Meeting with representatives of «Halyk Bank» JSC

Meeting with representatives of «Halyk Bank» JSC

A meeting of students of the specialties "Accounting and Auditing", "Economics", "Finance", "Management" , "jurisprudence" was held at the Karaganda Economic University. With representatives of «Halyk Bank» JSC, during which issues of the possibility of employing university graduates in the bank were discussed.

Students and graduates learned about the available vacancies in the bank, employee motivation, including career opportunities. Bank representatives invited university graduates to work, emphasizing that the KEU diploma is always in demand in the labor market, and its holders are distinguished by a high level of education and professionalism. Graduates of KEU have provided their bank representatives with resumes for internships  and further employment.

Meeting with representatives of «Halyk Bank» JSC

Round table on the topic: "Improving measures to prevent and combat drug trafficking and abuse in the Republic of Kazakhstan"

Round table on the topic: "Improving measures to prevent and combat drug trafficking and abuse in the Republic of Kazakhstan"

On September 13, 2019, a round table was held at the scientific and educational center of the Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz on the topic: "Improving measures to prevent and combat drug trafficking and drug abuse in the Republic of Kazakhstan."

The round table was held as part of the Grant Financing Project of the Science Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the topic: “Criminal Law and Criminological Problems of Combating Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs, Psychotropic Substances, and Their Analogs in the Republic of Kazakhstan”.

The round table was attended by scientists and experts, as well as representatives of the research structures of Karaganda.

The following problematic aspects of the fight against drug trafficking and drug abuse in the Republic of Kazakhstan were brought up for discussion by the participants in the round table:

  • Criminal law and criminological problems of countering the organization or maintenance of dens for the consumption of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, their analogues and the presentation of premises for the same purposes
  • The causal factor complex and the main measures to prevent juvenile drug addiction
  • Counteracting the spread of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, their analogues in educational institutions
  • Problems of investigation of organized criminal activity in the field of illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances or their analogues
  • and other pressing problems of the fight against narcotism.

The participants in the round table noted the relevance of the topic for discussion, which is caused by the high dynamics of the changes taking place in Kazakhstan, the Central Asian region and the world, the emergence of new challenges and threats associated primarily with the intensification of transnational crime, increased terrorism, extremism, the emergence of new types of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances. Experts pointed out the need to improve measures to combat drug addiction and the drug business.

Following the results of the round table, relevant recommendations and proposals on this topic were adopted.

Round table on the topic: "Improving measures to prevent and combat drug trafficking and abuse in the Republic of Kazakhstan"Round table on the topic: "Improving measures to prevent and combat drug trafficking and abuse in the Republic of Kazakhstan"Round table on the topic: "Improving measures to prevent and combat drug trafficking and abuse in the Republic of Kazakhstan"

Curatorial hour: "Discussion of the Message of President Kasym-Jomart Tokayev to the people of Kazakhstan»

Curatorial hour: "Discussion of the Message of President Kasym-Jomart Tokayev to the people of Kazakhstan»

September 11, 2019 in the group RD 18-3, RD 18-4 was held curatorial hour on " Discussion of the Message of President Kasym-Jomart Tokayev to the people of Kazakhstan." The curators RD 18-3, 18-4 RD Alekseenko, T. N. and Kenzhebekov N. D. explained to the students the basic provisions of the "Message". Students took an active part in the discussion of the message. Of particular interest to students was the discussion of the concept of "Hearing state", which quickly and effectively responds to all constructive requests of citizens.

Curatorial hour: "Discussion of the Message of President Kasym-Jomart Tokayev to the people of Kazakhstan»Curatorial hour: "Discussion of the Message of President Kasym-Jomart Tokayev to the people of Kazakhstan»Curatorial hour: "Discussion of the Message of President Kasym-Jomart Tokayev to the people of Kazakhstan»

Congratulations to our listeners!

Congratulations to our listeners!In the period from June 24-28, 2019 Multilingual Education Centre held a final exam in English among participants of the university and college. The course participants were given certificates on successful completion of their level, from Beginner to Upper-intermediate. Considering the heavy workload of our teachers, we express our gratitude to all participants for their efforts and patience, congratulate them on the successful completion of the English language courses, and wish them success in the future.

Dear applicants!

Dear applicants!

