Human resources department

Human resources department is an independent subdivision of the Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz. The activity is aimed at the formation, optimization of the human resources in terms of their activities, qualitative and quantitative characteristics, in order to rationally achieving the university goals.

Head of Human resources department is associate professor, Eremin Yuri Nikolaevich.

Contact information: 9 Academicheskaya, room 255, Karaganda
Working hours: Monday-Friday from 9.00 to 18.00. Lunch break: from 13.00 to 14.00
Phones: 8 (7212) 441652 ext. 117
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The structure of the Department:

1) Main goals:
- HR record management;
- determination of the need for staff and selection of staff in conjunction with the heads of departments;
- registration of personal records of employees;
- issuance of certificates and copies of documents upon request of employees;
- conducting operations with Employment record books (receiving, issuing, filling and storing documents);
- scheduling and drawing up of holidays in accordance with labor legislation;
- preparing plans for in-service education;
- creation of conditions for the realization of the labor and personal potential;
- improvement of motivation of work of university employees;
- evaluation and certification of teaching staff;
- competitive selection for the position of teaching staff and researchers;
- work on the development of corporate culture.

2) Documentation Support and Control Service Head: Larisa Smagulova, room 253, tel.441634 ext.156
Main goals:
- control over the execution of documents and preparation of them for transfer to the archive of university
- maintenance of the uniform procedure of documentation;
- creation and maintenance of information retrieval system;
- improvement of forms and methods of working with documents at the university;
- creation of control and information catalogue, file register of the university.

3) Translation service, room 221, Bekadil Semkul
Main goals:
- translation of business documentation;
- translation of educational and methodical instructions;
- translation of proceedings of conferences, meetings and seminars;
- translation of textbooks and study guide.

Human resources department

Human resources department

Human resources department

Human resources department

Электронный университет
3D тур КЭУ