Meeting dedicated to the year of volunteer

Meeting dedicated to the year of volunteer
Teachers of the Department «Social work and Assembly of people of Kazakhstan» Nihambekova A. B., Badel A. B., Nurmukhanova N. T. in the hostel of the University held a meeting with students. The meeting was devoted to discussion of prospects of development of volunteer movement in KEU. Students got acquainted with the initiative of the President of Kazakhstan Tokayev K.-Zh.on the announcement of 2020 goal as the year of Volunteer in Kazakhstan, shared their vision of volunteer movement in KEU.
Volunteer activity in the student environment of the University is becoming more popular, students, including the specialty «Social work» voluntarily and gratuitously help the elderly, orphanages, specialized medical institutions and children – anyone who needs any help.

The actions of the population at the signal «Attention please!»

The actions of the population at the signal «Attention please!»

Every citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan should know and follow the procedure for the signal «Attention please!» transmitted by means of sirens or other signaling means, launched to attract the attention of the population in in case of a threat or emergency.
Having heard the signal «Attention please!», the population is obliged to turn on TVs, radios and other means of receiving information, carefully listen to the transmitted information and comply with the requirements step by step. The information transmitted can be of various nature: about the accident of a chemically dangerous object or railway transport, about the threat of chemical, radioactive contamination, about natural disasters, about the possible air danger and other emergencies threatening the life and health of people, as well as about the actions of the population in these emergencies.
The text of voice information will be transmitted in Kazakh and Russian languages. In places where due to the distance there is no sound of sirens and no loudspeakers of central radio broadcasting, the signal «Attention please!» and voice information will be transmitted by special cars equipped with a signal-speaker. Inform relatives, friends, neighbors - they may not have heard the information being transmitted. Stop any public panic and spreading of rumors immediately.

Chief of Civil Defense Staff N. Alimkulov


Round table

Round table

September 26, 2019, the Department of "Tourism and catering" in co-working center "Dostyk" was held a round table devoted to the world Day of tourism, which was attended by representatives of research Hanov T. A., Fetkulov A. H., A. S. Orynbekov teachers Abdurakhmanova A. Z. – responsible for NIRS, Alekseenko T. N., Eshowe N. T., Gusikova A. K. and the students of 1-4 courses. The students of the specialty "Tourism" and "Restaurant business and hotel business" Shrove S., And Gong, Satmaganbetova A., Kuranova B., A. Toleuhanova made their scientific projects.
The purpose of the round table-is the interest and involvement in the R & d of 1st year students, which will provide an opportunity for each student to realize their right to creative development of the individual, participation in research.

The field trip

The field trip

As part of the discipline "Museology" Department of tourism and restaurant business held a visiting class in the Karaganda Regional Museum of local history for the group Tour-18-1K . During the tour, the students introduced with the main exhibits of the Museum, with the history of the region. Expositions tell about archaeological finds, about the beginning of coal mining, about the traditions and customs of the Kazakh people. Students learned about the intricacies of working in the Museum and the duties of the guide.

Check out the Museum of Karlag

Check out the Museum of KarlagDepartment of tourism and restaurant business organized departure of students of 1-2 courses of specialty "Tourism" and "Restaurant business" to the Museum of memory of victims of political repressions (p.Dolinka). The students had the opportunity to get acquainted with the history of the Museum, which was built in such a way that visitors to the Museum could feel through what trials had to pass the repressed and exiled. The event was aimed at attracting modern society to the study of various events in the history of the country, as well as aimed to convey to students and show through exhibitions, the years of political terror.

Students of KEU took the second place in the hackathon "IT-WEEK.KZ-2019"

Students of KEU took the second place in the hackathon "IT-WEEK.KZ-2019"

September 24-27, 2019, as part of the “Rukhani Zhagyru” program in Karaganda at the Boxing Center named after S. Sapiev hosted an event in the field of IT industry - International Forum "IT-WEEK.KZ-2019".

The event was organized by the public association Altyn Kazyna, the Department for Youth Policy of the Karaganda Region and the Digitalization Department of the Karaganda Region.

The purpose of this Forum was the development and formation of a digital community in the Karaganda region, promoting the solution of personnel problems in the IT sphere of the region, informing citizens about the possibilities of electronic interaction with authorities and popularizing information technologies among the population and organizations of the region.

