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2) Syzdykbekov Y.S., Baigozhina G.M., Tutinova N.K. European experience in the field of migration policy: multicultural issues // “Integration of science and education in the context of innovative development and the implementation of Sustainable Development Goals”, dedicated to the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan. - International Scientific and Theoretical Conference. 09.12.2022
3) The European Union migration policy: possibilities of application and problems of adaptation in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Collection of materials of the international round table (Karaganda, October 18, 2023). Karaganda: Kazpotrebsoyuz, 2023. 87 p.
4) Мonograph. Syzdykbekov Ye.S., Abeuova S.T., Baigozhina G.M. “The European Union migration policy" - Karaganda, 2024. 110 p.
5) Мonograph. Syzdykbekov E.S., Abeuova S.T., Baigozhina G.M. Миграционная политика Европейского Союза (in Russian) – Karaganda, 2024. 129 p.
6) Project performance factors in the domestic business support systemin Kazakhstan: Anempirical study //International Journal of Innovative Research and Scientific Studies, 7(4) 2024, pages: 1435-1446 ISSN: 2617-6548