Visiting lesson «Social services for children with special needs»

Visiting lesson «Social services for children with special needs»

A member of the Educational, scientific and industrial complex "Damu", coordinator of social work of the NGO NC "vidergeburt" Galutskaya L. A. held a visiting lesson on the discipline "Social work with disabled people" on the basis of the day stay center of the OBF "Ray of hope". Director of the Center T. I. Kravchenko acquainted students of academic groups SR-33C, SR-42, SR-32C/K with models of mental health services and assistance, features of socio-psychological adaptation of children with special needs and their integration into society, and also revealed the special role of NGOs and NGOs in the modernization of the social services system in Kazakhstan.


Visiting lesson «Social services for children with special needs» Visiting lesson «Social services for children with special needs»
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