Afghanistan - living memory

Afghanistan - living memory

The Afghan war is one of the sad historical events of the Soviet Union. This year, on February 15, it was 35 years since Soviet troops completely left Afghanistan.

Thus, the university organized a meeting with Aldabaev Tileukabyl Orynbayuly, a veteran of the Afghan war, during which a small program was presented with the participation of students from our university. Students learned about the heroism and courage of the soldiers who performed their military duty. Tileukabyl Orynbayuly answered questions from students, shared his memories, wished the younger generation success in their studies and become true citizens of their country. At the end of the meeting, the veteran was awarded a letter of gratitude on behalf of the rector of the university.

Educating students in the spirit of the fighting traditions of the older generation contributes to the formation of correct ideological positions and creates a feeling of love for the Motherland.

Meeting with the representative of JSC "financial center"

Meeting with the representative of JSC "financial center"

On February 6, 2024, at our university, together with JSC "Financial Center", an information and informational meeting was organized with graduates of 2024 (all levels), who are trained by the state educational order.
JSC "financial center" as an operator of the authorized body in the field of Education provides monitoring and control for the recruitment of graduates, their compliance with the requirements of budget funds in the case of non-employment.
The main specialist of JSC "financial center"Serikkira explained the issues of obtaining a grant. The issues of direction of work of young specialists (graduates) and doctors of Philosophy (PhD), their personnel distribution were discussed at the meeting.
The meeting was held in the format of a free discussion of interesting issues, with the answers to the questions of the financial center and the center of career and professional development of the University.

«Modern techniques and approaches in working with dependent clients» training seminar for future psychologists

«Modern techniques and approaches in working with dependent clients» training seminar for future psychologists

One of the urgent psychological problems that requires the attention of psychologists is addiction, which became the subject of study, discussion and development of practical skills at the training seminar «Modern techniques and approaches in working with dependent clients» for students of the EP «Psychology and Management in Education» on January 29, 2024. In the program of the training seminar: An introduction to addiction. The effect of psychoactive substances on the neurophysiological processes of the brain. Stigma, discrimination. Introduction to «Motivational interviewing» (MI), Techniques: «Scale of readiness for change», «Scale of importance or confidence», «Motivational interviewing» (MI) in practice.

Those who conducted the training seminar:

Yusupova Irina Vladimirovna - international coach, family system psychologist, addictologist, psychodramatotherapist, regional coach of ISSUP, Honored Worker of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Gabdrakipova Natalia Vasilyevna - psychologist, current member of the ISSUP.

Shaimerdenova Dana Serikovna - a child psychiatrist, psychotherapist, Master of Medicine, assistant at the Department of Neurology, Psychiatry and Rehabilitation of the National Academy of Sciences.

 Aisulu Mukhtarovna Malaeva - an international trainer, an addict psychologist, a defectologist, an active member of ISSUP.

Participation in the training seminar gave our students the opportunity to get to know modern psychotechnics of practical psychology in more detail and in depth.   We thank our fellow psychologists for their cooperation, professionalism, and motivation for further professional development!



On January 18th, 2024, an exciting competition on the theme Knowledge of languages is the doorway to wisdom took place at the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, organized by the Center for Multilingual Education. This event was special as it involved the faculty staff of non-linguistic disciplines, showcasing their unique language abilities and cultural diversity.

Three teams representing different faculties of the university participated in the competition:

  • «Multilinguists» - the team of the Faculty of Business, Law and Technology (FBLT);
  • «Poly-язычный оқытушы» - the team of the Faculty of Finance, Logistics and Digital Technologies (FFLDT);
  • «ASEM» - the team of the Faculty of Economics, Management and Entrepreneurship (FEUP).

Classes of Doctor of Economics, Professor S.N. Grishkina within the framework of academic mobility

Classes of Doctor of Economics, Professor S.N. Grishkina within the framework of academic mobility

From December 20 to December 28, 2023, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor of the Department of Audit and Corporate Reporting of the Faculty of Taxes, Audit and Business Analysis of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (Moscow, Russia), Svetlana Nikolaevna Grishkina, spent as part of the academic mobility program in remote format for students and teachers of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz lectures on the topics: “Representation of sustainable business development in corporate reporting” and “Architecture of modern corporate reporting and trends in its development.”

During the lecture, key aspects were discussed, such as:

- the role and purpose of corporate reporting in the information presentation of sustainable business development;

- architecture of modern corporate reporting;

- international and Russian national principles;

- standards and recommendations in the field of preparation and presentation of reporting information on the economic, environmental, social and management aspects of sustainable development of companies.

XV Anniversary International Scientific and Practical Conference “December Readings in Memory of S.B. Barngolts"

XV Anniversary International Scientific and Practical Conference “December Readings in Memory of S.B. Barngolts"On December 12-13, 2023, the XV Anniversary International Scientific and Practical Conference “December Readings in Memory of S.B.” was held at the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation. Barngolts" on the topic: "Accounting and control ecosystem of modern business." The conference was held in the framework of plenary and sectional sessions. The Plenary session was opened by the Honorary President of the Financial University, Doctor of Economics, Professor A.G. Gryaznova. She warmly welcomed all conference participants and noted the main stages in the development of the scientific school of the Financial University, noting its contribution to the development of accounting, analysis and audit methodology. Within the framework of the youth platform, 11 sections were held, in which more than 250 students (bachelors and masters) of the Financial University and other leading universities in many regions of the country and the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union took part.
Master's student of the educational program "Accounting and Auditing" Underis Erkebulan took an active part in the scientific and practical conference and was awarded a 1st degree diploma.