The forum program included master classes from representatives of domestic and foreign IT companies, a job fair and an exhibition of digital technologies. The main event was the hackathon, which lasted 48 hours. Thirty teams took part in it, which included students and young specialists.

Students of the Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz in the national team took the second place and received a prize of 300 thousand tenge. They developed the Clean City app. It enables users to send photos and geolocation of unauthorized landfills to the agency responsible for cleaning the city. This application has already been tested and is ready to go.


Students of KEU took the second place in the hackathon "IT-WEEK.KZ-2019"Students of KEU took the second place in the hackathon "IT-WEEK.KZ-2019"Students of KEU took the second place in the hackathon "IT-WEEK.KZ-2019"

Explanation of the new environmental code

Explanation of the new environmental code

Students of the Department of ecology and assessment of the group ECO-41K and ECO-42 headed by the head of the Department Baykenova G. G. took part in a meeting on the clarification of the draft of the new Environmental code, held by the Department of ecology of the Karaganda region.

Clarification of the draft new Environmental code was chaired by the Chairman of the Committee of environmental regulation and control of the Ministry of ecology, geology and natural resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan Z. S. Zholdasov.




Ospanova Gulnar Kuantaiovna - Ph. D., associate Professor of ecology and assessment congratulations on the Victory in the national project «The Best educator» in the first issue of the collection of books educators on the «The Best candidate of Sciences-2019», initiated by the National innovation research centre «Bilim-orkeniety».

Awarded national color book collection of the «The Best candidate of Sciences-2019»,  the special badge of the «The Best candidate of Sciences-2019», a diploma, a certificate, letter of thanks.

We wish her prosperity and success.


Meeting with the manager of KazAgro National Management Holding JSC

Meeting with the manager of KazAgro National Management Holding JSC

According to the Calendar of Events of the Dostyk Coworking Center for the development of entrepreneurial skills among students, on September 20, a meeting with the manager of KazAgro National Management Holding JSC M. Toskanbaev was held in the Coworking Center. He acquainted students with state programs of support and development of entrepreneurship and spoke about measures of financial and non-financial support for entrepreneurship.

The meeting continued in the form of an open dialogue. Students received professional explanations and practical recommendations related to state support in the field of small and medium-sized businesses.

Meeting with the manager of KazAgro National Management Holding JSCMeeting with the manager of KazAgro National Management Holding JSC

The right choice of profession is the key to a successful life!

The right choice of profession is the key to a successful life!

September 20, 2019 in secondary school № 76 named after Alikhan Bokeikhan akimat of Karaganda state institution "Department of education of the city of Karaganda" was held an evening with the participation of students in grades 9-11 on " the right choice of profession-the key to a successful life." 

The right choice of profession is the key to a successful life. For this purpose, veterans of labor, specialists of secondary and higher educational institutions of the city were invited, where students were given the necessary information. This event was attended by senior lecturer of the Department "Banking management and financial markets" ermekova K. A.

With a welcome speech by the Director of the school cards Maratbek Kairbekovich. Then the floor was given to Deputy Director of vocational guidance Aldiyarova Subasio Mirsabirovich.

The right choice of profession is the key to a successful life!The right choice of profession is the key to a successful life!The right choice of profession is the key to a successful life!

Curatorial hour dedicated to the message of the President of Kazakhstan K.K.Tokaev

Curatorial hour dedicated to the message of the President of Kazakhstan K.K.Tokaev

The curators of the Department "Banking and financial markets" Ermekova K. A., Gusmanova F. A., Kalkabaeva G. M. and C. A. Isanov on September 17 held a curatorial hour devoted to the message of the message of the President RK K.Tokaeva from September 2, 2019 with the participation of groups F-11k, F-33sk, F-41k.

Students read reports on the main points of the message, such as:


The reports will contribute to the implementation of the President's address. As well as self-realization of students in the walls of Karaganda economic University.

Curatorial hour dedicated to the message of the President of Kazakhstan K.K.TokaevCuratorial hour dedicated to the message of the President of Kazakhstan K.K.TokaevCuratorial hour dedicated to the message of the President of Kazakhstan K.K.Tokaev

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