We are preparing for public service.....

We are preparing for public service.....On March 09, 2022, at the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, the Department of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Civil Service Affairs in the Karaganda region held a seminar for students of the specialty “State and Local Administration”, dedicated to familiarizing and increasing students' interest in employment in the public service.
The representative of the state institution Magilanova Indira told the students about the criteria for selection for public service, the code of the state employee, and also answered all questions concerning career advancement.
This information is especially relevant for students who plan to enter the civil service.

Meeting of the Student Scientific Society for the department «Digital Engineering and IT-Analytics»

Meeting of the Student Scientific Society for the department «Digital Engineering and IT-Analytics»

On 25.02.2022, the department held a meeting of the SSS, where students made presentations. At the meeting of the Student Scientific Society, 3 reports were heard, which were recommended for participation in the Conference of the NJSC «Rudny Industrial Institute».
Attended: students from the SSS and a teacher of the Department of CI and IT-Analytics Sailaubayev S. Sh.
Invited: students of the specialty «Information systems” gr. IS-20-2 Samalova A., gr. IS-20-4s Balakhmet M.М., gr. IS-19-1k Kabyken N., gr. IS-21-1 Zhamkhur E.
As a result of the meeting, the following resolutions were adopted:
Presented reports:
1. Zhamkhur E. Topic of the report: «Development of an information system for a travel company».
2. Kabyken N. Topic of the report: «Development of an information system for accounting for the production costs of an enterprise».
3. Balakhmet M.M. Topic of the report: «Analysis of modern logistics information systems».
It was decided to recommend the presented reports for the participation of students in the upcoming conference of the NJSC «Rudny Industrial Institute».

Ashihara Karate AIKO World Championship

Ashihara Karate AIKO World Championship

Great news! From March 2 to March 6, the Ashihara Karate AIKO World Championship was held in Antalya, Turkey. The competition was held in three sections: "Kata", "Kumite" and «Full contact». The national team of Kazakhstan consisted of 51 athletes. In the "Kata" section, Kazakhstan athletes have 1 gold, in the "Kumite" section, the national team of Kazakhstan won 18 gold, 14 silver and 9 bronze medals, thereby taking the 2nd team place from 18 countries. Also in the «Full-contact» section, our athletes took 3 gold and 4 silver medals. The composition of the Karaganda national team was represented by 5 athletes, all the classes won prizes, 4 gold and 1 silver.
1 gold medal was won by our curator of the groups FK and SM-21-k, FK and SM-21-4s, master, senior lecturer of the department "SPD and ANK" Issabekova Anar Sabyrzhanovna. Anar Sabyrzhanovna is a silver medalist of the Ashihara Karate Championship of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2021, Pavlodar, is the owner of a 1 dan black belt and an international judge of the "C" category of Ashihara International Karate Organization.
2 gold medals were taken by students of the Shakarim Gymnasium school Issabekova Dina and Molodushkina Evangelina, 1 gold and 1 silver were taken by students of Karaganda Technical University Sambayev Aydin and Raimbekov Arman.
Arman Raimbekov is the head coach of the national team of the Karaganda region, 7 years of experience, many pupils of Arman Raimbekov are champions of city, regional, republican competitions, champions of Asia and now World-class.

Overflows and flood

Overflows and flood

Overflows differ from other natural disasters in that they are somewhat predictable. This makes it possible in many cases to determine in advance the time, nature and expected size of the overflow. The measures taken in time, in turn, make it possible to eliminate or significantly reduce the catastrophic consequences of overflows.
Overflow control includes measures carried out on long-term plans (construction of protective dams, drains, canals, reservoirs, and seasonal activities that are developed annually and carried out under the threat of overflows).
Overflows caused by extensive precipitation or intense snow melt cause floods to rise, and the level in rivers and lakes rises sharply.
As a rule, the flood begins in the first decade of April and ends in the third decade.
The public needs to monitor informational messages.
When receiving a signal of the threat of overflows and floods:
- turn off the water, gas and electricity
- put out the stove heating;
- evacuate all valuables to the upper floors (attics);
- close windows and doors;
- to appear at the appointed time in the collection evacuation center.
Fishermen should be especially careful on the rivers and reservoirs during the period of snowmelt.


