Meeting with representatives of the program «Zhas Orken»

Meeting with representatives of the program «Zhas Orken»Karaganda economic University on October 31, 2019 held a meeting with students of all graduating groups in 2020 with representatives of the program "Zhas Orken" - ualieva Adina Timurovna-coordinator of the program "Zhas Orken" and Omarova Asel Zhanbyrshykyzy- SMM manager.
During the meeting, the graduates were told about the program as a whole , about the great opportunities that this program opens. They were informed about geographical mobility, which is one of the criteria of the winners of the competition, about the timing, how the participants are eliminated, how and when to apply. Students actively asked their questions. Representatives organized mini-quizzes and tasks on attentiveness and awareness. We hope that the students of our University will take part in the competitive selection.


Meeting with representatives of the program «Zhas Orken» Meeting with representatives of the program «Zhas Orken»
Электронный университет
3D тур КЭУ