Resource center

Our coach| Our course

Mission — Contribute job placement students / graduates, combine social partners, provide continuing education for the development of each and eve-ryone, which will ensure demand in the labor market,high level of social integration, development and accumu-lation of human and social capital in society.  

Direction activity:

- promotion of employment / employment of students /graduates;

 - training and multi-stage system of training and retraining of specialists;

- introduction of a competency-based approach and improvement of the educational process;

- constant interaction with the environment.

Our programs target students, graduates of colleges   and universities, schoolchildren, teachers, representatives of government agencies, private business and society as a whole.

Address: Karaganda, st. Academic, 9, room 107.

Employment Consulting

Wednesday from 15.00 to 17.00

«Meeting coach with Zhanna Kose»

every Tuesday from 14.00 to 16.00

Employment Consulting

«HR Day"

on Fridays from 15.00 to 17.00

Contact phone: 8 (7212) 44-15-68,

+77017202746 - Kose Zhanna Komekovna

 e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


We are waiting for you!

We are glad to see you!
The goal — is to create conditions for the personal development of
students ,assistance to students /
graduates, teaching staff,
representatives of business and society
in the development of professional
competencies and the formation of
working skills in accordance with the
requirements of the labor market,
creation of conditions for social
partnership and assistance in the
employment of graduates


Director of Resource Center for the projects COMPLETE and CACTLE

Kose Janna Komekovna

Address: Karaganda,

9 Akademicheskaya St.,
Off 107
Phone: 8 (7212) 44-15-68


Karaganda Order of the Red Banner of Labor Polytechnic Institute. Mining Faculty, Special field: Economics and Mining Industry Management, mining engineer-economist.
Kazakhstani Russian University, Karaganda.
Psychology Faculty, Bachelor of Psychology.
Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsouz, Professional Education, Bachelor of Professional Education

Additional Information:
In 2007, defended thesis research for the degree of Candidate of Economical Sciences.
In 2017, completed a yearly training in The Оpen university – International Management Institute LINK for the programs: Marketing and Finance Management; Organization and Staff Management.
Collected a certificate «The Professional Certificate in Management».
In 2018, finished apprenticeship on the international coaches training program - Professional Coach ICU.
Collected a certificate «Professional Coach ICU».

The main activities of the Director of Resource Center for the projects COMPLETE and CACTLE:
- Information-analytical and monitoring work at the labor market, vacancy monitoring, university graduates employment monitoring.
- Report of data of labor market condition, of vacancies to students and graduates purposely their employment.
- Promotion of university’s graduates and students employment through the development of professional competencies and the formation of students/graduates' working labor ability skills.
- Education and a multi-stage system of training and retraining of specialists (from short-term courses based on any education to professional retraining on the basis of higher education)
- Coordinate work on cooperation with partners of the university on the improvement of training programs, updating the competencies and skills of students.
- Conducting work with students in order to increase their competitiveness in the labor market through psychological training, vocational guidance, information about trends in supply and demand for specialists of a certain profile. Conduct an analysis of training programs that are relevant to internal and external trainees in order to further offer them on the market.
- Organize training seminars, trainings, master classes, guest lectures, refresher courses, etc.
- Organize employment events of graduates (Career days, round tables, fairs, workshops, company presentations, etc.).


Chief specialist of Resource Center for the projects COMPLETE and CACTLE

Krasnoshchekova Elena Aleksandrovna

Address: Karaganda,

9 Akademicheskaya St.,
Off 107

Phone: 8 (7212) 44-15-72
8 (7212) 50-21-24

Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz
Master of Marketing

The main activities of the Chief specialist of Resource Center for the projects COMPLETE and CACTLE:
- Study the requirements for university graduates in the labor market, monitor job vacancies by university specialties.
- Conduct market research of the labor market, analyze the results of employer questionnaires with the further report formation.
- Monitor graduates employability.
- Take a part in the organization of training system and retraining of specialists (from short-term courses on the basis of any education to professional retraining on the basis of higher education).
- Maintain close working experience with regional employment agencies, employers and other university partners.
- Participate in activities: workshops, training seminars, round tables with students and employers.
- Collect the information (feedback) from trainees on the results of the programs.
- Organize the work on the formation of contractual relations with institutions of various legal forms of ownership in order to expand the scope of

