KEU students win at Startup Weekend 2019

KEU students win at Startup Weekend 2019

October 12-13, 2019, the US Embassy in the Republic of Kazakhstan together with Nazarbayev University on the basis of Karaganda State University named after E.A. Buketov organized a competition for startup projects StartUp Weekend 2019 as part of the TECH CENTRAL ASIA program.
The international Central Asian startup development program TECH CENTRAL ASIA aims to help aspiring entrepreneurs, students, innovators and inventors who are interested in launching their own startups, building a sustainable business and its further development.
The main objective of the competition was to teach students how to create and run a business, in finding opportunities to enter international markets.
The event was attended by more than 100 participants from higher educational institutions of the Karaganda region, which were formed in 26 teams. The number of student teams that reached the final was 9, among which were the teams of our university. Projects of students of the VT-31 group Bulekbaeva Zhibek and Myrzataev Beksultan were among the winners. They got the opportunity to go through the two-month acceleration program of Nazarbayev University and speak at Demo Day in the city of Nur Sultan.



KEU students win at Startup Weekend 2019

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