Karaganda economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz for the first time
in Central Kazakhstan opens admission to training educational program 6В01402 "Sports management»

direction: "Pedagogical Sciences"
group of educational programs: "Training of teachers with subject specialization of general development"
You, the future sports managers, will be guided not only in the questions concerning sports, but also will master system knowledge in the field of economy, marketing, psychology, pedagogics, etc.
Management in sports is the theory and practice of effective management of organizations of the sports industry in market conditions. Throughout the world, the profession of "sports management" is a prestigious, high-income.
Graduates who have mastered the bachelor's program can engage in the following activities: teaching; coaching; recreational; organizational and managerial; cultural and educational.

Acceptance of documents from June 20 to July 7, 2019
Creative exam: July 9, 2019 and July 13, 2019


Congratulations to the staff of the Scientific Research Institute of Economic and Legal Research

On May 19, 2019, in the city of Petrozavodsk, the Russian Federation, the International Scientific and Methodological Competition "Teacher of the Year 2019" was held.
For this competition, in the framework of the grant research “Criminal law and criminological problems of countering the illicit trafficking of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, their analogues in the Republic of Kazakhstan” c.l.s., Associate Professor Seythozhin B. U. c.l.s., Associate Professor Fetkulov A.Kh., and c.c.s., Sarsembaev B.Sh. presented a scientific work on the topic “Criminal responsibility for the organization or maintenance of dens for the consumption of drugs and the provision of premises for the same purposes in the Republic of Kazakhstan”.
The results of the study were awarded a diploma of I degree in the section "Jurisprudence".
Congratulations to the winners and wish them further creative achievements.



Foreign and Russian languages Chair would like to thank students who took an active part in the University life in the period of 2018-2019 academic year. As we know, learning of foreign languages requires attention, effort and patience. Our students Rakhimova Tolkyn, Turkeshev Erasyl and Mukhatova Aigerim showed good results in knowledge of English. We appreciate students who took part in various events of our University!
In addition to the scientific-intellectual activity, our students actively participated in different interesting events such as: Literary and poetic evening, The Regional competition "The Multilingual Teacher – 2019" and celebration of the Chinese New Year conducted by the Chair.
We wish all of you further success, achievement of your goals and high results in your academic work! We are waiting for you in the new academic year!

"The innocent victims of the totalitarian regime"

"The innocent victims of the totalitarian regime"On May 31, 2019, a round table was held dedicated to the Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Political Repression. This day, since 1997, is annually celebrated in our country, as a tribute to the memory of the innocent victims of the Bolshevik regime era from mass repression, famine and deportations. The following persons spoke at the round table: Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Abilov K.Zh., Senior Lecturers of the Department of SR and ANK Mustafin S.Sh. and Badel A. They told the gathered student youth about the reasons for the repressions, about the fate of the repressed figures of the national intelligentsia of Kazakhstan, the fate of the peoples of the USSR deported to Kazakhstan, the consequences of the mass famine, answered numerous questions from students.

Meeting with representatives of EFES Kazakhstan JSC (Karaganda) organization

Meeting with representatives of EFES Kazakhstan JSC (Karaganda) organization

On May 17, 2019, a meeting with potential employers for university students was held in Resource Center of Department of strategic development.
Representatives of large industrial companies arrived in order to inform students about employability.
At the meeting, EFES Kazakhstan JSC for students of university was held a very exciting game for self-expression and in teamwork. Specialists also presented information that contributes to employment and development of professional skills among students.
Students listened with interest to invited employers, had the opportunity to get answers to all questions, and successfully coped with the game.
The main result of the meeting: EFES Kazakhstan JSC has filled vacancies by our students and gained great staff.

International Olympiad in Economics for non-economic specialties

International Olympiad in Economics for non-economic specialties

On April 25, 2019 students of Education program "Logistics" of the chair "Marketing and logistics" took part in the International Olympiad on Economics for students of 1-2 courses for non-economic specialties organized by Ufa state oil technical University together with Karaganda economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz.
According to the results of the Olympiad students of the group Log-22 Seysembaev Adilkhan and Romanov German took seconds place. Students of the group Log-22 Bogdyakov Pavel, Afanasiev Dmitry, Nagaybekova Lyubov and Sabitova Victoria took thirds place. CONGRATULATIONS!

Hard day

Hard day

Joint-stock company «SEC Saryarka» in the framework of innovative and industrial development of the country held an event to attract startups with innovative projects among young people - Hard day, which was attended by students of Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz: Zhanbekov Adilkhan, Mazhitov Saken, Ptitsyn Nikita, Sakenova Indira, Balykbekova Zhuldyz, Musabekova Dilara, Kairatkyzy Diana, Shaikenova Zarina, Zholdybai Altynay. As a result, KEUK students received a certificate and the right to a free consultation from successful entrepreneurs in Almaty, as well as free 2-month training in a business school.

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