University Security Service

About University Security

Based on the interests of ensuring a normal, safe mode of work and study and preserving the material assets of the university, an independent, administrative unit of the Security Service was created by order of the university rector dated July 01, 2014.
The security service in its activities reports directly to the rector of the university.

The security service is intended for:


1. Organizations and ensuring the maintenance of public order on the territory of the University;
2. Organizations and ensuring security, protecting the rights and legitimate interests of employees, teachers, students of the University in the performance of their duties;
3. Organizations and ensuring the protection of University facilities, material assets and cash;
4. Providing economic security and economic activities of the University.
5. Prevention of offenses among students studying at the University.

The main functions of the unit are:


1. Ensuring the order of admission of workers, students and other persons, as well as vehicles to the building and the territory of the University, as well as the procedure for moving property on the territory of the University or outside the territory of the University;
2. Ensuring the protection of University facilities from theft, theft, robbery, arson and other criminal attacks and public unrest;
3. Organization of the development of measures for the safety of University facilities;
4. Ensuring the proper operation of the security alarm, monitoring its condition and taking measures to repair in case of damage, failure and other malfunctions;
5. Ensuring compliance with the checkpoint by employees, students and other persons. Security service officers access control is carried out by order of the rector of the university No. 58-p dated August 27, 2014 .;
6.Development and implementation of measures to identify, prevent and combat public unrest and criminal acts in relation to the composition of the University as a whole;
7.Preparation of materials for transfer to law enforcement bodies for investigation of the facts of offenses and crimes committed against the University and its individual employees.
The security service in its activities is guided by the following documents:
• Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
• The Labor Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
• Laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
• Resolutions of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan governing the educational sphere;
• Normative acts of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
• The provisions of state standards of the Republic of Kazakhstan, developed in accordance with international standards ISO 9000 series;
• Charter of the Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz;
• Code of Ethics for teachers and employees of KEUK;
• Decisions of the Academic Council and the university administration, orders and instructions of the rector;
• other regulations in the field of education and security;
• Regulations on the security service approved by the rector of the university.

Security officers serve in uniforms provided by the university.
The security service maintains documentation on all areas of activity, draws up a report on the results of its work for the academic year.
Monthly summarize the work on the revealed violations and violations of the internal regulations committed by employees, teachers and students of the university and represents the university rector.

 University Security Service

 University Security Service

 University Security Service

 University Security Service

 University Security Service

 University Security Service

Security Management

Head Office Security:
Abenov Abdylnasir Moldabaevich - education: higher education, juridical;
He has 30 years of experience in internal organs, working in various positions, colonel politics. Honorable medals: "For impeccable service in the internal affairs bodies - III stage", "For impeccable service in the internal affairs bodies - II degree", "For best law enforcement", "Veteran of internal affairs bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan" for service. "

Deputy Head of Security:
Zhakupov Nurtas Zhakupovich - education: higher-legal; He has 19 years of experience in the internal affairs bodies, worked in various senior positions, major of the police.
Электронный университет
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