Director of the state civil defence N. Alimkulov


Начальник штаба ГО Н. Алимкулов



The Department of "Tourism and Restaurant Business" held a subject Olympiad on the educational programs "Tourism" and "Restaurant business and hotel business" among students of grades 10-11 of schools in the city of Karaganda. The event was held in order to attract and support talented young people. 41 students from 6 schools of the city of Karaganda participated in the Olympiad. According to the results of the Olympiad, diplomas of 1, 2 and 3 degrees are awarded: In the specialty "Tourism" Diploma of the 1st degree Urazbekova Dayana (Bauyrzhan Momyshuly School) Diploma of the 2nd degree Zhardenbek Zhanerke (Bauyrzhan Momyshuly School) Uteubaeva Tomiris (KSU Ushtobinsk Support School) Olzhas Medina (KSU No. 2 Bilim-innovation boarding school) Duasheva Anelya (KSU Secondary School No. 82) Diploma of the 3rd degree Amanbai Dilnaz (KSU No. 2 Bilim-innovation boarding school) Seilkhanova Aizhan (KSU Secondary School No. 82) Specialty "Restaurant business and hotel business

Decade of the "Hospitality Industry"

Decade of the "Hospitality Industry"

The Department of Tourism and Restaurant Business traditionally held a decade of the «Hospitality Industry» at the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz. The decade was represented by interesting, bright events, which were attended by students of the 1st-3rd courses of the educational program «Restaurant business and hotel business».
Practical workers, graduates of the educational program «Restaurant business and hotel business» held interesting meetings, master classes for students both within the walls of the university and at the enterprises of the hospitality industry.
College students and schoolchildren were also invited to participate in the decade. The practitioners noted the students' interest in the chosen profession. All events received positive feedback from participants.



On February 24, the Department of Ecology and Assessment held the annual Regional Olympiad "Expert in Biology - 2022".
40 schoolchildren from 17 schools of Karaganda city and Karaganda region took part in the Olympiad.
According to the results of the Olympiad, diplomas of 1, 2 and 3 degrees are awarded to:
Diploma 1 degree
Ulbrich Victoria (PSI "Tokarevskaya basic school (resource center)")
Kabyltai Damira - (PSI "Secondary school No. 18")
Diploma 2 degree
Engel Ekaterina (PSI "Gymnasium No. 9")
Sophia Cherakaeva (PSI "Gymnasium No. 97")
Abdrashitova Ademi (PSI "Secondary school No. 12")
Diploma 3 degree
Dergacheva Victoria (PSI "Gymnasium No. 9")
Kirillova Valeria (PSI "Gymnasium No. 97")
Baizharasov Amirlan (PSI "School gymnasium named after Akhiet Baitursynov")
Kim Ilya (PSI "Gymnasium named after Kanysh Satpaev")
Musabekov Azamat (PSI "School-Lyceum No. 53")
Rasulova Zhanat (PSI "School-gymnasium No. 5 named after; Abai Kunanbaev")

Congratulations!!! We wish you to continue to boldly replenish the baggage of your knowledge and achieve new victories and heights.
We also wish success, self-development, interesting discoveries and important events in life to all participants of the Olympiad!
P.s. All participants of the Olympiad will receive a certificate of participation and letters of thanks.




The Department of Marketing and Logistics held a charity event "Fair of Goodness" on March 2, 2022. The main purpose of the event is to help those in need.
Such charity events are an example of mercy and compassion, and also contributes to the promotion of morality and patriotism among the younger generation.

