09, 2022

Информационное письмо НИИ ЭПИ 091222.pdf Сборник Конф. 9 дек. 2022.pdf Сборник Конф. 9 дек. 2022.pdf 



The European Union migration policy












Project title: Jean Monnet Module “The European Union migration policy”.

Project duration: 36 months (01/11/2022-31/10/2025)

Project group: 

Yerzhan Syzdykbekov, project coordinator, Head of the Department of World Economy and International Relations;

Gulnar Baigozhina, PhD, senior lecturer of the Department of World Economy and International Relations;

Saya Abeuova, PhD, senior lecturer of the Department of World Economy and International Relations.

Project goal: The aim of the Module is to increase interest and attention in European studies through studying theoretical basis and practical experience of the EU migration policy.

The target group for the course is students of the educational programs «International Relations» and «World Economy», who are actively interested in research of European integration and the EU migration policy, but do not fully own research methods, technique and skills.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks should be fulfilled:

  1. To study the theoretical and practical aspects of the EU migration policy. Due to the insufficiently studied migration problem in Kazakhstan and in the post-Soviet space, it became necessary to study the adaptation and application of the EU experience in modern conditions for Kazakhstan and the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU). This association is considered the most viable and promising integration project today. It can be argued that this project will not have a successful future without a comprehensive solution to migration problems. Establishing a single free movement space for the EAEU member-states citizens involves the transfer of relevant competencies in the field of migration regulation to certain integration structures. As the EU experience testifies, this problem is very complex, requiring the participants of the integration processes, first of all, political will, determination, the ability to find compromises, combine national interests with needs of the integration association.
  2. To identify the causes and key trends in the development of migration in the European Union, to compare them with the state migration policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan for effective management of this process.
  3. To offer recommendations on promising areas for improving the state management of migration in the Republic of Kazakhstan based on the experience of the European Union.

The short, medium and long-term effects of the project. How will the target groups benefit concretely from the project and what would change for them?

In Karaganda Economic University only minor EU-related content is contained within the educational programs, which limits the promotion of the European studies.

At the same time, the university has already have the module «Theory and Practice of European Integration», developed within the framework of the Jean Monet program.

The proposed Module is another EU-related course. As expected, it should be followed by opening of a new specialty for students of «International Relations» educational program. Until now, there are only two trajectories in the educational program, including the Middle Eastern and Chinese studies.

Growing interest in Europe will stimulate European studies, that will create new opportunities for graduates and will become the basis for future poles of European knowledge, stimulate and contribute to the diversification of European studies in Kazakhstan. The draft curriculum of the course includes issues related to theoretical and practical aspects of the EU migration policy, that determines the application of various interactive methods, such as: inverted class, discussions and debates, case analysis, brainstorming, problem lectures, role-playing games, etc.

Thus, the proposed module will enhance interest in EU activities, encourage and facilitate the diversification of EU studies on local and national levels. In addition, all developed training materials on «Migration Policy of EU», after the implementation of the project, can be used as the basis for forming the European trajectory within «International Relations» and «World Economy» academic programs.










“European practice of sustainable development management towards green transformation” (EPOS)









Project name: “European practice of sustainable development management towards green transformation” (EPOS)

Duration: 11/01/2022 - 11/01/2025

Working group:

Asanova M.A. – Project Coordinator, PhD, Director of the Center for Multilingual Education, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Economics and Entrepreneurship;

Kalkabaeva G.M. - Candidate of Economics, Professor, Senior Researcher of the Research Institute of EPI.

Glazunova S.B. - Master, Director of the Department of Strategic Development

The project "European practice of sustainable development management towards green transformation" is aimed at disseminating the experience of the European Union in achieving sustainable development goals through the development and implementation of a training module in existing university educational programs in order to provide students with skills and competencies that meet the needs of the labor market and environmental problems of the region.

Within the framework of the general goal, the specific tasks are:

- develop a curriculum (syllabus) of the module in accordance with the needs of the local market and the development priorities of the region. the program of the module will be in open access mode to expand the reach of the audience;

- include the module in the curriculum of the university's educational programs, implement the module with the possibility of adjustment based on the specific needs of the market;

- use innovative approaches in teaching the module (group projects, real cases, problem-based learning, pre-podcasting, electronic textbooks and training programs);

- hold a regional conference on the topic: "Sustainable Development: European Experience and its Use in the Region" with the preparation and publication of a collection of conference materials. The conference will promote dialogue between the academic world and society, including local and state politicians, civil servants, representatives of civil society, representatives of various levels of education and the media. Wide dissemination of information through the conference will give a new impetus to the implementation of the SDGs in the region, drawing attention to the European experience and our problems;

- develop presentation materials, information bulletins, revealing the content of the module, which will contribute to the formation of an active citizenship and increase the awareness of participants by expanding the understanding of the specifics of achieving sustainable development goals;

- improve the quality of teaching disciplines related to economic, environmental and social aspects.



 “European practice of sustainable development management towards green transformation” (EPOS)

Murtazin Sh.N.

This course raises topical issues in the field of the environment and such an important aspect of our life activities as ecology. It also narrates and suggests ways to improve and preserve it.
The extensive and accessible lecture material is complemented by a high-quality and informative presentation. Self-control issues are used to verify the acquired knowledge and the possibility of their in-depth study.
Based on all of the above, I recommend that you take the course.

