Olympiad which was called “Principles of economics”

Olympiad which was called “Principles of economics” The 26th of October 2015 the department of economic theory and GLM the Faculty of Economics and Management held the intellectual Olympiad which was called "Principles of economics" in Russian and state languages among schools of the city of Karaganda.
The competition was attended by students of schools and gymnasiums, as the number 97, number 33, number 41, number 48, №52 and № 74.
According to the results the winners of I, II, III places were awarded with diplomas and valuable presents

Olympiad which was called “Principles of economics” Olympiad which was called “Principles of economics”

The following students were awarded with prizes (groups with Russian language)
1st place – Adil Akhmetov - №97
2nd place - Korobkova Alina - №97
3rd place - Slepushkina Maria - №33;
The following students were awarded with prizes (groups with Kazakh language)
1st place – Zhaggypar Aisha - №41;
2nd place - Ospanova Aizhan - №41;
3rd place - Moldabekova Nurzhamal - №41.

Also, for participation in the competition were awarded with letters of thanks from the director of schools, subject leaders, as well as all the participants.
We thank the schools for taking part in the competition on the "Principles of economics", and look forward to further cooperation!

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