Nauryz is a holiday of spring and renewal!

Nauryz is a holiday of spring and renewal!

Nauryz in Kazakhstan is a nationwide radiant holiday of spring, friendship, love and fertility! It is celebrated on March 22 on the day of the vernal equinox. On this day, the heavenly bodies - constellations and stars, after a year-long cycle, come to the points of their initial stay and begin a new path - a circle.
On the eve of the Nauryz Meiram holiday, the Department of "Socio-Political Disciplines and the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan" organized a round table: "Nauryz is a holiday of spring and renewal."
The round table was attended by: Duman Bazarkeevich Malaev, Head of the department of scientific and expert support and methodological support “Kogamdyk kelisim” of the internal policy department of the Karaganda region, teachers of the department of “Socio-political disciplines and the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan” and students of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsouz.


A seminar on bullying and mobbing was held at the university

A seminar on bullying and mobbing was held at the university

On March 05, 2024, a seminar on bullying and mobbing for students living in dormitories was held at the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz within the framework of the Healthy Universities project.

Currently, much attention is being paid to the problem of research and prevention of violence and aggression. Therefore, the issue of preventing such situations in the education system is very relevant.

The purpose of the event: to draw the attention of students to the topic of bullying among teenagers, to explain to students how to properly resist aggression.

During the seminar, university psychologist Tamabayeva Zhanar Yerkanagatovna explained the concepts of bullying and mobbing, the difference between bullying and conflict, and presented ways out of possible bullying situations that arise in a student team.

The following topics were covered in detail:

  • study, control of aggression and violence among students;
  • causes and consequences of various conflicts;
  • types of violence that threaten life and health;
  • features of the prevention of negative, deviant behavior;

Such events at the university contribute to the creation of an educational environment free from violence, conducive to the development and self-realization of students, the formation of a healthy, safe lifestyle.



A seminar on bullying and mobbing was held at the university A seminar on bullying and mobbing was held at the university

March 1st is Gratitude Day!

March 1st is Gratitude Day!The first day of spring for Kazakhstanis begins with the word “thank you.” On March 1, Kazakhstan celebrates Gratitude Day. This holiday personifies the enduring values of friendship, kindness and solidarity. On this significant day, our university held a round table on the topic: “Gratitude Day in Kazakhstan: history and traditions of celebration.”
The round table was attended by: Duman Bazarkeevich Malaev, Head of the department of scientific and expert support and methodological support “Kogamdyk kelisim” of the internal policy department of the Karaganda region, teachers of the department of “Socio-political disciplines and the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan” and students of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsouz. The moderator of the round table was the head of the department of “Socio-political disciplines and the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan”, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Nurlan Adilbaevich Minzhanov.

A memorandum of cooperation was signed with Kazpost JSC

A memorandum of cooperation was signed with Kazpost JSC

On February 29, 2024, representatives of Kazpost JSC held a briefing with university students.

Kazpost JSC is the national postal operator of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the holding company of JSC NWF Samruk-Kazyna, representing the Postal Administration of Kazakhstan in the Universal Postal Union, is one of the basic elements of the national infrastructure. Kazpost JSC provides a wide range of postal, financial, brokerage, agency, and electronic services.

During the briefing, representatives of Kazpost JSC, among whom were graduates of our university, familiarized students in detail with the activities and prospects of the company's development. The students were very interested in the Development Strategy of Kazpost JSC until 2033, which marks a key stage in the evolution towards leadership in the global postal and related industries.   

Students asked potential employers about the features and conditions of their future profession, about the possibility of career growth, which gave them confidence in solving the problem of future employment and self-realization.

A memorandum of cooperation was signed during the meeting.

The conclusion of a memorandum of cooperation between our university and Kazpost JSC is the beginning of a new stage in our joint work. Cooperation opens up unique opportunities for the university to develop scientific research, practical training of our students, as well as to implement joint projects in the field of education and science.

Joint work with Kazpost JSC will not only allow us to share valuable experience for our students and teachers, but also significantly expand the horizons for innovation and technological development of the university as a leading center of education and science.


Master classes by employees of Nazarbayev University

Master classes by employees of Nazarbayev University

On February 26, 2024, a master class was held, organized by Nazarbayev University employees in order to exchange experience on organizing the university’s admissions campaign and attracting potential applicants.
Speakers included:
- Nurkhan Omarbekov, head of the student enrollment management office;
- Sabyrbekova Aizhan and Kuanysh Mussagozhina, specialists of the student admission department.
During the training, such current topics as recruiting students in a global competitive environment, strategic marketing in education, as well as digitalization of the process of admitting applicants to NU were discussed. Such an event promotes the exchange of experience, personal and professional growth of participants.

A meeting of the Association of Universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan was held on the basis of Kazpotrebsoyuz University

A meeting of the Association of Universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan was held on the basis of Kazpotrebsoyuz University

On February 24, 2024, the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz hosted a general meeting of the Association of Universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the topic "Problematic issues of confirmation and assignment of qualifications of university graduates" with the participation of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan Sayasat Nurbek. The national qualifications system is aimed at strengthening the relationship between the labor market and the personnel training system, which determines the relevance of the topic of this event.

