Meeting of the Student Scientific Society for the department «Banking Management and Financial Markets»

Meeting of the Student Scientific Society for the department «Banking Management and Financial Markets»

On 02.23.2022, the department held a meeting of the SSS, where students made presentations. In total, 5 reports were listened to, which were recommended for participation in the Conference of the NAO «Narkhoz University».
Attended: Talimova L.A., Borisova E.I., Sayfullina Y.M., Kurmanalina A.K., Gusmanova Zh.A., Ermakova A.K., Idirisova A.T., Isanov A.S.
Invited: students of the specialty «Finance» gr.F-19-2 Pavlova A., Justus A., Rozhkov K., Kassikhina V., gr. F-20-3c/k Alshimbekov S.
After the meeting , the following resolutions were made:
Submitted reports:
1. Alshymbekov S. «Consumer credit in the Republic of Kazakhstan» (scientific supervisor of the art.Ermekova K.A.).
2. Pavlova A. Topic of the report: «The main trends in the development of commercial banks in the conditions of increasing uncertainty in the Republic of Kazakhstan», (scientific supervisor assoc.Gusmanova Zh.A.)
3. Justus A. Topic of the report: «Electronic payment systems, their economic role and security in the country», (scientific supervisor assoc.Borisova E.I.)
4. Kassikhina V. «Analysis of the current state and development of the mortgage lending system in economic conditions», (scientific supervisor assoc.Gusmanova Zh.A.)
5. Rozhkov K. «The role of the national bank in monetary regulation in the economy, its problems and impact on the welfare of the people», (scientific supervisor assoc.Borisova E.I.)
It was decided to recommend the presented reports for the participation of students in the upcoming conference of the NAO «Narkhoz University».

 Meeting of the Student Scientific Society for the department «Banking Management and Financial Markets»

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