Resource center

Employment Manager of graduates of the Resource center for projects COMPLETE and CACTLE

Moldakarimova Aliya Sayanovna

Address: Karaganda,Academic 9.


Phone: 8 (7212) 44-15-68

Education:  «Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz»

Specialty: «Economics»

The main activities of the employment manager of the Resource Center for the COMPLETE and CACTLE projects:- Study the requirements for university graduates in the labor market, monitor vacancies in the specialties of the university.- Conduct marketing research of the labor market, analyze the results of employers' questionnaires with the further formation of a report.- Monitor the employment of graduates.       - Coordinate the process of concluding agreements with organizations for the internship of students of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz.- To develop an annual schedule of internship for students of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz in specialties.- Constantly replenish the databases "Graduate", "Enbek", "Enterprise", "Platonus".- Maintain an employment page on the university website.- Participate in events: master classes, training seminars, round tables, both with students and employers.

Resource center

Chief specialist

Лопата Анна Николаевна
Address: Karaganda,

9 Akademicheskaya St.,
Off 107

Phone: 8 (7212) 44-15-68

Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz
Master of Marketing

The main activities of the Chief specialist: 

  • Ensure a clear organization, planning and accounting of the results of practice at the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, draw up an annual university schedule for all types of professional practice
  • Conduct monitoring of the existing bases of student practice in order to organize vocational guidance (practice) for university students
  • Coordinate the work of university teachers on professional practice and the timeliness of the development and republishing of practice programs by the profiling departments
  • Monitor orders across the university on the distribution of students to places of practice, appointment and business assignment (together with the head of practice from the department).
  • Coordinate the process of concluding agreements with organizations for the internship of students of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz
  • Develop and update unified blank documents for organizing all types of professional practice for graduating departments
  • Control the timely delivery of department reports based on the results of all types of practice
  • Constantly update the bases of professional practice in the Platonus database and add objects of internship by university students in accordance with the orders for internship
  • To post on the university website the necessary documentation on practice issues.
  • Summarize the positive experience of the practice, make proposals for its improvement in the university-wide regulation on practice
  • Provide advice to students and teachers on practice and employment, help in writing a resume, taking into account the peculiarities of the organizational and legal forms of employers
  • Study the requirements for university graduates in the labor market, monitor vacancies in the specialties of the university
  • Take part in university, city, regional events in the framework of the organization of assistance in the employment of students and graduates of the university
  • Maintain contacts with consumers of graduates in order to improve the quality of training specialists.
  • Maintain close ties with regional employment authorities, employers and other university partners

Resource center

Employment Manager of graduates of the Resource center for projects COMPLETE and CACTLE

Amandiq Bota  Nurgaziqizi

Address: Karaganda,

Academic 9


Phone: 8 (7212) 44-15-68

Education:  Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz

Specialty: «Economics»

The main activities of the employment manager of the Resource Center for the COMPLETE and CACTLE projects:

- Study the requirements for university graduates in the labor market, monitor vacancies in the specialties of the university.

- Conduct marketing research of the labor market, analyze the results of employers' questionnaires with the further formation of a report.

- Monitor the employment of graduates.      

 - Coordinate the process of concluding agreements with organizations for the internship of students of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz.

- To develop an annual schedule of internship for students of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz in specialties.

- Constantly replenish the databases "Graduate", "Enbek", "Enterprise", "Platonus"

- Maintain an employment page on the university website.

- Participate in events: master classes, training seminars, round tables, both with students and employers.

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