Minister of Science and Higher Education Sayasat Nurbek made a report during the meeting. He reported on the implementation of the Concept for the Development of Higher Education and Science in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2023-2029, on the development of the system of continuing education, on expanding the availability of higher education, and elaborated on the national model of engineering personnel training.

During the field meeting, problematic issues and prospects for the development of the National Qualification System were discussed, namely:

International workshop on sustainable development

International workshop on sustainable development

On February 16 - th 2024, an international workshop “MANAGEMENT OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT: EXPERIENCE OF THE EU AND KAZAKHSTAN” was held at Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz
(as part of the Erasmus+ project Jean Monnet 101082914 -EPOS- ERASMUS-JMO-2
2022-2025 EPOS “European practice of managing sustainable development towards green transformation”), in which KazakhstanI and foreign scientists, public authorities, business representatives, financial workers, experts, teachers took part in online and offline formats; students, Master students and PhD students of Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsouz were actively involved. The following speakers have made their reports:


Practice-oriented training for students in the Logistics educational program is reaching the international level

Practice-oriented training for students in the Logistics educational program is reaching the international level

Practice-oriented training is one of the priorities of modern higher education. At the university on February 15-17, 2024, a training was organized with the participation of the international expert ICON-Institute, professor of logistics management at the University of Applied Sciences in Wildau Frank Gillert, whose professional activities are focused on research in the field of logistics and civil security, logistics consultations on enterprises in many countries around the world.

Representatives of large companies in the Karaganda region took part in the training.

Sagitova Zh.E. took part in the training from the university. (Director of the Center for Career and Professional Development), Mazhitova S.K. (Head of the Department of Marketing and Logistics), Yesenbaeva G.A. (Head of the Department of Commodity Science and Certification), Erubaeva D.Sh. (Senior Lecturer of the Department Commodity research and certification", Bezler O.D. (Assistant Professor of the Department of Economics and Entrepreneurship) and Sadykova A.K. (Senior Lecturer of the Department of Marketing and Logistics).

Together with experts and employers, the curricula for the educational program “Logistics” and the competencies of graduates were discussed. During the meeting, employers voiced their recommendations to graduates of educational institutions. In general, agreements were reached on the implementation of joint internships and new seminars.

The organizers were the teaching staff of the Department of Marketing and Logistics, the coordinator was Krasnoshchekova E.A., senior lecturer of the department.

Platinum Lecture professor Frank Gillert

Platinum Lecture professor Frank Gillert

On February 16, 2024, Frank Gillert, professor at the University of Applied Sciences in Wildau (Germany), gave a lecture on “Trends in Logistics” to students of the Logistics educational program.

Frank Gillert is Professor of Logistics Management at the University of Applied Sciences in Wildau, is the head of the research group on secure identification and authentication of objects, and has management experience in the companies Meto GmbH, Checkpoint (RFID) and Infineon (chip cards and security chips). He is the founder of a strategic consulting firm (Ubiconsult), since 2005.

In addition, Frank Gillert is the head of the digitalization project “Centers of Excellence Mittelstand 4.0”, sponsored by the German Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy. Deals with issues of international training programs and internships in Georgia and the UAE.

His professional activities are focused on research in the field of logistics and civil security, logistics consulting for enterprises in Germany, the United Arab Emirates, and Georgia.

Gives lectures in many countries around the world, on topics such as:

- Logistics management

- Introduction to Database Systems

- Telematics in logistics

- Risk and safety management in logistics

Students learned about the latest trends and changes in the logistics industry, gained new knowledge and skills in the field of logistics, which will be useful for their future careers. Such a meeting with a German professor promotes the development of critical thinking and information analysis.

Students asked the professor questions that interested them, and he gladly shared his experience and knowledge.


International training on interaction between university staff and representatives of the business sector

International training on interaction between university staff and representatives of the business sector

As part of the implementation of the interregional GIZ project “Professional education for economic growth sectors in Central Asia” (PECA), on February 15-17, 2024, on the basis of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, a training was held to prepare university employees and mentors in the company to train students on the basis of companies in order to improve compliance of the labor market and the effectiveness of national systems of higher and secondary vocational education and adult education.
The training was conducted under the guidance of international expert of ICON-INSTITUTE, Mr. Frank Gillert. Collaborative work continues in the development of a cooperative bachelor's degree program in logistics.
Representatives of the following organizations took part in the training: LLP “QazTehna”, JSC “National Company “Kazakhstan Temir Zholy”, LLP “Smart Cert”, LLP “Aknar PF”, LLP “Natizhe Sut Fabrikasy”, LLP “ICE-Logistics”, LLP “Kaztransprommash Company”, ALE “Self-Regulatory Organization “Association of Kazakhstan Railway Carriers”, LLP “Optimus KZ”, LLP “Kazcentrelectroprovod”.

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