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Modern Eco-Technologies of Sustainable Development: the Experience of the EU and Kazakhstan


Project Title: Jean Monnet Module "Modern Eco-Technologies of Sustainable Development: the Experience of the EU and Kazakhstan"

Duration: October 1, 2023 - September 30, 2026

Project team, staff and experts:

Baikenova G.G. - Project Coordinator, Doctor of Science, Professor, Head of the Department of Ecology and Assessment.
Benz T.V., Master of Ecology, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Ecology and Assessment.
Kuanyshbaev M.T., Master of Natural Sciences, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Ecology and Assessment.

Project's Objective: To study the experience of EU countries and transfer European knowledge and practices in the field of eco-technologies aimed at comprehensive and sustainable development in accordance with the economic, ecological, and social needs of both the European Union and Kazakhstan.

Target Audience: Students from various educational programs with an interest in environmental conservation, employees of non-governmental organizations, government agencies, and other stakeholders involved in the implementation of sustainable development strategies.

Upon the completion of the project, we expect that Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz will continue to play a significant role in promoting sustainable development, environmental protection, and the green economy at the local and regional levels. The university has a track record of successfully implementing projects related to sustainable development, including:

- "Analysis of Opportunities for the Transition of the Republic of Kazakhstan to a 'Green' Economy."
- "Environmental Culture of Modern Society in the Context of the 'Green' Economy."
- "European Practices in Sustainable Development Management on the Path to Green Transformation."
- "Ensuring the Safety of Food Products in Compliance with Standards."
- "Organizational and Economic Mechanisms for Environmental Protection in the Republic of Kazakhstan."
- "Modeling the Macroeconomic Effects of Environmental Regulation in Kazakhstan within the Framework of Computable General Equilibrium," among others.

We anticipate that the knowledge and experience gained from the Jean Monnet Module project will further enhance the university's capacity to contribute to sustainability, environmental protection, and the development of a green economy in both local and regional contexts.

The project "Modern Eco-Technologies of Sustainable Development: the Experience of the EU and Kazakhstan" unites and integrates knowledge from natural, social, and engineering sciences in one of the fastest-growing sectors globally - eco-technologies. It provides a comprehensive systemic perspective on the relationships between the environment, society, and the natural resources of our planet.

The skills and competencies acquired by students through the study of the module, based on the experience of the European Union in ecological, social, and economic factors, will contribute to the promotion of sustainable development principles and the implementation of the "green economy" and resource-saving technologies (cutting-edge techniques/technologies) in Kazakhstan.

In the long term, the module's program envisions the development of a labor market with professionals possessing expertise in eco-technologies. This, in turn, will enable them to make informed decisions in environmental management, prioritizing the preservation of environmental quality.


Theory and Practice of European Integration










Quality control












Useful links

European Union - https://europa.eu/european-union/index_en

European Education and Culture Executive Agency - eacea.ec.europa.eu

National Erasmus+ Office in Kazakhstan - http://erasmusplus.kz/index.php/ru/


Project title: Jean Monnet Module Theory and Practice of European Integration”.

Duration: 09/01/2018 - 08/31/2021.

Project group: 

Dinara Atabayeva, project coordinator, senior lecturer of the Department of World Economy and International Relations;

Yelena Shukusheva, senior lecturer of the Department of World Economy and International Relations.

Project goal: to increase a theoretical understanding of the legal, political, economic and social aspects of the European integration and modern European phenomena by attracting interdisciplinary knowledge.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks should be fulfilled:

- formation of understanding, profound knowledge of evolution, achievements and current issues of European integration and diplomacy among students of higher educational institution;

- stimulation of the interest in research on theory and practice of European integration, functioning of the EU;

- improvement of the quality of the courses on integration processes and development of the European macroregion;

- promotion of the European values, evaluation and recognition of the experience of European integration by Kazakhstani society.

The foregoing tasks will help to inculcate an active citizenship and increase the civic literacy of the participants by improving their understanding of the specifics of regional integration processes.

Teaching and related studies on European integration in the framework of the project will contribute to developing the European studies in non-European countries.

The results of the implementation of the Module throughout the project life will be used in the educational process and research activities.







Activities under the Jean Monet Module "Theory and Practice of European Integration"




Teaching "Theory and Practice of European Integration" course



Roundtable debates “European Integration: progress, challenges and perspectives”



Preparation and publication of a monograph "Theory and Practice of European Integration"



Preparation and publication of scientific articles related to the project theme

throughout the period



I am grateful to our University for the opportunity to attend this course. The classes provided an elaborate study on integration processes. This helped me while working on my thesis, as well as in interacting with my future colleagues from different countries. The course was delivered in simple and concise language. Thank you very much for this awesome experience!)
Lena Rudenko, "International Relations"

Read on... >>>

 Module classroom

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Opening of the “Theory and Practice of European Integration” Module classroom

As one of the means to consolidate visibility of the project, maintain its impact and disseminate its results on the second year of the implementation of the Module, with the support of the University management the working group decided to open at the university a classroom (203B), dedicated to the history of European integration and functioning of the EU. Aside from the prepared material, some handouts and publications containing visual, statistical and educational information have been acquired with the assistance of the EU’s Publications Office.
The materials provided in the classroom are available not only to students of the "International Relations", "World Economy" educational programs, but also to all interested parties and students of other specialties, whose classes are held in this classroom according to the schedule.


Theory and Practice of European Integration Theory and Practice of European Integration Theory and Practice of European Integration Theory and Practice of European Integration Theory and Practice of European Integration Theory and Practice of European Integration Theory and Practice of European Integration
Электронный университет
3D тур КЭУ