At the end of 2023, KarUK successfully completed scientific and analytical studies to study the potential and prospects for the development of the Karaganda agglomeration and the development of an action plan for the development of the Karaganda agglomeration until 2030. The amount of project financing is 40,170,000 tenge.

The agreement was concluded with the state institution “Department of Economy of the Karaganda Region”.

The results of scientific and practical research are analysis, determination of the potential and prospects for the socio-economic, demographic, industrial, transit, and infrastructural development of the Karaganda agglomeration.

The work scientifically substantiates modeling, improving the tools for sustainable economic development, defining the vision and aspirations for the formation of the Karaganda agglomeration as a world-class agglomeration, defining a promising structure for the development of the Karaganda agglomeration, ensuring the active development of the competitiveness of the Karaganda agglomeration, balanced regional development, streamlining of internal migration processes, a comfortable environment residence, taking into account the reduction of gaps in the standard of living of the population.

Guest lectures of the visiting professor

Guest lectures of the visiting professor

On January 4, 2024, lectures were given by, Associate Professor of the Department of Criminalistics at Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin (Krasnodar, Russia) by Nikolai Vladislavovich Ageev on the topic “Organizational means and methods in crime investigation methods”. The lectures were attended by students and teaching staff of the departments of “General Legal and Special Disciplines” and “Legal Regulation of Economic Relations”.

During the visit, Nikolai Ageev got acquainted with the material, technical and scientific research base of the university, and also discussed with the dean of the Faculty of Business, Law and Technology Rakhimgulova M.B. prospects for bilateral cooperation in the implementation of legal educational programs.

Being the largest center of science, education and innovation in the Southern Federal District of Russia, KubSAU is an active partner of our university, promoting the ideas of internationalization of higher education.


International Olympiad «Modern trends in the sustainable development of the financial and economic system in the context of digitalization and global risks»

International Olympiad «Modern trends in the sustainable development of the financial and economic system in the context of digitalization and global risks»

On December 14, 2023, the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, under the leadership of the Finance Department, hosted the International Olympiad "Modern Trends in sustainable Development of the financial and economic system in the context of digitalization and global risks", dedicated to the celebration of the event "Financier's Day", as well as Independence Day and the 30th anniversary of the national currency of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The main purpose of the Olympiad was to reveal the creative potential of students and attract potential applicants, as well as to promote financial literacy among young people.

Teams from more than 30 schools, colleges, as well as leading universities in Russia and Kazakhstan, including L.N. Gumilev ENU, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Kazan Cooperative Institute of the Russian University of Cooperation, Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, Turan University, Almaty Technological University, presented their startup projects.

The large-scale and exciting event was held at a high scientific, methodological and organizational level, and also reflected current trends in science and education. In practice, the principles of interdisciplinarity, continuity of education and continuity in school-university relations have been implemented.

Evaluators of knowledge and project protection conducted a jury consisting of the following:

  1. Head of the Treasury Department for the Karaganda region of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Saparova Zh. B.
  2. Advisor to the branch of the CF JSC "BankCeknrKredit" - Syzdykova R. A.
  3. Commercial Director of Maker LLP - Alekseeva Svetlana Sergeevna
  4. Deputy Director of DB VTB BANK JSC - Nurlyby D.R.
  5. Head of OMTS LLP "Maker" - Khamziev O.Z.
  6. Head of the card business center of CF JSC "Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan" - Musina Zh.N.
  7. Head of the Department of lending to individuals of the CF of Bereke Bank JSC - Bimurzin Zh.R.

According to the results of the Olympiad, all participants and winners were awarded diplomas and certificates.


Winning the Case Study Competition at the SDU HR Forum

Winning the Case Study Competition at the SDU HR Forum

Our university team took part in a case study competition, which was held on December 8, 2023 at the HR forum of Suleyman Demirel University.
The forum brought together leading specialists in the HR industry, among the speakers were Evgenia Ni, Vice President for Human Resources and Management at Air Astana, Loretta O'Donnell, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs at Nazarbayev University and other specialists in the field of human resources management. Faculty, university staff and students who came to meet with qualified specialists received answers to many questions.
Zhansakalova Anelya, master's student of the MN-23-2 NP group, showed particular activity and won the competition for writing cases on the topic “Employee Health and Well-being” and was awarded a certificate and a cash prize.
Congratulations and wish you successful completion of the sessions, high results, ease in business!

Information day of the Erasmus+ program in Kazakhstan

Information day of the Erasmus+ program in Kazakhstan

On December 22, 2023, the Information Day of the Erasmus+ program was held in Kazakhstan at the Abai University in Almaty.

The event, which brought together higher educational institutions of Kazakhstan, became a platform for exchanging experiences and establishing interaction within the framework of Erasmus+ projects designed to strengthen the potential of domestic universities in introducing advanced and effective initiatives for the development of higher education in the country.

Vice-Rector for International Cooperation and Strategic Development Abdikarimova A.T. and coordinator of Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Module 101127488 “Modern environmental technologies for sustainable development: experience of the EU and Kazakhstan” (METOD) Baikenova G.G. took part in the event as representatives of our university.

The program of the day included three parallel sessions, during which project coordinators/partners made presentations on Capacity Building Projects in Higher Education, Jean Monnet programs, international credit mobility and Erasmus Mundus Joint Master’s. A seminar was also held from the National Team of Experts on Higher Education Reform.

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