Field training in the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan and JSC CF «Jusan Bank»

Field training in the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan and JSC CF «Jusan Bank»

The Department of «Banking Management and Financial Markets» held a field lesson in the CF of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan and in JSC CF «Jusan Bank» on February 22 2022. from 09:00 to 11:00 hours, Ph.D., Associate Professor Sayfullina Y.M., Ph.D., Associate Professor Borisova E.I. and senior lecturer Idirisova A.T. in the disciplines «Financing and lending of investments» on the topic: «Short-term bank lending as a way of financing investment projects», «Bank management and marketing» on the topic: «Management of assets and liabilities of a commercial bank», «Monetary regulation» on the topic: «Regulation of the volume of money supply and the monetary base» in groups F-19-2, F-20-4s.
Students at this event learned from the mouth of specialists the main functions of financial institutions, what activities are carried out in the field of monetary policy and much more.


Field training in the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan and JSC CF «Jusan Bank» Field training in the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan and JSC CF «Jusan Bank»
Field training in the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan and JSC CF «Jusan Bank» Field training in the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan and JSC CF «Jusan Bank»
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