We teach business: training for employees of "QazTehna" LLP

1Within the framework of the Memorandum of Cooperation and Partnership between Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz and QazTehna LLP, Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor of Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz Dauletova Aziza Mekemtasovna conducted a short-term training on the topic "Mastery of time: strategies for effective time management".

The purpose of the training is to equip managers of a large enterprise with advanced skills and tools for time management, which will improve the efficiency of personal work and increase the productivity of teams.

The key points in the training program were the following topics;

  • Timekeeping and time planning;
  • Integrated time management methods;
  • Delegation and task management , etc .

With the help of special cases, exercises, tasks and games, skills are formed that are used in any field: from personal life to managing a large company.

The training on this topic is very practical and useful for participants, helping them to better organize their time and achieve their goals more effectively.


We teach business: training for employees of "QazTehna" LLP We teach business: training for employees of "QazTehna" LLP
We teach business: training for employees of "QazTehna" LLP We teach business: training for employees of "QazTehna" LLP
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