Scientific seminar for 3rd year doctoral students the educational program "Economy»

Scientific seminar for 3rd year doctoral students the educational program "Economy»

On January 29, 2020, KEU held a scientific seminar on the educational program "Economics" for 3rd-year doctoral students.
This seminar was attended by 3rd-year doctoral students Salauatova D. M. and Keneshova G. A. with the results of scientific research on the topic of the thesis. During the scientific seminar, questions were asked about the research topic, and the scientific works of doctoral students were reviewed.
At the same time, the seminar provided practical advice from doctoral students on selection and publications in foreign rating publishing houses, where the works of the graduates themselves were published.


Scientific seminar for 3rd year doctoral students the educational program "Economy» Scientific seminar for 3rd year doctoral students the educational program "Economy» Scientific seminar for 3rd year doctoral students the educational program "Economy»
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