«Academic integrity is the key to a bright future»

«Academic integrity is the key to a bright future»

On March 2, 2022, the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz hosted a meeting of students with the deputy head of the special monitoring group for external analysis and evaluation at the Department of the Agency for Combating Corruption in the Karaganda region (Anti-Corruption Service) - Zhumabekov Beibit Kayyrzhanovich on the topic: "Adal bilim- zharkyn bolashak kepili".
Opening the meeting, Vice-Rector for Social Affairs Abilov K.Zh. noted: "The university is doing some work on the implementation of the Anti-Corruption Strategy of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2015-2025. A special role in the formation of the anti-corruption worldview of young people should be given to legal anti-corruption education. Anti-corruption education is a direction of youth policy, and also acts as a decisive factor in increasing the effectiveness of anti-corruption in our society.
The purpose of anti-corruption education is the education of values and the development of abilities necessary for the formation of a civil position in young people in relation to corruption, the formation of a negative attitude to corruption manifestations."
Zhumabekov B.K. told the students about the work of the monitoring group, about the tasks of forming an anti-corruption culture among students, about the threats and risks to national security that corruption carries, urged students to observe the principles of academic integrity as a guarantee of a bright future. Then Almas Sabitovich Orynbekov, senior researcher at the EPI Research Institute, told about the work of the university student association "Sanaly Urpak". The listers answered the students' questions.


Friendship Festival

Friendship Festival

Every year, since 2016, on March 1, Kazakhstan celebrates the Day of Gratitude. On this day, Kazakhstanis express respect and appreciation to each other. Gratitude Day is a bright celebration of Kazakhstan's patriotism, unity and friendship. Day of support for the traditions of charity, social solidarity and mutual assistance!

A Friendship Festival dedicated to the Day of Gratitude was held at the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz cheerfully and fervently, in an almost homely atmosphere. Opening the Festival, Vice-Rector for Social Affairs Abilov K.Zh. noted: "Under the Stalinist regime, in the 1930s and 40s, entire peoples were deported to Kazakhstan. Koreans, Germans, Poles, Chechens, Ingush, Karachay, Balkars and others. They were unloaded from the wagons right in the bare steppe. Kazakh families, themselves in extreme need, took them into their adobe houses, shared a piece of bread, and actually helped many of them to survive.

It was decided to celebrate the Day of Gratitude of all ethnic groups, to each other and to the Kazakhs who showed mercy and accepted these people as relatives on March 1, the day of the formation of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan."

The audience who were present greeted the participants of the Festival with friendly applause, representing the Russian, German, Korean, Uzbek, Ukrainian and Chechen ethnic groups. They told about the peculiarities of life and traditions of the ethnic groups represented, showed the audience traditional dishes of national cuisines, creative performances: poems, songs, dances. No one was left indifferent by the fervent Russian, Uzbek and Korean dance numbers, a song in Ukrainian and poems in German, and of course an incendiary Lezginka.

The head of the Department of scientific and expert support and methodological support of the KSU "Kogamdyk kelisim" of the Department of Internal Policy of the Karaganda region D. B. Malaev, a member of the Chechen-Ingush ethno-cultural association "Vainakh" I. Umalatov, a member of the Karaganda branch of the Association of Koreans of Kazakhstan Kim L. I. attended and made welcoming speeches at the Festival.

And the Festival ended with a joint meal: participants, guests of the Festival and those who were just present tasted dishes of national cuisines: golden Uzbek pilaf, Russian pancakes and dumplings, Chechen cats-galnash (dumplings) and hingalsh (flatbreads), German sausages and kuh pies, salads and chicken in Korean "Chimek", Ukrainian dumplings and roast mushrooms, and all this was washed down with Ukrainian kvass and fragrant Kazakh tea with milk.

The victory of a master student in the International Scientific and Practical Conference

The victory of a master student in the International Scientific and Practical Conference

On February 20, 2022, the IV International Scientific and Practical Conference on the topic "Actual Scientific Research" was held in Penza, Russian Federation, the purpose of which is to create favorable conditions for the development of all areas of modern science, increase the level of scientific research, and identify the scientific potential of scientists.
As a result of the conference, the scientific work of the 2nd year undergraduate of the educational program "Management" Znamenok Alina Anatolyevna under the scientific supervision of Candidate of Economic Sciences, Professor of the Department "Management and Innovations" Legostayeva Anna Anatolyevna was awarded a diploma of the 1st degree.
Congratulations and we wish you further scientific and creative achievements!

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