«Straight to reading!»

«Straight to reading!»On 23rd of April 2015 in the library of KEUK was arranged the feast, devoted to the World Book and Copyright Day. Presantation of I.Esenberlin's book «Nomads» as the book of the year. Book Slam – the competition on promoting books. Photoshoot with your favorite book. The action «Read books! Be a person!».


«KITCHEN BATTLE» contestThe contest on preparing food was held among teachers of KEUK EBL College and chefs of the CAIRO restaurant. The contest was organized by the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Karaganda region. The work of the contestants were evaluated by the jury from Chamber of entrepreneurs of the Karaganda region. KEUK EBL College students participated as spectators and informal jury.
«KITCHEN BATTLE» contest - is a good opportunity to exchange experiences. According to the results of the contest teachers of KEUK EBL college were awarded diplomas for taking 1 place by the Chamber of entrepreneurs of the Karaganda region.

XIII Regional Olympiad

XIII Regional OlympiadOn April 23-24, 2015 on the basis of the Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz was held XIII Regional Olympiad on economics. Team of KEU as winner of the XII Regional Olympiad in Economics from the University of "Miras" Shymkent has received the right to host the Olympiad as an organizer in this year.
In the ongoing Olympiad attended commands such as:
- "Alash" team of Kazakh Humanitarian Law Innovative University of Semey;
- "Bolashak" team of the Kokshetau University named after Abai Myrzahmetov;
- "Friendship of Peoples" team of the Kazakhstan Engineering and Pedagogical University of Friendship of Peoples, Shymkent;
- «Start-up» team of the Karaganda State Technical University;
- KEUK team "Shortly ...", which took part outside of the competition.

VI Eurasian Economic Youth Forum "Dialogue of Civilizations: A World Without War"!

VI Eurasian Economic Youth Forum "Dialogue of Civilizations: A World Without War"!On April 20-23, 2015 in the Ural State Economic University has started VI Eurasian Economic Youth Forum "Dialogue of Civilizations: A World Without War"!
In the orum were held five final competitions of research works of international and national levels: «The IMF Model», «Eurasia Green», «Corporate governance and investment in the global economy", "Food Security", "The competitiveness of the territories".
The International competition of research projects of young scientists and students «Eurasia Green» in «Ecological culture and world view» represented our university students of the "Tourism" and "Restaurant business and hotel business» specialties Abdieva Ainura, Shakenova Aisha and Uralbaeva Elvira.

International Student Scientific Internet-Conference

International Student Scientific Internet-ConferenceOn April 27, 2015 in the informational-educational center of KEU in the base of the Volgograd State University was held II Annual International Student Scientific Internet Conference on the "Development of tax systems in Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus in the transformation of national and international financial systems" which was attended by students and undergraduates of KEUK, Kuban SAU, Belarusian SEU. Presentations were made by undergraduates of the group F-21NP - Korpeshova Aidana and gr. F-11NP - Kurmanalin Sayran and students of the gr. F-22 - Abdygalym Alua, Pisarenko Anna, gr.UA-32 - Zimakova Elizaveta, Elena Golubeva, Kappas Zhibek, Makeeva Alina and gr. F -22s - Maslo Angelica.
The conference was organized by the Department of FTI of KEUK – c.e.sc., senior teacher Lukpanova Zh.O. and c.e.sc., docent Ulakov N.S.

Newsletter «20 years of the Constitution of Kazakhstan: issues of efficiency and promising reform» round table

Newsletter «20 years of the Constitution of Kazakhstan: issues of efficiency and promising reform» round tableOn May 27, 2015 the Faculty of Business and Law of the Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz will held a round table on the theme «20 years of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan: issues of efficiency and promising reform» which will involve practitioners.
We invite students, graduates, PhD doctorates and teachers of the universities to participate in this event.
Discussion questions: forecasts of development of Kazakhstan constitutional model, both in the near and in the long term. How do Kazakhstan constitutionalists see the domestic constitution of the future? What problems of constitutional development in Kazakhstan will continue through the decades and what new problems will arise? How much the role of state managers change in the future? These and many other interesting questions we will consider in the course of the round table.
Place and time of the round table: The main building of the Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, 1st floor, auditorium 104 (conference room). Beginning at 14.00.

Regional subject Olympiad among students of legal specialties

Regional subject Olympiad among students of legal specialtiesOn April 22, 2015 in Karaganda University "Bolashak" was conducted regional subject Olympiad among students of legal specialties, which was attended by five teams: Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilev, Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, Karaganda State University named after E.A. Buketov, Karaganda University "Bolashak" and Karaganda Academy of MIA RK. According to the results of the Olympiad team "Birlik" of KEUK, composed of students: Akshimov Ruslan Kusainova Sabina Meyrzhanova Zhanara, won the honored first place. In addition, in the contest "Блитц-опрос" Kusainova Sabina was awarded a diploma for "Operational thinking".


The purpose of the Legal Clinic is a legal assistance and legal education of the population, formation of skills to provide legal assistance to vulnerable people in students of the specialty "Jurisprudence".
Opening Hours of the Legal Clinic:
Monday - Friday 14:00 - 17:00
Our contacts:
Karaganda c., Academicheskaya str. 9, KEUK
Cabinet 203a (Refer to the LRER department, office 207)
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; Tel .: +7 (721) 2441568 (int.126)
Tasks of the Legal Clinic:
1. The provision of free legal aid to the population;
2. Increasing legal awareness of the population;
3. Ensuring access to justice in Kazakhstan, with an emphasis on the needy segment of the population;
4. Educating socially-oriented professional legal world;
5. Ensuring the educational process aimed at mastering the students practical skills of the legal profession.
Often, people in need of legal assistance, may not apply to professional lawyers for various reasons. That's why our doors are open to all in need of legal advice. We attach great importance to improving the legal literacy of our clients.

Miss and Mister FBL - 2015

Miss and Mister FBL - 2015On April 22, 2015 at the KEUK Palace of students culture was conducted the contest "Miss and Mister FBL - 2015."
The purpose of the contest: educating youth aesthetic qualities, identifying the most talented, extraordinary young boys and girls.
In the competition were attended students of various specialties of the Faculty of Business and Law. Applications for participation filed by eight young men and women, harmoniously combining external beauty with a rich inner content, which they were able to demonstrate in the competition card, intellectual competition, creativity and filled with romance - catwalk.
Jury evaluated the performance of the participants, they consisted of: specially invited professional journalists, photographers, choreographers, representatives of youth organizations.

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